Something I Must Explain About Myself...

This is to you, my awesome readers from all parts of the world. of you, my awesome readers, of beamthelightbethechange. And, I thank you, for being so.

I re-read my last writing, "La Balla Que Mató Mi Hermano," the words spoken by, Subcomandante Marcos.

I edit, I reedit, I reedit again, and then I read on my blog page, and realize..."oh, Maria, seriously, what a fine job of editing you have done...) Which truly means, that I did not do a fine job at editing.

You see, I mostly write many of my posts, late in the evening, if in the day, when I am quite tired, or even several hours after I have had an epileptic attack, a seizure. I do have epilepsy, but epilepsy, does not have me. But, after reading some of my posts, I realize, well sometimes I am my epilepsy...;)

Many of you may read a post and wonder..."what is she trying to say." I laugh, as I write this, for I know it to be so very true. We could all use a little laughter, well a lot of laughter, in this world of today. So yes, I do have epilepsy, as well as, Post Traumatic Brain Disorder...oooofffff and what a disorder to have!!! I mean really...:)

Sometimes, it may be quite obvious to you, by reading one of my posts, without knowing the main reason why, the two issues that can sometimes, complicate my life, affect my life, my blog writings, which of many of you can see when reading. What can I say, I am not writing this out of pity. I am writing this to you, so that you may understand, why after editing and editing, that it still may not be quite enough editing.

I at this time, do not wish to go into how epilepsy affect my life,  I have several writing related to these issues, such as, "Silent Disability...Trapped Inside of Me,..., "Why I am Posting So Many Videos," and the song, "Post Concussionist." 

And, I listed some, that simply explain, who I am a human being, with out mentioning anything about epilepsy, nor Post Traumatic Brain Disorder. Yet, these writings reflect, in a sense, a bit of how my life is affected by the aforementioned. The deep and profound woman and the silly and childlike woman,

called Maria. Here are just a few, if you choose, to read. "Please Know Who I Am," I Dove Into Myself Today," "Flowers in her Hair," and, "A Woman Writing...a Woman Pensive...," and lastly, although there are many others, "The Tears That No One Sees." 

If you happen to notice poor editing, now you will know why. :) 

P.S. I do one day plan to go through all of my many writings and well, see if there some more reeding to do...

Once again, I thank you for allowing me to share my humans, my flaws, and who I am.

Be blessed and be well, in peace and in great love,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

P.S.S. And if you happen to read some of the aforementioned readings, you will also learn why my name is sooooo long...

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