06 Michael Ball, Lea Salonga, A Little Fall of Rain - Les Misérables.flv
I do not own this. All credits belong to their rightful owners.
So amazingly beautiful...
Les Miserables 10th anniversiry concert FULL
I do not own this. All credits belong to their rightful owners.
Les Misérable and My Son...
Yes, this is my oldest son, when he was, about three and one half years old...I think...
Why do I start with a picture when he was so young...because, I believe that teaching your children young, about history and culture, ought begin, at almost the moment they are born. Yes, I truly do...not only, did he fall asleep in my arms, but also to Beethoven and Bach.
All along the years, I taught my boys, culture and history. My youngest son, said to me, "mom does every moment have to be a history moment!" And, I replied, "yes, it does, and you will thank me one day", and he did.
So, yes, to me, I feel it is very important, especially in our modern days, (meaning the United States) where culture has become, the latest, video game, and oh, I just got a new whatsup message...I think that is how you spell, it don't know. And, history, how many of our children know about history and the world, where a lesson about history, is an entire chapter, is about Madonna...? Yes, this is true!
Anyhow, this writing is turning out, not how I quite intended...It is about the importance of learning culture, and teaching our young, of it's importance.
Now, about Les Miserable, a novel written by, Victor Hugo, in the 19th century, and was considered the greatest of it's time.
It is a historical novel.
Why do I start with a picture when he was so young...because, I believe that teaching your children young, about history and culture, ought begin, at almost the moment they are born. Yes, I truly do...not only, did he fall asleep in my arms, but also to Beethoven and Bach.
All along the years, I taught my boys, culture and history. My youngest son, said to me, "mom does every moment have to be a history moment!" And, I replied, "yes, it does, and you will thank me one day", and he did.
So, yes, to me, I feel it is very important, especially in our modern days, (meaning the United States) where culture has become, the latest, video game, and oh, I just got a new whatsup message...I think that is how you spell, it don't know. And, history, how many of our children know about history and the world, where a lesson about history, is an entire chapter, is about Madonna...? Yes, this is true!
Anyhow, this writing is turning out, not how I quite intended...It is about the importance of learning culture, and teaching our young, of it's importance.
Now, about Les Miserable, a novel written by, Victor Hugo, in the 19th century, and was considered the greatest of it's time.
It is a historical novel.
"Les Misérables (French pronunciation: [le mizeʁabl(ə)]) is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title. However, several alternatives have been used, including The Miserables, The Wretched, The Miserable Ones, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, The Victims and The Dispossessed.[1] Beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris, the novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption."[2]
"Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. Les Misérables has been popularized through numerous adaptations for the stage, television, and film, including a musical and a film adaptation of that musical."
I personally, have seen. the musical "Les Miserables, seven times, one time, including, with my oldest son. At the time he was, I think 16 or 17. I fell in love, with the musical, from the moment I heard the very first song. It is one of the most powerful things, I have ever seen and heard, in my life. I wanted my son, to see it with me one night, in San Francisco, California, US.
What has prompted me to share this with you, well, I have been listening to music on You Tube, and, I came upon a Les Mis (short for Les Miserable) song, and listening to one of my favorite songs from the musical, " A Little Fall of Rain," I remembered that we had gone to see that together. It brought tears and smiles to me. I had forgotten that we had gone.
At, first, I did not think my son would want to go, but he did, and he was actually, quite excited about it. I made sure we got really good seats, well, the best could, for the tickets sell very fast when it comes into San Francisco. I was working in San Francisco at that time, so he met me...we had dinner at a lovely restaurant, and then off to see the musical...he actually loved it, and he even cried, at the intensity of the story, and the powerful singing. We were both crying.
I share this with you, for two reasons, wait, for three reasons, I think many of you know from previous writings, that I have not seen my sons for many years, and my heart breaks, because of this. Reason two, is that I am breaking through, at times, from being sad and heartbroken, to smiling, at the wonderful memories, that we shared together, and this is one very special memory with my oldest son. The third reason, as I stated at the beginning, the importance of teaching culture to our children, and actually taking them to cultural events.
Your children can surprise you, that they really do enjoy being taught, that you took the time, and the interest, and that it will be instilled into their, minds and hearts forever.
I made a huge break through today from turning my sadness into lovely, bittersweet joy...one step at a time...And I wanted to share this with you...
So, now with all of that said, I shall also post, the 10th Anniversary concert of Les Miserable, and The song that sparked this writing, "A Little Fall of Rain," sung by Michale Ball and Lea Salonga. It is beautiful.
Thank you so much for allowing me to share a bit of my life with you.
As always, with much love,
Maria Joan Hidalgo Juarez Beam (Boheme)
My son and I, 15 years after the picture I posted at the very beginning of this writing.
