The Black Eyed Peas - #WHERESTHELOVE ft. The World

"Can you practice what your'e preachin' or will you turn the other cheek again..."?

I posted this song in the past, and I am reposting it today, for, it is even more relevant. I challenge all of you to hit that button and listen...and watch. This, version, of "Where's the Love," is more powerful than the first version, both performed by the Black Eyed Peas. I CHALLENGE YOU...

Their intense faces, the feeling in the singing, one can hear that it is coming straight from their hearts....the pictures all along with the song. This version has many other artists singing as well...I challenge all of you to listen to this song and really allow to sink into your mind and into your love...I plea you to end, listening and watching main steam media, for you are only being told, not the truth.

There are many suffering in Latin American countries because leaders are portrayed as demons and MUST be removed. These are not the demons, they are uplifting their people and what do you believe? The perpetual lies!? Why, when it is so obvious to any person with a heart, that it is greed, pure greed with no intention of uplifting the poor. In fact, they are making the poor suffer even more that when US puppets were the leaders so that they can make those that make the differences, can be is the same old story and I am so tired of us, people, living as if, living as if. Hell, I don't even know what to say about it anymore because I do my best to teach the truth and it seems as if now one listens.

Let us all realize that it is time to become a part of the human race and when there is suffering, no matter where,...act to end the madness. We need to stop hating other countries...hating a certain color...hating peoples from other countries...the list could go on and on. When something is wrong, and, there is much wrong going can we allow can we continue to be idle and let it happen without a bother. 

I just want to put this out to you, if you are not acting in someway, then you are apart of horrors of war, poverty, oppression, you have a 401 k...? Well, guess what, a lot of that money is going into weapons manufacturing...into giant corporations who pollute the planet, that hurt farmers and who hurt many people, many people of this world. There is an alternative...check with your financial advisor...they are called, if I remember correctly, Conciseness Plans. Do you invest in the dirty stock market...?

What bank are you banking with...check what they are investing in...?

I am not preaching, I am just saying, that everyone CAN change something to make a better world...YES, YOU CAN!

"Too much killin' to much dyin'...children hurtin' and I hear them crying'..."

Yes, people are marching in the streets all over the world...for Palestine...for freedom of rights...oppression of the poor in the United States...all over the world, people are standing up for those who are suffering. This is so beautiful to see, for we haven't seen protesting like this since the 2nd invasion of Iraq by the United States. I remember at that time, thousands, millones...marching together in the streets....

... All colors, children, adults, seniors, men, woman, babies in strollers or backpacks, people in business suits, grandmas and grandpas, veterans of all ages, and people in wheel see this unity was so beautiful, and then the bombs dropped anyhow...tragic. We wouldn't be in the mad situation, if those bombs, never had dropped, and if those that sit in the oval office, would have heard our pleas...

Unity is what we need...unity of all colors...unity of all that is wrong in this world...the HATE needs to end...and the LOVE needs to begin...

I challenge you watch and listen to the song...and make a change...

"Can you practice what your'e preachin' or will you turn the other cheek again..."

With true peace and especially love,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

I plan to keep this post up for awhile and will wait to put up a new one, for I want to see so many views from all over the world...I get many views from all of the world, but I want to see more for this song...for it's message is so strong and so true...

I dedicate this post to Andrea Wynn...for she and I would sing the first version together with so much love...

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.