Beam The Light Be The Change: When a Soldier Crys Pictorical...
Beam The Light Be The Change: When a Soldier Crys Pictorical...: This is a pictorial testament to go along with "When a Soldier Crys." I salute from my heart and my hand, those brave me...
Beam The Light Be The Change: BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL BOYS...: Oh, my beautiful boys... Well, they are no longer boys, but to a mother her son/s will always be her boys... Yes, I see them as grown ...
Beam The Light Be The Change: BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL BOYS...: Oh, my beautiful boys... Well, they are no longer boys, but to a mother her son/s will always be her boys... Yes, I see them as grown ...
A Moment so Beautiful
I had a moment in time so beautiful...
An encounter with a man whom I shall never see again...
Yet, this moment shall remain with me...
Together, we were standing for the children of the world...
And, when our eyes met we were standing for each other...
We shared a brief time together talking and sharing...
This I shall hold so dear...
There are times when you meet someone and that person captures your heart for that "moment in time..."
And what a special moment it shall forever remain to be...
My dear beloved readers I thank you so for reading my prose, my simple words, but they do come straight from my heart. If you ever have a "moment" with someone try not to let it slip away and only be a memory. Be bold and ask to see each other once again.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt
An encounter with a man whom I shall never see again...
Yet, this moment shall remain with me...
Together, we were standing for the children of the world...
And, when our eyes met we were standing for each other...
We shared a brief time together talking and sharing...
This I shall hold so dear...
There are times when you meet someone and that person captures your heart for that "moment in time..."
And what a special moment it shall forever remain to be...
My dear beloved readers I thank you so for reading my prose, my simple words, but they do come straight from my heart. If you ever have a "moment" with someone try not to let it slip away and only be a memory. Be bold and ask to see each other once again.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt
Dancing with the One You Love
There are so many nights that I lie awake wishing I was dancing with the one that I love...
Yet, he is no longer here upon this earth with me...
You see, he lives now, up in heaven, or perhaps within a rock or a tree..
This man that I loved so very much with all of my breath...
He was taken away from me, from his boys, by his early death...
My heart retains all of the memories...they never leave...
They are all in the very air, that I daily, breath...
It is so amazing that you think the person by your side will always be there...
Yet, so quickly, your bed, your home become so bare...
You wonder..."Did I tell him enough how much I loved him."
..."Did I show him enough how much I truly cared...?"
..."Did he know, how precious our life was, that we did share?"
You never think they will be gone...
That together you will see the end,...and a new life, dawn...
The man that you love has left you behind...
To face a world that is not always so kind...
How I long to be within his arms once again...
To dance together... and a new life begin...
I thank you for reading all of my beloved readers.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme) Please remember to love the person at your side always...for you never know when they will no longer be there.
Yet, he is no longer here upon this earth with me...
You see, he lives now, up in heaven, or perhaps within a rock or a tree..
This man that I loved so very much with all of my breath...
He was taken away from me, from his boys, by his early death...
My heart retains all of the memories...they never leave...
They are all in the very air, that I daily, breath...
It is so amazing that you think the person by your side will always be there...
Yet, so quickly, your bed, your home become so bare...
You wonder..."Did I tell him enough how much I loved him."
..."Did I show him enough how much I truly cared...?"
..."Did he know, how precious our life was, that we did share?"
You never think they will be gone...
That together you will see the end,...and a new life, dawn...
The man that you love has left you behind...
To face a world that is not always so kind...
How I long to be within his arms once again...
To dance together... and a new life begin...
I dedicate this post and the song "Dance with My Father" to Alexander.
"Sometimes I'd listen outside her door and hear how my mother cried for him. I pray for her even more than me..." "I know I am praying for much to much, but could you send back the only man she loved? I know You don't do it usually, but dear Lord she's dying to dance with my father again..."
My husband was my best friend, a wonderful father, and a wonderful friend to all...I miss him after all of these years with my heart and my soul. Be well my Brian Ross Bradley and know what a wonderful life you gave to me, and to Preston and Alexander. You would be so proud of them. I love you so...
I thank you for reading all of my beloved readers.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme) Please remember to love the person at your side always...for you never know when they will no longer be there.
Musical Selection Luther Vandross: "Dance with my Father"
The reason I chose this song is because I know this is what Alexander wishes for me as the line from the song above so beautifully states and because I know he wishes for all of what the song expresses.
Beam The Light Be The Change: Retaining Hope
Beam The Light Be The Change: Retaining Hope: I have some random thoughts amongst the sadness, and the power machines that be when people are fighting hard to usher peace and no long...
