Beam The Light Be The Change: "Sleepless Near San Francisco..."
Beam The Light Be The Change: "Sleepless Near San Francisco...": ...with so much on my mind I feel as if I am slipping somewhere behind... behind the shadows of my life... I've toiled and I hav...
"Sleepless Near San Francisco..."
...with so much on my mind
I feel as if I am slipping somewhere behind...
behind the shadows of my life...
I've toiled and I have had to endure so much strife...
And now, with this new found vibrancy and health...
I fell stealth...
So much transformation happening within and out...
I feel as if I am a brand new bean sprout...
...not quite sure of what I am facing and what I shall become...
So sometimes I just go out for a walk and I hum...
I would like to believe the words above with the moon...
That someone is dreaming of me and is in a swoon...
This would be so wonderful to be in someones dreams...
...dreams melding together as two a joining streams...
...Oh, how my eyes are so heavy...yet, my heart is light...
I have surrendered all my fears of the world into the night...
But, tomorrow shall bring another day...
How I will feel then I cannot say...
For each new dawn is so brand new...
Even each sunrise spreads lovely new hues...
...hues of color so glorious...
All of it for us...
I may even be wide awake with the next rise...
The rise of the beautiful and the lovely sun...
A new dawn, a new day, and with it a new hope...
I feel as if I am slipping somewhere behind...
behind the shadows of my life...
I've toiled and I have had to endure so much strife...
And now, with this new found vibrancy and health...
I fell stealth...
So much transformation happening within and out...

...not quite sure of what I am facing and what I shall become...
So sometimes I just go out for a walk and I hum...
I would like to believe the words above with the moon...
That someone is dreaming of me and is in a swoon...
This would be so wonderful to be in someones dreams...
...dreams melding together as two a joining streams...
...Oh, how my eyes are so heavy...yet, my heart is light...
I have surrendered all my fears of the world into the night...
But, tomorrow shall bring another day...
How I will feel then I cannot say...
For each new dawn is so brand new...
Even each sunrise spreads lovely new hues...

All of it for us...
I may even be wide awake with the next rise...
The rise of the beautiful and the lovely sun...
A new dawn, a new day, and with it a new hope...
I say to all of you my most beloved readers whether it be day or night for you...I hold each one of you deeply in my heart...awake or asleep. I thank you so for your devotion. If you only knew how much this means to me.
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Suggested Musical Piece: The Beatles "I'm so Tired"
Beam The Light Be The Change: It's all about LOVE, LIFE, AND JOY
Beam The Light Be The Change: It's all about LOVE, LIFE, AND JOY: The joy of life and love... For me today it was as heaven above... Yet, heaven was here with me... I felt so amazingly free... I c...
It's all about LOVE, LIFE, AND JOY
The joy of life and love...
For me today it was as heaven above...
Yet, heaven was here with me...
I felt so amazingly free...
I can feel my life transforming...
I can feel my spirit and body soaring...
My epilepsy no longer controls me, I control it...
And my body is now it's own...
It no longer feels as if it is on loan...
I loved life with great
JOY today...
I took photos around my neighborhood...
I sent birthday wishes to beloved friends...
I cooked, I cleaned, and I took a walk...
A walk that turned into a light jog...
The light jog turned into a run...
The run turned into a sprint...
All on a torn up and beat up knee...!
I felt such great love for the world...

I felt such great love for friends...
I felt such great love for me...
What a sensation this came to be...
I found joy in the simplest of pleasures...
In a tree of apricots I found treasures...
And these treasures became a delicious apricot pie...
Sweet children exploring their world...
Maria exploring the world...
With fresh eyes, a SMILE, an alert mind, a stronger body,and a passion evermore so for LIFE...
LOVE has filled me up today...
Love is ever so the greatest gift upon earth...
Love is the strongest force upon earth...

Love is.....LOVE...try it on, one size fits all...
And all shall live in gentle beauty...with peaceful waters...
And all shall live as ONE as it is meant to be...
We are all and shall be free...
For me today it was as heaven above...
Yet, heaven was here with me...
I felt so amazingly free...

I can feel my spirit and body soaring...
My epilepsy no longer controls me, I control it...
And my body is now it's own...
It no longer feels as if it is on loan...
I loved life with great
JOY today...

I sent birthday wishes to beloved friends...
I cooked, I cleaned, and I took a walk...
A walk that turned into a light jog...
The light jog turned into a run...
The run turned into a sprint...