Songs to be posted:
Les Miserable 10th Anniversary Concert
And, " A Little Fall of Rain"
The Black Eyed Peas - #WHERESTHELOVE ft. The World
"Can you practice what your'e preachin' or will you turn the other cheek again..."?
I posted this song in the past, and I am reposting it today, for, it is even more relevant. I challenge all of you to hit that button and listen...and watch. This, version, of "Where's the Love," is more powerful than the first version, both performed by the Black Eyed Peas. I CHALLENGE YOU...
Their intense faces, the feeling in the singing, one can hear that it is coming straight from their hearts....the pictures all along with the song. This version has many other artists singing as well...I challenge all of you to listen to this song and really allow to sink into your mind and into your heart...seek truth...seek love...I plea you to end, listening and watching main steam media, for you are only being told, not the truth.
There are many suffering in Latin American countries because leaders are portrayed as demons and MUST be removed. These are not the demons, they are uplifting their people and what do you believe? The perpetual lies!? Why, when it is so obvious to any person with a heart, that it is greed, pure greed with no intention of uplifting the poor. In fact, they are making the poor suffer even more that when US puppets were the leaders so that they can make those that make the differences, can be toppled.....it is the same old story and I am so tired of us, people, living as if, living as if. Hell, I don't even know what to say about it anymore because I do my best to teach the truth and it seems as if now one listens.
Let us all realize that it is time to become a part of the human race and when there is suffering, no matter where,...act to end the madness. We need to stop hating other countries...hating a certain color...hating peoples from other countries...the list could go on and on. When something is wrong, and, there is much wrong going on...how can we allow this...how can we continue to be idle and let it happen without a bother.
I just want to put this out to you, if you are not acting in someway, then you are apart of horrors of war, poverty, oppression, discrimination...do you have a 401 k...? Well, guess what, a lot of that money is going into weapons manufacturing...into giant corporations who pollute the planet, that hurt farmers and who hurt many people, many people of this world. There is an alternative...check with your financial advisor...they are called, if I remember correctly, Conciseness Plans. Do you invest in the dirty stock market...?
What bank are you banking with...check what they are investing in...?
I am not preaching, I am just saying, that everyone CAN change something to make a better world...YES, YOU CAN!
"Too much killin' to much dyin'...children hurtin' and I hear them crying'..."
Yes, people are marching in the streets all over the world...for Palestine...for freedom of rights...oppression of the poor in the United States...all over the world, people are standing up for those who are suffering. This is so beautiful to see, for we haven't seen protesting like this since the 2nd invasion of Iraq by the United States. I remember at that time, thousands, millones...marching together in the streets....
... All colors, children, adults, seniors, men, woman, babies in strollers or backpacks, people in business suits, grandmas and grandpas, veterans of all ages, and people in wheel chairs...to see this unity was so beautiful, and then the bombs dropped anyhow...tragic. We wouldn't be in the mad situation, if those bombs, never had dropped, and if those that sit in the oval office, would have heard our pleas...
Unity is what we need...unity of all colors...unity of all that is wrong in this world...the HATE needs to end...and the LOVE needs to begin...
I challenge you watch and listen to the song...and make a change...
"Can you practice what your'e preachin' or will you turn the other cheek again..."
With true peace and especially love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I plan to keep this post up for awhile and will wait to put up a new one, for I want to see so many views from all over the world...I get many views from all of the world, but I want to see more for this song...for it's message is so strong and so true...
I dedicate this post to Andrea Wynn...for she and I would sing the first version together with so much love...
maher zain palestine will be free sub español
I found a Spanish subtitled version of this song by Maher Zain, Palestine will be Free...
The Intruders "I'll Always Love My Mama" (1973)
One last song to complete the Mother's Day series...:) And this one goes out to my high school friends from the awesome Disco Era 1970's...none of us will forget The Soul Train...
And, also for all my readers of this blog, who lived and loved the great era of the disco 70's. Sing and dance to this special and groovy song for mother's by the Intruders...
Irfan Makki - Mamma | Official Lyric Video
One more Mother's Song...one day late, but yet, isn't everyday, mother's day...
Irfan Makki - Palestine | Official Lyric Video
I am reposting this beautiful song for Palestine...for it is much need today and until the day, that Palestine is free once again...
A Song For Mama by Boyz 2 Men
My mama this is for you...
Guadalupe Veronica Juarez Beam...
I love you my mama...bless you from heaven above...
Something I Must Explain About Myself...
This is to you, my awesome readers from all parts of the world. of you, my awesome readers, of beamthelightbethechange. And, I thank you, for being so.
