For me today it was as heaven above...
Yet, heaven was here with me...
I felt so amazingly free...

I can feel my spirit and body soaring...
My epilepsy no longer controls me, I control it...
And my body is now it's own...
It no longer feels as if it is on loan...
I loved life with great
JOY today...

I sent birthday wishes to beloved friends...
I cooked, I cleaned, and I took a walk...
A walk that turned into a light jog...
The light jog turned into a run...
The run turned into a sprint...
All on a torn up and beat up knee...!
I felt such great love for the world...

I felt such great love for friends...
I felt such great love for me...
What a sensation this came to be...
I found joy in the simplest of pleasures...
In a tree of apricots I found treasures...
And these treasures became a delicious apricot pie...
Sweet children exploring their world...
Maria exploring the world...
With fresh eyes, a SMILE, an alert mind, a stronger body,and a passion evermore so for LIFE...
LOVE has filled me up today...
Love is ever so the greatest gift upon earth...
Love is the strongest force upon earth...

Love is.....LOVE...try it on, one size fits all...
And all shall live in gentle beauty...with peaceful waters...
And all shall live as ONE as it is meant to be...
We are all and shall be free...
This post tonight was inspired by the past two days. Since my surgery to help with my epilepsy each day has been a struggling and growing process. I finally feel as if I am now producing fruit. It feels wonderful. I thank Cyberonics and their wonderful team that was with me and are still with me. I thank my neurosurgeon...she is amazing! I thank my neurologist, I thank my dear friend Angela for without her all of this may have never come to be. I thank my sons and my brother Mark, I thank all of my Facebook friends who showered my with such love, support, and concern. I thank the entire surgical team, especially my surgical nurse, Joan.I thank all in the past who have struggled along with me and helped me when I could not help myself. I thank my wonderful University of the Pacific for always believing in me. I thank Dr. Perkner. I thank all who have sent prayers. I thank all...
My dearest and beloved readers. I thank you so for reading. You give me such joy that you cannot even imagine. I thank each and everyone of you who read my writings. Some are simple and some are powerful and filled with passion. I have passion for those who struggle. I know what is like to struggle in so many ways and having overcoming many, many a hurdle and especially this biggest one of all my epilepsy. It is not cured, but it is now manageable, which it was not before.
So I thank you from all of my heart....
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Suggested Musical Piece:
Earth Wind & Fire
"Sing a Song
All Photos and words of "it's all about LOVE, LIFE, JOY are works by Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
All Photos and words of "it's all about LOVE, LIFE, JOY are works by Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
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