All on a torn up and beat up knee...!
I felt such great love for the world...

I felt such great love for friends...
I felt such great love for me...
What a sensation this came to be...
I found joy in the simplest of pleasures...
In a tree of apricots I found treasures...
And these treasures became a delicious apricot pie...
Sweet children exploring their world...
Maria exploring the world...
With fresh eyes, a SMILE, an alert mind, a stronger body,and a passion evermore so for LIFE...
LOVE has filled me up today...
Love is ever so the greatest gift upon earth...
Love is the strongest force upon earth...

Love is.....LOVE...try it on, one size fits all...
And all shall live in gentle beauty...with peaceful waters...
And all shall live as ONE as it is meant to be...
We are all and shall be free...
This post tonight was inspired by the past two days. Since my surgery to help with my epilepsy each day has been a struggling and growing process. I finally feel as if I am now producing fruit. It feels wonderful. I thank Cyberonics and their wonderful team that was with me and are still with me. I thank my neurosurgeon...she is amazing! I thank my neurologist, I thank my dear friend Angela for without her all of this may have never come to be. I thank my sons and my brother Mark, I thank all of my Facebook friends who showered my with such love, support, and concern. I thank the entire surgical team, especially my surgical nurse, Joan.I thank all in the past who have struggled along with me and helped me when I could not help myself. I thank my wonderful University of the Pacific for always believing in me. I thank Dr. Perkner. I thank all who have sent prayers. I thank all...
My dearest and beloved readers. I thank you so for reading. You give me such joy that you cannot even imagine. I thank each and everyone of you who read my writings. Some are simple and some are powerful and filled with passion. I have passion for those who struggle. I know what is like to struggle in so many ways and having overcoming many, many a hurdle and especially this biggest one of all my epilepsy. It is not cured, but it is now manageable, which it was not before.
So I thank you from all of my heart....
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Suggested Musical Piece:
Earth Wind & Fire
"Sing a Song
All Photos and words of "it's all about LOVE, LIFE, JOY are works by Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
All Photos and words of "it's all about LOVE, LIFE, JOY are works by Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Beam The Light Be The Change: LIES, DECEPTION, DECEIT...LIVING IN THE US of A Pa...
It is done, I hope...:) Beam The Light Be The Change: LIES, DECEPTION, DECEIT...LIVING IN THE US of A Pa...: I realized after writing LIES, DECEPTION, AND DECEIT...that I had left out those within our own country, the United States of America, t...
Beam The Light Be The Change: LIES, DECEPTION, DECEIT...LIVING IN THE US of A Pa...
Beam The Light Be The Change: LIES, DECEPTION, DECEIT...LIVING IN THE US of A Pa...: I realized after writing LIES, DECEPTION, AND DECEIT...that I had left out those within our own country, the United States of America, t...
I realized after writing LIES, DECEPTION, AND DECEIT...that I had left out those within our own country, the United States of America, the invisible, the unseen, the known, yet unknown, the forgotten. The poverty, the despair, the racism, the "Minute Man" waiting to shoot an immigrant crossing the U.S.-Mexican Border, the homelessness,
the uninsured, the under-insured, the under-educated, the ill, the elderly, the disabled, the barrios, the ghettos...the American Indian reservations, which all are a mostly hidden, yet sometimes exposed existence.
These are all grave and serious blights upon our country and many of those in power would rather not care to face and look upon what is broken, hurt, and oft times powerless, due to the decisions that they make on Senate floors, Congressional Committee hearings, upon State Assembly boardrooms.
Veterans living upon the streets, waiting for health care, coming back from war forever transformed, waiting for education, missing limbs, post traumatic stress can we do this to those who fought and served. These men and women felt as if they were doing their duty...yet, what do they come home to in return for their service, many, oh so many, not all, but sadly, many.
I picked up a magazine the other day, "Positively Aware." It is a magazine I never knew existed and what caught my attention was the headline article which was upon the cover, along with a striking African American male's face. Here is what it says:
This title and the man's face really struck a string, a fiber upon my heart. I have not yet fully read the article. I do, of course, plan to do so. I felt ashamed that I was unaware of this serious problem within the HIV Community of the deep south. The HIV rate is in comparison to sub-Saharan Africa...and startling. Many of these people are unable to pay the insurance premiums, even with ObamaCare. This means that vital drugs and treatments
are unavailable to the vulnerable HIV population. The deep south is facing a big problem here, but also large cities such as Chicago and Detroit face the same.