Beam The Light Be The Change: My Light My Truth
Beam The Light Be The Change: My Light My Truth: THIS IS MY MISSION STATEMENT FOR BEAM THE LIGHT BE THE CHANGE... I will speak the truth, search for the truth, and I will live in truth....
Beam The Light Be The Change: An Ode to the World's Children...A Pictorial
Beam The Light Be The Change: An Ode to the World's Children...A Pictorial: All of these pictures were taken in San Francisco, California, U.S.A. on August 2, 2014 This march was named "The Children ar...
An Ode to the World's Children...A Pictorial
Beam The Light Be The Change: An Ode to the World's Children...
Beam The Light Be The Change: An Ode to the World's Children...: Dear beloved children you are not forgotten... It may seem as if you are... you are not... There are so many who love and who care about you...
An Ode to the World's Children...
Dear beloved children you are not forgotten... It may seem as if you are... you are not... There are so many who love and who care about your horrendous plight... your daily fight... So many tears are falling... and so many people are calling... calling for an end to your pain and to your suffering... Many... every day are carrying signs...and marching the streets... are yelling out loud... are crying in silence... are crying out loud... So many are calling and writing your names beloved ones... you are not forgotten... You are loved... you are held so deeply in so many hearts... We stand by and feel helpless... and we pray for the day when you no longer have to cry... We want you to smile... and to play in the streets... to make sand castles in the sand... and in the sky... We want you to sit on your parent's laps to hear your favorite story... We want you to fall asleep with a gentle smile upon your face and to know that you are well loved and always safe... Dear beautiful children if we could only dry your tears... the tears of those still left here with us... and to those who are now the sweetest of little angels watching above... You are loved... You are held... You are the future... You are the WORLD...
This Ode is dedicated to all the children of the world, but especially today, to the Children at the Border (The US and Mexican Border...hoping to find their parents...or hoping to find someone to love them) and to all the children who have died in Gaza and to all of those living.
To even have to write a post as this saddens me greatly. WHY!? None of us ought stand by and allow ONE child be killed or ONE child go hungry or ONE child go unloved...WHY do I have to write this!?
Stop and think, those of you who have not given much thought to those who are hungering and who are dying...I CHALLENGE YOU TO GIVE A THOUGHT! TO GIVE A CARE!...wake up to the deep and dire troubles of the world...the world's children and not just your own.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
I also dedicate this to my own two sons...
Thank you.
Musical Selection: "We are the World" Michael Jackson and Company
We could truly use a collaboration as this right now for GAZA and for the Children at the Border...Paz y amor...
This Ode is dedicated to all the children of the world, but especially today, to the Children at the Border (The US and Mexican Border...hoping to find their parents...or hoping to find someone to love them) and to all the children who have died in Gaza and to all of those living.
To even have to write a post as this saddens me greatly. WHY!? None of us ought stand by and allow ONE child be killed or ONE child go hungry or ONE child go unloved...WHY do I have to write this!?
Stop and think, those of you who have not given much thought to those who are hungering and who are dying...I CHALLENGE YOU TO GIVE A THOUGHT! TO GIVE A CARE!...wake up to the deep and dire troubles of the world...the world's children and not just your own.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
I also dedicate this to my own two sons...
Thank you.
Musical Selection: "We are the World" Michael Jackson and Company
We could truly use a collaboration as this right now for GAZA and for the Children at the Border...Paz y amor...
Beam The Light Be The Change: MY LOVE FOR GAZA...
Beam The Light Be The Change: MY LOVE FOR GAZA...: MY LOVE FOR GAZA... IS A STRENGTH I RECEIVE FROM LA RAZA... La Raza is the race... La Raza is our human face... I received my raza...
La Raza is the race...
La Raza is our human face...
I received my raza from my parents and my grandparents...
All wonderful and amazing people...
I shall especially dedicate this post to my mother, Guadalupe Landeros Juarez Beam...
Together we would go to rallies and demonstrations to stop war, to end war, to bring awareness to all that we could...
My mother taught me to all that I should... to make this world a wonderful and a beautiful place...
Today I proudly stood for Gaza...
I marched proudly for Gaza...
I volunteered proudly for Gaza...
Within my heart of hearts, Gaza holds a very special place...
Where it began, I am not quite certain...
I simply know that a love was borne somewhere deep, behind a curtain...
Sometimes, in the crevices of our being are created passions and loves that come into fruition...