I re-read my last writing, "La Balla Que Mató Mi Hermano," the words spoken by, Subcomandante Marcos.
I edit, I reedit, I reedit again, and then I read on my blog page, and realize..."oh, Maria, seriously, what a fine job of editing you have done...) Which truly means, that I did not do a fine job at editing.
You see, I mostly write many of my posts, late in the evening, if in the day, when I am quite tired, or even several hours after I have had an epileptic attack, a seizure. I do have epilepsy, but epilepsy, does not have me. But, after reading some of my posts, I realize, well sometimes I am my epilepsy...;)
Many of you may read a post and wonder..."what is she trying to say." I laugh, as I write this, for I know it to be so very true. We could all use a little laughter, well a lot of laughter, in this world of today. So yes, I do have epilepsy, as well as, Post Traumatic Brain Disorder...oooofffff and what a disorder to have!!! I mean really...:)
Sometimes, it may be quite obvious to you, by reading one of my posts, without knowing the main reason why, the two issues that can sometimes, complicate my life, affect my life, my blog writings, which of many of you can see when reading. What can I say, I am not writing this out of pity. I am writing this to you, so that you may understand, why after editing and editing, that it still may not be quite enough editing.
I at this time, do not wish to go into how epilepsy affect my life, I have several writing related to these issues, such as, "Silent Disability...Trapped Inside of Me,..., "Why I am Posting So Many Videos," and the song, "Post Concussionist."
And, I listed some, that simply explain, who I am a human being, with out mentioning anything about epilepsy, nor Post Traumatic Brain Disorder. Yet, these writings reflect, in a sense, a bit of how my life is affected by the aforementioned. The deep and profound woman and the silly and childlike woman,
called Maria. Here are just a few, if you choose, to read. "Please Know Who I Am," I Dove Into Myself Today," "Flowers in her Hair," and, "A Woman Writing...a Woman Pensive...," and lastly, although there are many others, "The Tears That No One Sees."
If you happen to notice poor editing, now you will know why. :)
P.S. I do one day plan to go through all of my many writings and well, see if there some more reeding to do...
Once again, I thank you for allowing me to share my humans, my flaws, and who I am.
Be blessed and be well, in peace and in great love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
P.S.S. And if you happen to read some of the aforementioned readings, you will also learn why my name is sooooo long...
I re-read my last writing, "La Balla Que Mató Mi Hermano," the words spoken by, Subcomandante Marcos.
I edit, I reedit, I reedit again, and then I read on my blog page, and realize..."oh, Maria, seriously, what a fine job of editing you have done...) Which truly means, that I did not do a fine job at editing.
You see, I mostly write many of my posts, late in the evening, if in the day, when I am quite tired, or even several hours after I have had an epileptic attack, a seizure. I do have epilepsy, but epilepsy, does not have me. But, after reading some of my posts, I realize, well sometimes I am my epilepsy...;)
Many of you may read a post and wonder..."what is she trying to say." I laugh, as I write this, for I know it to be so very true. We could all use a little laughter, well a lot of laughter, in this world of today. So yes, I do have epilepsy, as well as, Post Traumatic Brain Disorder...oooofffff and what a disorder to have!!! I mean really...:)
Sometimes, it may be quite obvious to you, by reading one of my posts, without knowing the main reason why, the two issues that can sometimes, complicate my life, affect my life, my blog writings, which of many of you can see when reading. What can I say, I am not writing this out of pity. I am writing this to you, so that you may understand, why after editing and editing, that it still may not be quite enough editing.
I at this time, do not wish to go into how epilepsy affect my life, I have several writing related to these issues, such as, "Silent Disability...Trapped Inside of Me,..., "Why I am Posting So Many Videos," and the song, "Post Concussionist."
And, I listed some, that simply explain, who I am a human being, with out mentioning anything about epilepsy, nor Post Traumatic Brain Disorder. Yet, these writings reflect, in a sense, a bit of how my life is affected by the aforementioned. The deep and profound woman and the silly and childlike woman,
If you happen to notice poor editing, now you will know why. :)
P.S. I do one day plan to go through all of my many writings and well, see if there some more reeding to do...
Once again, I thank you for allowing me to share my humans, my flaws, and who I am.
Be blessed and be well, in peace and in great love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
P.S.S. And if you happen to read some of the aforementioned readings, you will also learn why my name is sooooo long...
SubComandante Marcos ★ La bala qué matò mi hermano (Sub Ita & Eng)
"La bala qué mató mi hermano." 1994 Subcomandante Marcos de Las Zapatistas (EZLN)...