Detroit has faced shut off of waters by corporations who have privatized the water making incredibly expensive for the poor or even the middle class to pay. It is being called "Apartheid in Detroit."
In Chicago many a building goes unoccupied, vacant, and the projects become poorer and poorer and little money goes into education. The student becomes apathetic and in their deepest of hearts they feel no it's anger, drugs, violence, gangs...they feel as if no one cares.
We have the same in many a big city here in the US of A, Philadelphia, LA aka Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York. There are so many without health insurance, inadequate pay for a high cost of living, unhealthy living conditions, police violence and discrimination, racism, homelessness, poverty levels, and hunger. Child violence and rape...We have gun violence, school shootings, shopping mall shootings, yes, here in the US of A.
Then of course, we have our Indian Reservations (I did a small piece about the American Indian Reservations and a pictorial in "Welcome to the Rez." For that is what the American Indian has named "their home." It is a mainly dismal picture on many a reservation, our First Peoples, it is a shameful mark upon our history and currently. Corporations still wish to rob the resources on the lands of the American Indian. The government still continues to disregard treaties from many years ago. I could write so much more, an entire piece...which is on my list. It is heartbreaking.
We have a government that is mainly corrupt and in the pockets of big money. "We the People, is "They the Money." Yet, hope does remain for grassroots movements are springing up. I am proud to say that the Occupy Wall Street Movement began here in the US of A. Many other Occupy groups are all over the country and all over the world. There are a multitude of peoples now speaking up and no longer care for how our country has evolved.
Simon Bolivar,
I say let the people rise up from the ashes. It is written in our Declaration of Independence that it is our DUTY to overthrow an unservable and corrupt government. So people rising is not "un-American", as so many think, it is "un-american" not to do so! Just to let you know I do not care for calling the United States "America." I feel that it is insulting to Canada and to all of Latin America. I am a rebel and to be a rebel takes courage and I believe that we need that courage here in the US of A, now more than ever...will you rise up in courage with me...?
“The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty” Simon Bolivar
“The first duty of a government is to give education to the people” Simon Bolivar
the uninsured, the under-insured, the under-educated, the ill, the elderly, the disabled, the barrios, the ghettos...the American Indian reservations, which all are a mostly hidden, yet sometimes exposed existence.
These are all grave and serious blights upon our country and many of those in power would rather not care to face and look upon what is broken, hurt, and oft times powerless, due to the decisions that they make on Senate floors, Congressional Committee hearings, upon State Assembly boardrooms.
Veterans living upon the streets, waiting for health care, coming back from war forever transformed, waiting for education, missing limbs, post traumatic stress can we do this to those who fought and served. These men and women felt as if they were doing their duty...yet, what do they come home to in return for their service, many, oh so many, not all, but sadly, many.
I picked up a magazine the other day, "Positively Aware." It is a magazine I never knew existed and what caught my attention was the headline article which was upon the cover, along with a striking African American male's face. Here is what it says:
This title and the man's face really struck a string, a fiber upon my heart. I have not yet fully read the article. I do, of course, plan to do so. I felt ashamed that I was unaware of this serious problem within the HIV Community of the deep south. The HIV rate is in comparison to sub-Saharan Africa...and startling. Many of these people are unable to pay the insurance premiums, even with ObamaCare. This means that vital drugs and treatments
are unavailable to the vulnerable HIV population. The deep south is facing a big problem here, but also large cities such as Chicago and Detroit face the same.
Detroit has faced shut off of waters by corporations who have privatized the water making incredibly expensive for the poor or even the middle class to pay. It is being called "Apartheid in Detroit."
In Chicago many a building goes unoccupied, vacant, and the projects become poorer and poorer and little money goes into education. The student becomes apathetic and in their deepest of hearts they feel no it's anger, drugs, violence, gangs...they feel as if no one cares.
We have the same in many a big city here in the US of A, Philadelphia, LA aka Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York. There are so many without health insurance, inadequate pay for a high cost of living, unhealthy living conditions, police violence and discrimination, racism, homelessness, poverty levels, and hunger. Child violence and rape...We have gun violence, school shootings, shopping mall shootings, yes, here in the US of A.

Simon Bolivar,
I say let the people rise up from the ashes. It is written in our Declaration of Independence that it is our DUTY to overthrow an unservable and corrupt government. So people rising is not "un-American", as so many think, it is "un-american" not to do so! Just to let you know I do not care for calling the United States "America." I feel that it is insulting to Canada and to all of Latin America. I am a rebel and to be a rebel takes courage and I believe that we need that courage here in the US of A, now more than ever...will you rise up in courage with me...?
