George Michael - Praying For Time (Official Video)
George Michael - Heal The Pain (Video) (Remastered)
Bethlehem Bible College Choir O Little Town of Bethlehem
EP.824: Ex-Mayor of Bethlehem: Israel Enforcing Christian Exodus From Be...
Oh little town of Bethlehem - The real Palestine at Christmas
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Last Christmas - Official Trailer/Last Christmas...This Birthday
With great love and affection for all,
Maria Joan Hidalgo Juarez Beam (Boheme)
❝Beautiful Boy❞ - John Lennon ; Sub español
Luther Vandross - The Impossible Dream (Official Live) An Evening of Son...
It is a New Time to Fly
I believe, that there are no, certain words, to fully explain, grief. Grief occurs for different reasons, not only death. Although, the loss of anything, that was love, caring, being needed, having purpose, can plunge ones soul, into a very deep place of grief.
My life, has radically changed, over the past 10 years, in ways, I never would have imagined. If I had read a book, about my future life, I would have felt, as if it were fiction. Yet, it has turned out to be fact, facts, that have placed me, into a position, of intense grieving, for all of these years.
It is exhausting. I am fully and utterly exhausted. I no longer, want to live, in this state of perpetual grieving. I want to feel alive and vibrant once again. But, it is not easy. It is going to be, one of the most difficult things, I have had to do in my life, and I have had, to live through many difficult things, but this will be the hardest, to finally let go of the pain and the hurt...that has been my constant companion.
This process, I have decided to go through, has finally come to me this night. I no longer want my heart, feeling shredded and bleeding. I need to write a new story, and a story, just for me. Not for my children, not for those whom, I loved in my life, not for those whom, have passed before me, not for what I dreamed of, in my older years. No, this story is to be a beginning, for my life.
Marc Puig feat. Maria Collado - To Start Anew
Annie Lennox & Al Green - Put A Little Love In Your Heart [HQ]
Regina Spektor - "Bleeding Heart" [Official Music Video]
Catch Those Falling Stars
It has been well over a month since I have last written...
I am so amazed at how many people have read my writings since I have been recovering...
Thank you...!
It means so much to me, and you, my readers, are finding posts that I made in the past, that I didn't even recall, that I had posted them...
If you had any idea how this makes me a word, AMAZING!!! 😊💗😊
Well, I was taken aback, when I checked my stats, after being away for so long, that I deterred from the title...
So, now stirring back...
Many of your know, or perhaps do not, that I have what is called, Traumatic Brain Injury, and I also, have what is called retractable epilepsy...
Retractable epilepsy, basically means, that I do not have seizure control, even with the taking of medications...
And, due to this, I fall a lot, and I also, hit my head a lot, as well...just about the time that I am recovering, I seem to fall again...
So, hence, the Traumatic Brain Injury...
My brain, due to the damage from the falls, is atrophying, it is shrinking...
Every single hormone produced in my brain are in haywire, as are my neurons...
I have spent oh, I don't know, the last, ten years of my existence, living with this pattern in my life...
And, with every fall, I lose a bit more of what I was capable of doing...
To get back up, from a fall, gets a bit harder and harder each time...
But even through the darkest of moments, of the healing process, I somehow, find a way, to get back up and just keep going...the very best that I can...
This last fall happened at the beginning of August, 2020, I was in my yard, looking up at the stars...
And, tripped, when I came to the cement part, my patio...It was pretty darn cold, and I hit hard...
Though the mercy of the heavens, my neighbor heard my scream and crying...I could not get myself up...
She literally, climbed over the brick wall, that stands between our yards, incredible!
The remainder of the family come over, and they checked me over, and knew that I needed an ambulance...
I really, really, despise going to the hospital, for I have had to do so, far too many times over these years...
I left it in their hands...I had no other choice...
While waiting for the ambulance, I could see the sky...
I could see a massive amount of stars...I could reach them...I could touch them...
I was going into a shock, and also, into, what is called, status epilepticcus...
But I kept my eyes on the stars...those amazing and brilliant stars, that shine every night, in the magnificent sky...
I was unconscious in the ambulance, but it is amazing, what one can feel in a state of unconsciousness...
You know what is happening, but you cannot speak, you cannot respond, even though inside, you are calling out...
You can feel everything that is happening...It is a surreal experience...
I was coming pretty close to death in that ambulance...
But the woman attending me, was incredible, and she kept me alive until I got to the hospital...
After that, I don't remember very much, except that, there must have been, a lot of nurses and doctors, around me, desperately attempting, to get a needle in my veins...
I have very delicate veins, and it is very hard, to encounter a vein, that will allow the needle to penetrate...
This is due, to my hundreds of visits, to emergency rooms and hospital stays, over these ten plus years...
Status epilepticcus is a life threatening condition...this is why the staff was all over me trying to get that needle give me the medication that I needed to keep me alive...
They did...Bravo! They did it...!!!
It was if the Covid didn't even exist...their goal was to save my life...
The time, that I was in this state of animation, I kept seeing the stars...
I truly thought, that I would be, joining them soon...
My star, I felt, was waiting for me...
"From the stars we came and to the stars we must return..." Jack Campbell-Relentless
Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.

One of the most powerful and haunting songs I have ever heard about Palestine. Djamy Ross, sings with such conviction and intensity, that on...
I recently discovered something about me... I am not quite not ready to let love in again... This is a healthy thing indeed... As many of yo...
WE ALL NEED HEALING I decided, that since, I am writing about war and my personal experience right now, that I would add this healing music...
Thank you Tupac Shakur for your music and your words during your short time on this planet... Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
This has got to be one of the best songs, "Love Train" by the O´Jays, that came out, of the 70´s Disco Era, and there are sooooo m...
Frozen in Time It seems that all little boys... Play with their toy guns... Whether it is store bought... Or a stick, that for them, is jus...
I just have to share this video with all of you, my most beloved readers...I have been pretty sad all day and I ran across this video of ...
There was a time when this wondrous human being walked this earth. He was a great inspiration for so many. He still remains an inspiration. ...
For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
First, to note, I have been writing a series about war, but I am going to steer away temporarily. I find it necessary for my soul to do so ...