With miles of sand and rock
To which into your heart are insert
The desert is a beautiful and amazing place.
Full of life and stars a plenty in the night.
Yet, if alone there are no people within your space.
The heart can feel so cold and away from inside yourself.
Snow falls upon the heart that is wandering the desert alone.
The tears turn into snowflakes searching for the shelf.
The shelf of a life it once knew...and cannot forget.
It is a heavy heart pushing through life daily.
This heart desires so to be re-lit.

By the fires of life, of love, of beauty.
By beauty and love...
Sometimes, oft times the heart needs time to heal, to mend.
Losses, so many losses to endure and one day the heart shall soar as a dove.
When that shall be I am not certain.
I sit with this heart and do what I can to mend whilst it is in the desert.
Waiting for it to comeback to its place and I can finally pull back the curtain.
Maria Juarez Beam
Musical Selection: "Como te Extrano Corazon" by Mana
This poem and song is dedicated to Brian Ross Bradley, my husband 1959-2003
My mother, Guadalupe Landeros Hidalgo Beam, 1929-2007
My father, Robert Terrance Beam, 1930-2009
My son Preston
My son Alexander
I love and miss all of you, hearts of mine...