“The United States appear to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty” Simon Bolivar
“The first duty of a government is to give education to the people” Simon Bolivar
Beam The Light Be The Change: Beam The Light Be The Change: Beam The Light Be Th...
Beam The Light Be The Change: Beam The Light Be The Change: Beam The Light Be Th...: Beam The Light Be The Change: Beam The Light Be The Change: I Dove Into Myself T... : Beam The Light Be The Change: I Dove Into Myself Today...
Beam The Light Be The Change: Where Have You Gone Mi Amor...
Beam The Light Be The Change: Where Have You Gone Mi Amor...: Each day I search for you, mi amor.. Where have you gone, mi amor...? Why have you disappeared...mi amor...? I found you and he...
Beam The Light Be The Change: LIES, DECEPTION, DECEIT...LIVING IN THE US OF A: Deception US of A... How many here in our country wish to face it...? There are the wise coming to rise... Occupy...Anonymous...Envi...
Deception US of A...
How many here in our country wish to face it...?
There are the wise coming to rise...
Occupy...Anonymous...Environmentalists, intellectuals, the person on the street, Al Gore, Noam Chomsky, oh so many more I could list...
But you, are YOU ready to face the lies, deception, and, deceit...?
We have, far too long, here in the US of A lived life quite so well...
Each day we can go shopping and get our receipt...
A receipt with many invisible faces that we never shall meet...
Coups in the Ukraine, Crimeana, South America...
Drones striking overhead in Pakistan, Bahrain, Yemen...
Do we care to look at the faces of these woman, children, and men...
Sweatshops...Mexico, El Salvador, Bangladesh, China, India...
Food upon our tables at the expense of peasant farmers thrown off their lands in Mexico, Chili, Bolivia, Peru...Immigrant workers....
This is all for me, and for you...
Countries held at a neck's grip for having the oil that we suck dry...
Iraq, Libya, Mexico, South America, the Antarctic ( a Continent this I know...bleeding in it's white snow) any county around the Caspian Sea, the Amazon, the Middle East...
All for you, and, for me...
Our soldiers, our children set out to feel as if they are defending our land...
Yet, what a fallacy that one day they learn, perhaps when their legs have been burned...
These men and women take their own lives you know...!?
Civilians around the world suffering at the expense of "Westernized' ways...
Can we continue to live with this each and everyday...?
Can we continue to live with this, oblivious, within our minds, to the blood upon our hands...?
I cannot...and you...?
I speak to you, not so you believe each and every simple word that I for the truth within hearts and not within our bought out media...
Pick up an Occupy Encyclopedia...!?
Or one that will give you a different source...a different perspective...
Forget the station on your television screen...
They have been bought out by big media...
Do you really want to hear the #@*%$ that they continue to ring...!?
There are many a brave souls who are living, or who have died that know the truth, or at least will one day will know the truth of the lies, deception, and deceit of the US of A...
I have been to the Amazon, although many years ago and how any one soul could lift a finger to harm its pristine astonishment and amazing beauty is beyond all my comprehension...
I have spoken with many a veteran from many a war...and all that have chosen to speak with me want war no more...
Yet, we continue with the war, with the famine, with the sweatshops,with the destroying of land, with the coups de etat...
Ask an indigenous person in the Amazon, El Salvador, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brasil, Peru, or someone from the Ukraine, a beautiful mother in Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Bahrain, Yemen, Palestine and they will let you know...
Of the great suffering they are living outside and within...
Well, the rebel side of me needed to come out as well and here it is...many of a friend of mine may be shocked at my boldness...and I know my sons, but within my heart, I know I must speak the truth with my poetry or with my historical documentations. Please be well, be loved, and love. The world needs this now, more than ever...
How many here in our country wish to face it...?
There are the wise coming to rise...
Occupy...Anonymous...Environmentalists, intellectuals, the person on the street, Al Gore, Noam Chomsky, oh so many more I could list...
But you, are YOU ready to face the lies, deception, and, deceit...?
We have, far too long, here in the US of A lived life quite so well...
Each day we can go shopping and get our receipt...
A receipt with many invisible faces that we never shall meet...
Coups in the Ukraine, Crimeana, South America...
Drones striking overhead in Pakistan, Bahrain, Yemen...
