Les Misérable and My Son...

Yes, this is my oldest son, when he was, about three and one half years old...I think...

Why do I start with a picture when he was so young...because, I believe that teaching your children young, about history and culture, ought begin, at almost the moment they are born. Yes, I truly do...not only, did he fall asleep in my arms, but also to Beethoven and Bach.

All along the years, I taught my boys, culture and history. My youngest son, said to me, "mom does every moment have to be a history moment!" And, I replied, "yes, it does, and you will thank me one day", and he did. 

So, yes, to me, I feel it is very important, especially in our modern days, (meaning the United States) where culture has become, the latest, video game, and oh, I just got a new whatsup message...I think that is how you spell, it don't know. And, history, how many of our children know about history and the world, where a lesson about history, is an entire chapter, is about Madonna...? Yes, this is true!

Anyhow, this writing is turning out, not how I quite intended...It is about the importance of learning culture, and teaching our young, of it's importance. 

Now, about Les Miserable, a novel written by, Victor Hugo, in the 19th century, and was considered the greatest of it's time.
 It is a historical novel.

"Les Misérables (French pronunciation: ​[le mizeʁabl(ə)]) is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title. However, several alternatives have been used, including The MiserablesThe WretchedThe Miserable OnesThe Poor OnesThe Wretched PoorThe Victims and The Dispossessed.[1] Beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris, the novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption."[2]

"Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophyantimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. Les Misérables has been popularized through numerous adaptations for the stage, television, and film, including a musical and a film adaptation of that musical."


I personally, have seen. the musical "Les Miserables, seven times, one time, including, with my oldest son. At the time he was, I think 16 or 17. I fell in love, with the musical, from the moment I heard the very first song. It is one of the most powerful things, I have ever seen and heard, in my life. I wanted my son, to see it with me one night, in San Francisco, California, US.

What has prompted me to share this with you, well, I have been listening to music on You Tube, and, I came upon a Les Mis (short for Les Miserable) song, and listening to one of my favorite songs from the musical, " A Little Fall of Rain," I remembered that we had gone to see that together. It brought tears and smiles to me. I had forgotten that we had gone.

At, first, I did not think my son would want to go, but he did, and he was actually, quite excited about it. I made sure we got really good seats, well, the best could, for the tickets sell very fast when it comes into San Francisco. I was working in San Francisco at that time, so he met me...we had dinner at a lovely restaurant, and then off to see the musical...he actually loved it, and he even cried, at the intensity of the story, and the powerful singing. We were both crying.

I share this with you, for two reasons, wait, for three reasons, I think many of you know from previous writings, that I have not seen my sons for many years, and my heart breaks, because of this. Reason two, is that I am breaking through, at times, from being sad and heartbroken, to smiling, at the wonderful memories, that we shared together, and this is one very special memory with my oldest son. The third reason, as I stated at the beginning, the importance of teaching culture to our children, and actually taking them to cultural events. 

Your children can surprise you, that they really do enjoy being taught, that you took the time, and the interest, and that it will be instilled into their, minds and hearts forever.

I made a huge break through today from turning my sadness into lovely, bittersweet joy...one step at a time...And I wanted to share this with you...

So, now with all of that said, I shall also post, the 10th Anniversary concert of Les Miserable,  and The song that sparked this writing, "A Little Fall of Rain," sung by Michale Ball and Lea Salonga. It is beautiful. 

Thank you so much for allowing me to share a bit of my life with you. 

As always, with much love,

Maria Joan Hidalgo Juarez Beam (Boheme)

My son and I, 15 years after the picture I posted at the very beginning of this writing.

Songs to be posted:

Les Miserable 10th Anniversary Concert

And, " A Little Fall of Rain"

1 comment:

  1. I have only seen the movie version and it made cry, as well as reflect upon the great achivenments of the labour movements in Europe during last century.


Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.