"The bullet that killed my brother," is the translation of these powerful words spoken by, the most bravest of men, and the most tender of men. I share this with you, and once again, I write in red, for blood is red, and too much blood was spilled during the Zapatista uprising in the state of México...Chiapas. Chiapas, is the poorest state in México, but it wasn't always. Before it was the richest states...not wealth wise, but for it's abundance for all...all due to the indigenous of the region. There was plenty for all, and money, was of little importance.
One day came that changed their lives forever, January 1st, 1994, when the trade agreement NAFTA, which was suppose to be a trade agreement between Canada, México, and the United States...of course, those benefiting are the moguls of the United States. This "so called," agreement, has plunged much of México, into dire poverty.
Campesinos (farmers) and indigenous peoples living on fertile lands, were forced of off their land due to NAFTA...the reason why...because underneath this rich farmland, lie petroleum, and a lot of petroleum. The oligarchs wanted this petroleum, and throwing peoples off of their lands, was of no importance to them, nor the blood they spilled, those of woman, children, and of men.
I don't think, there are many, around this great big world, that know about the Zapatistas, their uprising, that in the end, was a victory, that still remains today, 34 years later, amazing, nor no about the state of Chiapas, and it's amazing beauty. I challenge you to learn more about the Zapatistas...
I was an activist for the Zapatistas, and I remember their uprising, and all that followed thus far. The most inspiring March to México City, in which thousands and thousands of the world participated and joined. And along the journey, many, from the states of México, they passed through, followed as well. Their purpose, was to bring their points of demand to the President of that time, Vincente Fox.
Their story is incredible one. A story of victory and triumph, a story of blood and tears, a story of the brave and the bold, a story that must be continued to be told.
SubComandante Marcos, was looked upon as the leader, a man, who still remains masked today, for their is a high price on his head...no outsider has ever seen his face. He is not from the state of Chiapas, and many do not know, who he truly is, nor where he came from, another state in México or a part in South America. His mystery still remains a mystery.
What is known about this masked man, is that he is from a well to do family and that he is highly educated. He learned about the struggle of the Zapatistas, and he wanted to be a part, for the oppressed indigenous Mayans who were fighting for their very right to exist. He spoke Spanish, and he learned their language in order to be a part. His eloquence, his determination, his gentleness, yet, his fierceness to create a new way of living, apart from the capitalistic way of life that dominates, was his aim. He, and his compañeras, and compañeros, achieved this new way of living, together, under the most dire, and the most dangerous of conditions.
I could say so much more about SubComandante Marcos and the Zapatistas, also know as, the EZLN, the Erjército Zapatista Liberatión National. Emilio Zapatista, was one of the leaders, along with Pancho Villa, during the Revolutión of 1910 in México. this is why the Zapatistas chose to use his name, due his steed, during the revolution, and is revered as a hero in México. This is the name came from, Emilio Zapata, hence, the Zapatistas.
Woman, were very much active and played a great role among the Zapatista movement, and some were Comandantes, and they fought side by side, with the men, and carried rifles over their shoulders, even with babies in tow. Something that they still do...for they never want to be attacked so savagely as, they were before.
The story of the EZLN, has fallen out of many, and many, who don't know their story, as of yet, but it is a very inspirational true story, that many can learn from...today. The Zapatistas is now an autonomous community, and apart from the rule of the country of México, and of any country. They run their own schools, hospitals, medical care, and raise all of their needs, and of their food.
Here are a few suggested links:
Viva las Zapatistas por siempre...
Always yours in love, peace and truth,
The Black Eyed Peas - #WHERESTHELOVE ft. The World
This is an extremely powerful version of, "Where is the Love, by the,"Black Eyed Peas."
Watch and listen...for now, is not the time,"to turn the other cheek," now is the time to face and to seek...to hold out your hand and bring peace...
"People killing...people dying...the children
hurt and I see them crying...can you practice what you preach or will you turn the other cheek..."
"People got me questioning...where is the LOVE...?"
Be BRAVE and be BOLD...for NOW...is the time for a whole new...WORLD.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
When Love Fades Away...
When love fades away...
When your heart goes astray...
When your heart is so weary...
Your soul and your spirit are much more than teary...
When your heart goes astray...
When your heart is so weary...
Your soul and your spirit are much more than teary...
When love fades away...
Your heart begs you to obey...
To obey this pain that your love is fading away...
Can you stop this love from fading...?
Can you keep this love always...?
Will it stay forever in your heart...?
Forever in the stars...?
Forever in your most precious box of treasures...?
Will it ever come back to you...?
I never wanted our love to fade away...
To all who feel their love is fading away...keep your heart strong and love will never go away...
With great love always,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection:
Sinaéd O'Connor
"Nothing Compares to You"
My love...
Billy Bragg -There Is Power In A Union
So many people who have fought for worker's rights...we much keep up the fight...
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