Do we care to look at the faces of these woman, children, and men...
Sweatshops...Mexico, El Salvador, Bangladesh, China, India...
Food upon our tables at the expense of peasant farmers thrown off their lands in Mexico, Chili, Bolivia, Peru...Immigrant workers....
This is all for me, and for you...
Countries held at a neck's grip for having the oil that we suck dry...
Iraq, Libya, Mexico, South America, the Antarctic ( a Continent this I know...bleeding in it's white snow) any county around the Caspian Sea, the Amazon, the Middle East...
All for you, and, for me...
Our soldiers, our children set out to feel as if they are defending our land...
Yet, what a fallacy that one day they learn, perhaps when their legs have been burned...
These men and women take their own lives you know...!?
Civilians around the world suffering at the expense of "Westernized' ways...
Can we continue to live with this each and everyday...?
Can we continue to live with this, oblivious, within our minds, to the blood upon our hands...?
I cannot...and you...?
I speak to you, not so you believe each and every simple word that I for the truth within hearts and not within our bought out media...
Pick up an Occupy Encyclopedia...!?
Or one that will give you a different source...a different perspective...
Forget the station on your television screen...
They have been bought out by big media...
Do you really want to hear the #@*%$ that they continue to ring...!?
There are many a brave souls who are living, or who have died that know the truth, or at least will one day will know the truth of the lies, deception, and deceit of the US of A...
I have been to the Amazon, although many years ago and how any one soul could lift a finger to harm its pristine astonishment and amazing beauty is beyond all my comprehension...
I have spoken with many a veteran from many a war...and all that have chosen to speak with me want war no more...
Yet, we continue with the war, with the famine, with the sweatshops,with the destroying of land, with the coups de etat...
Ask an indigenous person in the Amazon, El Salvador, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brasil, Peru, or someone from the Ukraine, a beautiful mother in Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Bahrain, Yemen, Palestine and they will let you know...
Of the great suffering they are living outside and within...
Well, the rebel side of me needed to come out as well and here it is...many of a friend of mine may be shocked at my boldness...and I know my sons, but within my heart, I know I must speak the truth with my poetry or with my historical documentations. Please be well, be loved, and love. The world needs this now, more than ever...
I thank you for reading, for understanding, or for even getting purpose in these later years in my life is to invoke and provoke.
The basic problem is that this injustice is part of a system of imperial injustice. Simón Bolívar saw it coming in 1829 when he warned that the United States “appears destined by Providence to plague America with miseries in the name of Freedom.” The ideology that drives this plague is American exceptionalism.
The basic problem is that this injustice is part of a system of imperial injustice. Simón Bolívar saw it coming in 1829 when he warned that the United States “appears destined by Providence to plague America with miseries in the name of Freedom.” The ideology that drives this plague is American exceptionalism.
Jane Franklin Speaking in Washington D.C. at the Five Days for the Five Cubans Conference
MY love to you all...
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Suggestion:
Musical Suggestion:
Tom Morello
"Arde el Cielo"
"Arde el Cielo"
Beam The Light Be The Change: Beam The Light Be The Change: I Dove Into Myself T...
Beam The Light Be The Change: Beam The Light Be The Change: I Dove Into Myself T...: Beam The Light Be The Change: I Dove Into Myself Today... : ...To face pains and sorrows I dared not face before Yet, it was time, for t...
Beam The Light Be The Change: I Dove Into Myself Today...
Beam The Light Be The Change: I Dove Into Myself Today...: ...To face pains and sorrows I dared not face before Yet, it was time, for the pain has been too great to hold... To continue to ...
I Dove Into Myself Today...
...To face pains and sorrows I dared not face before
Yet, it was time, for the pain has been too great to hold...
To continue to hold onto to this sorrow was without being able to set my heart a free...
I felt the waters, I felt the salt taking in the tears as if they were their own...
I felt great arms reaching for me to catch me if I were to spiral to the deepest depths of the sea...
I felt as if I did...and that great arms did catch me...and held me...and beheld me...
Male, female, female, male, I was both and this being was both...
I felt death...the death of this sorrow...
And then the light of life reappeared...
I feel, that sometimes, we must die someplace inside in order to keep on living...
And to live even brighter and more brilliant...wiser...and the wise...
My love to you all of my beloved readers of beamthelightbethechange
We can all radiate our tears, our brilliance, our sorrows, and our wisdom...breath light into your life and the lives of others
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Beam The Light Be The Change: The Tears that No One Sees...