It feeds our soul as divine nutrition...
I was fed today...
I was fed and I desire to feed...
I desire for GAZA to be freed...
Today with so many others...
and, of course, with my beloved mother...
Who is in heaven above...
Today we all held high peace as the white dove...
The beginning of the rally...
The middle of the rally...
The end of the rally...
La Raza is the race...
La Raza is our human face...
I received my raza from my parents and my grandparents...
All wonderful and amazing people...
I shall especially dedicate this post to my mother, Guadalupe Landeros Juarez Beam...
Together we would go to rallies and demonstrations to stop war, to end war, to bring awareness to all that we could...
My mother taught me to all that I should... to make this world a wonderful and a beautiful place...
Today I proudly stood for Gaza...
I marched proudly for Gaza...
I volunteered proudly for Gaza...
Within my heart of hearts, Gaza holds a very special place...
Where it began, I am not quite certain...
I simply know that a love was borne somewhere deep, behind a curtain...
Sometimes, in the crevices of our being are created passions and loves that come into fruition...
It feeds our soul as divine nutrition...
I was fed today...
I was fed and I desire to feed...
I desire for GAZA to be freed...
Today with so many others...
and, of course, with my beloved mother...
Who is in heaven above...
Today we all held high peace as the white dove...
This post I dedicate not only to my lovely mother, but to all the people of Gaza and of Palestine. I also dedicate it to all of those who demonstrated love and solidarity today in San Francisco, CA, USA
I shall post some pictures of today...
The beginning of the rally...
The middle of the rally...
The end of the rally...
This is also for my dear sweet, friend Ala'a who lives in Gaza, yet I do not know, if she is alive and well for I have not heard from her in almost two weeks. I ask that you, me beloved readers pray for her and for all of my beloved Gaza...
Paz y amor, Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection:
Yusuf Islam (formerly know as Cat Stevens)
"Peace Train"
See video to follow...PAZ!
Beam The Light Be The Change: WE ARE ALL GAZA...
Beam The Light Be The Change: WE ARE ALL GAZA...: You and I...we are Gaza... We share the blood of the human race... Yet, at this moment as I write... Too many tears are steaming dow...
Beam The Light Be The Change: A Sad Heart...A lonely heart
Beam The Light Be The Change: A Sad Heart...A lonely heart: Before I commence I want you to know that tonight I shall make this as "short and sweet" or I shall say bittersweet... I alway...
A Sad Heart...A lonely heart
Before I commence I want you to know that tonight I shall make this as "short and sweet" or I shall say bittersweet...
I always believed that no matter what one could mend their broken heart...
And always begin with a fresh and beautiful start...
Yet, as each passing day goes by, I just wonder...
My heart is aching with a fierce bolt of thunder...
Perhaps there are simply some things that will just not mend...
The tears flow and seem to never end...
Yes, I do have a sad and lonely heart...
I hold it wants to fall apart...
I ponder if some wounds are simply meant to stay...
And will not go away...
These wounds are from deep life events that shall never come back...
People tell you to move on and forget the past...
But how can you forget your love for another so fast...
Beings remain embedded within...
I think that we are meant to have, these memories, in our hearts driven...
My heart many times feels light and full of joy...
And many times it feels heavy...and as a forgotten lost toy...
This broken heart may never mend...

Yet, from heaven above love it does send...
I always believed that no matter what one could mend their broken heart...
And always begin with a fresh and beautiful start...
Yet, as each passing day goes by, I just wonder...
My heart is aching with a fierce bolt of thunder...
Perhaps there are simply some things that will just not mend...
The tears flow and seem to never end...
Yes, I do have a sad and lonely heart...
I hold it wants to fall apart...
I ponder if some wounds are simply meant to stay...
And will not go away...

People tell you to move on and forget the past...
But how can you forget your love for another so fast...
Beings remain embedded within...
I think that we are meant to have, these memories, in our hearts driven...
My heart many times feels light and full of joy...
And many times it feels heavy...and as a forgotten lost toy...
This broken heart may never mend...

Yet, from heaven above love it does send...
I thank you all my beloved readers...writing and knowing that someone, somewhere is reading my deepest feelings, feels as if I am not fully alone. This to me is the greatest gift that you all give to me.
Gracias...Thank you...Merci...
Maria Juarez Beam
“For my part, I prefer my heart to be broken. It is so lovely, dawn-kaleidoscopic within the crack.”
