SubComandante Marcos ★ La bala qué matò mi hermano (Sub Ita & Eng)

"La bala qué mató mi hermano." 1994 Subcomandante Marcos de Las Zapatistas (EZLN)...

"The bullet that killed my brother," is the translation of these powerful words spoken by, the most bravest of men, and the most tender of men. I share this with you, and once again, I write in red, for blood is red, and too much blood was spilled during the Zapatista uprising in the state of México...Chiapas. Chiapas, is the poorest state in México, but it wasn't always. Before it was the richest states...not wealth wise, but for it's abundance for all...all due to the indigenous of the region. There was plenty for all, and money, was of little importance. 

One day came that changed their lives forever, January 1st, 1994, when the trade agreement NAFTA, which was suppose to be a trade agreement between Canada, México, and the United States...of course, those benefiting are the moguls of the United States. This "so called," agreement, has plunged much of México, into dire poverty. 

Campesinos (farmers) and indigenous peoples living on fertile lands, were forced of off their land due to NAFTA...the reason why...because underneath this rich farmland, lie petroleum, and a lot of petroleum. The oligarchs wanted this petroleum, and throwing peoples off of their lands, was of no importance to them, nor the blood they spilled, those of woman, children, and of men. 

I don't think, there are many, around this great big world, that know about the Zapatistas, their uprising, that in the end, was a victory, that still remains today, 34 years later, amazing, nor no about the state of Chiapas, and it's amazing beauty. I challenge you to learn more about the Zapatistas...

I was an activist for the Zapatistas, and I remember their uprising, and all that followed thus far. The most inspiring March to México City, in which thousands and thousands of the world participated and joined. And along the journey, many, from the states of México, they passed through, followed as well. Their purpose, was to bring their points of demand to the President of that time, Vincente Fox.  

Their story is incredible one. A story of victory and triumph, a story of blood and tears, a story of the brave and the bold, a story that must be continued to be told.

SubComandante Marcos, was looked upon as the leader, a man, who still remains masked today, for their is a high price on his outsider has ever seen his face. He is not from the state of Chiapas, and many do not know, who he truly is, nor where he came from, another state in México or a part in South America. His mystery still remains a mystery. 

What is known about this masked man, is that he is from a well to do family and that he is highly educated. He learned about the struggle of the Zapatistas, and he wanted to be a part, for the oppressed indigenous Mayans who were fighting for their very right to exist. He spoke Spanish, and he learned their language in order to be a part. His eloquence, his determination, his gentleness, yet, his fierceness to create a new way of living, apart from the capitalistic way of life that dominates, was his aim. He, and his compañeras, and compañeros, achieved this new way of living, together, under the most dire, and the most dangerous of conditions.

I could say so much more about SubComandante Marcos and the Zapatistas, also know as, the EZLN, the Erjército Zapatista Liberatión National.  Emilio Zapatista, was one of the leaders, along with Pancho Villa, during the Revolutión of 1910 in México. this is why the Zapatistas chose to use his name, due his steed, during the revolution, and is revered as a hero in México. This is the name came from, Emilio Zapata, hence, the Zapatistas.

Woman, were very much active and played a great role among the Zapatista movement, and some were Comandantes, and they fought side by side, with the men, and carried rifles over their shoulders, even with babies in tow. Something that they still do...for they never want to be attacked so savagely as, they were before.

...not only did they want to protect their children, but the community as well. The soldiers, and the Government of México, along with the United States Government (The US supplied the weaponry and much more) were fiercely determined to wipe them out of existence. They failed. 

The story of the EZLN, has fallen out of many, and many, who don't know their story, as of yet, but it is a very inspirational true story, that many can learn The Zapatistas is now an autonomous community, and apart from the rule of the country of México, and of any country. They run their own schools, hospitals, medical care, and raise all of their needs, and of their food.

"La bala que mató mi hermano," are powerful words that come from a powerful man...SubComandante Marcos. Please learn their story, their struggle, and of their victory for a world, that is engulfed in selfishness, power, money, and greed. 

Here are a few suggested links:

Viva las Zapatistas por siempre...

Always yours in love, peace and truth,

Maria Joan Hidalgo Juarez Beam (Boheme

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