Just a bit improved.... :) Beam The Light Be The Change: The Tears that No One Sees...: There are many reasons for one to shed "silent" tears... Some are for the weariness and loss over so many years... Lov...
Beam The Light Be The Change: The Tears that No One Sees...
Beam The Light Be The Change: The Tears that No One Sees...: There are many reasons for one to shed "silent" tears... Some are for the weariness and loss over so many years... Othe...
The Tears that No One Sees...
There are many reasons for one to shed "silent" tears...
Some are for the
weariness and loss over so many years...
Love unrequited...
Sacrifices made...
Dreams that fade...
Visions never united...
Missing ones children...
Missing love...
Others are for the feeling of deep loneliness and the feeling of being in the abyss...
Being in the abyss can feel quite frightening and for me, tonight, came on quite suddenly...
Perhaps this why the color blue is associated with tears for it is what makes them feel so true...
My tears tonight certainly feel true, and feel as if all of the pain and the sadness I have experienced in my life, are all wrapped up in each tear that has been falling as rain...
I could attempt to explain each tear I am shedding, yet if so, I would be here all night sharing each tear with you with all my might...
I shall keep this somewhat short and bittersweet...
There is such a dichotomy in crying, I believe, for in order to keep one's head up and strong, the tears must come...we must weep...
I believe deep humanness, compassion, and strength come from the humbleness of being able to simply cry...there is no shame...there is no blame...I feel it is a fire of passion...
And for me passion is beauty, is love...
I do also believe that Angels must cry, for how could they not in order to maintain being the magic of an Angel...?
If you do not cry...I am certain an Angel is crying for keep you human...
So now, it has come for the time for me to finish my story of tears...mine have now dried away, for I feel sharing with you, that by shedding, my tears has helped them become now part of the atmosphere...a part of you and I...
Do not fear your tears...allow them to flow....
It is not a sign of weakness, but a show of strength...
Some are for the
weariness and loss over so many years...
Love unrequited...
Sacrifices made...
Dreams that fade...
Visions never united...
Missing ones children...
Missing love...
Others are for the feeling of deep loneliness and the feeling of being in the abyss...
Being in the abyss can feel quite frightening and for me, tonight, came on quite suddenly...
Perhaps this why the color blue is associated with tears for it is what makes them feel so true...
My tears tonight certainly feel true, and feel as if all of the pain and the sadness I have experienced in my life, are all wrapped up in each tear that has been falling as rain...
I could attempt to explain each tear I am shedding, yet if so, I would be here all night sharing each tear with you with all my might...
I shall keep this somewhat short and bittersweet...
There is such a dichotomy in crying, I believe, for in order to keep one's head up and strong, the tears must come...we must weep...
I believe deep humanness, compassion, and strength come from the humbleness of being able to simply cry...there is no shame...there is no blame...I feel it is a fire of passion...
And for me passion is beauty, is love...
I do also believe that Angels must cry, for how could they not in order to maintain being the magic of an Angel...?
If you do not cry...I am certain an Angel is crying for keep you human...
So now, it has come for the time for me to finish my story of tears...mine have now dried away, for I feel sharing with you, that by shedding, my tears has helped them become now part of the atmosphere...a part of you and I...
Do not fear your tears...allow them to flow....
It is not a sign of weakness, but a show of strength...
“Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before--more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle.”
― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
“But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more.”
― Hans Christian Andersen, The Little Mermaid
“Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.”
― Brian Jacques, Taggerung
Quotes courtesy of
Suggested Musical Selection: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"...The Beatles
I thank all of my beloved readers for reading once again the heart of Maria...My love to you all.
This post is especially dedicated to "Jessica."
Thank you with all of my heart
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
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WE ALL NEED HEALING I decided, that since, I am writing about war and my personal experience right now, that I would add this healing music...
Thank you Tupac Shakur for your music and your words during your short time on this planet... Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
This has got to be one of the best songs, "Love Train" by the O´Jays, that came out, of the 70´s Disco Era, and there are sooooo m...
Frozen in Time It seems that all little boys... Play with their toy guns... Whether it is store bought... Or a stick, that for them, is jus...
I just have to share this video with all of you, my most beloved readers...I have been pretty sad all day and I ran across this video of ...
There was a time when this wondrous human being walked this earth. He was a great inspiration for so many. He still remains an inspiration. ...
For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
First, to note, I have been writing a series about war, but I am going to steer away temporarily. I find it necessary for my soul to do so ...