― D.H. Lawrence
― D.H. Lawrence
Musical Selection: Mana "Hundido en un Rincon"
Beam The Light Be The Change: TEARS OF AN ANGEL...
Beam The Light Be The Change: TEARS OF AN ANGEL...: Tears of a child, of children, are falling today... Tears of children of Gaza are crying today... I am crying today... Gaza lives, y...
Tears of a child, of children, are falling today...
Tears of children of Gaza are crying today...
I am crying today...
Gaza lives, yet Gaza cries...
All of these beautiful children are ANGELS...
We have to ensure we find away...
A way to protect these lovely ANGELS...
A way to let these ANGELS know that they are safe...
A way to let these ANGELS know that they are loved...
Cry your tears little ANGELS...
Cry knowing that you are held within grace...
You cry as the bombs drop...
You cry for you are so afraid and you try so hard to be brave...
Yet, know beautiful child you are held...
You are rocked...
You are being watched and your tears are being beheld...
By an Angel, by your mother, your father, your sister, your brother...
Dear sweet angel child...
Weep and we shall weep with you, and...
Dry every tear shed...
You shall be in an angels keep...
Please keep all of these pictures within your precious hearts...
Tears of children of Gaza are crying today...
I am crying today...
Gaza lives, yet Gaza cries...
All of these beautiful children are ANGELS...
We have to ensure we find away...
A way to protect these lovely ANGELS...
A way to let these ANGELS know that they are safe...
A way to let these ANGELS know that they are loved...
Cry your tears little ANGELS...
Cry knowing that you are held within grace...
You cry as the bombs drop...
You cry for you are so afraid and you try so hard to be brave...
Yet, know beautiful child you are held...
You are rocked...
You are being watched and your tears are being beheld...
By an Angel, by your mother, your father, your sister, your brother...
Dear sweet angel child...
Weep and we shall weep with you, and...
Dry every tear shed...
You shall be in an angels keep...
Please keep all of these pictures within your precious hearts...
"Palestine Tomorrow will be Free..."
From the Song of "Palestine will be Free" Maher Zain
My love to all, Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Paz y Amor
Salam Alykom
Beam The Light Be The Change: "Sleepless Near San Francisco..."
Beam The Light Be The Change: "Sleepless Near San Francisco...": ...with so much on my mind I feel as if I am slipping somewhere behind... behind the shadows of my life... I've toiled and I hav...
"Sleepless Near San Francisco..."
...with so much on my mind
I feel as if I am slipping somewhere behind...
behind the shadows of my life...
I've toiled and I have had to endure so much strife...
And now, with this new found vibrancy and health...
I fell stealth...
So much transformation happening within and out...
I feel as if I am a brand new bean sprout...
...not quite sure of what I am facing and what I shall become...
So sometimes I just go out for a walk and I hum...
I would like to believe the words above with the moon...
That someone is dreaming of me and is in a swoon...
This would be so wonderful to be in someones dreams...
...dreams melding together as two a joining streams...
...Oh, how my eyes are so heavy...yet, my heart is light...
I have surrendered all my fears of the world into the night...
But, tomorrow shall bring another day...
How I will feel then I cannot say...
For each new dawn is so brand new...
Even each sunrise spreads lovely new hues...
...hues of color so glorious...
All of it for us...
I may even be wide awake with the next rise...
The rise of the beautiful and the lovely sun...
A new dawn, a new day, and with it a new hope...
I feel as if I am slipping somewhere behind...
behind the shadows of my life...
I've toiled and I have had to endure so much strife...
And now, with this new found vibrancy and health...
I fell stealth...
So much transformation happening within and out...

...not quite sure of what I am facing and what I shall become...
So sometimes I just go out for a walk and I hum...
I would like to believe the words above with the moon...
That someone is dreaming of me and is in a swoon...
This would be so wonderful to be in someones dreams...
...dreams melding together as two a joining streams...
...Oh, how my eyes are so heavy...yet, my heart is light...
I have surrendered all my fears of the world into the night...
But, tomorrow shall bring another day...
How I will feel then I cannot say...
For each new dawn is so brand new...
Even each sunrise spreads lovely new hues...

All of it for us...
I may even be wide awake with the next rise...
The rise of the beautiful and the lovely sun...
A new dawn, a new day, and with it a new hope...
I say to all of you my most beloved readers whether it be day or night for you...I hold each one of you deeply in my heart...awake or asleep. I thank you so for your devotion. If you only knew how much this means to me.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Suggested Musical Piece: The Beatles "I'm so Tired"
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For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
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