Il divo & Celine Dion - I believe in you

A Letter of Love to my Sons...

My dear, sweet sons of my heart...

Tonight I write to you a letter of such deep deep that no meter could ever measure its depth...

Could ever measure its purity...

Could ever measure its power...its strength...

There are no words nor deeds that could ever break the immensity of love I have for you both...

My beautiful, beautiful boys...

I remember so well the days I last laid my eyes upon each one of you...

These are memories that are well kept within my heart full of so much love...

Many years have passed since I last saw your precious faces...

Many years have passed since I was able to take these arms of love and wrap them around you both...

Many years have passed since we last said face to face "I love you mom"..."I love you my son..."

I see you both so well, as if you never left to say goodbye...

And now I must say goodbye all over again...

For you are now both are going to be so far away...

So everyday you will receive into your hearts a package...a package with love beyond the will receive a huge hug, your will get a kiss on your cheek...and best of all...the words I LOVE YOU WILL POP RIGHT OUT...and I will throw a smile in there too!!!

And, if you ever need more than the package...find a tree...
For there you will find upon this tree that every leaf is in the shape of a heart...a heart, for you both, any time you need to take one from the most special tree of my love for you...

Yes, you two know your mother so very well and you know that I cry when I am missing you so...

It is only human you see...

I am not perfect...but my love is...

My love that is always there for you...

My most beautiful, beautiful sons...I love you...

I miss you...

I pray for you every night...

And, when you do finally come home...remember I am here with wide open arms...

And in the window there will always be a light...

Waiting for you both...

I love you my most beautiful sons...take very good care, and remember I always believe in you...

Love, your mama

The most amazing love anybody can get in this world, is love coming from her sons...


"Weep said Athos, weep, heart full of love, youth, and life! Alas, would I could weep like you"
--Alexander Dumas

Musical Selection: Il Divo & Celine Dion, "I believe in You"

R. Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly

Baptism by Fire...

I feel as if that was my day today...

And perhaps many days leading up to this fire of baptism...

I am writing, and it is all coming, straight from my heart...

I had the words earlier all within my head as I was burning and being transformed...

Yet, now the words are all anew...

It all began earlier today, my Parish priest came to give me a blessing for my upcoming surgery and to give The Anointing of the Sick...

This is not a religious writing I assure you...

Yet, it all began with my time with Father Eddie...

He gave me some Holy Water in the palm of my hand and had me splash it upon myself to remind me of the day I was baptized as an infant...

It had a profound effect upon me...

And this effect carried me through my entire day...

It was hot today, which is unusual for the San Francisco Bay has been rather warm/hot...

Much walking, I needed to do, and as I was walking I thought of so many mind was bursting in pensivity...

My brain was hot, my body was hot...yet, walking I kept on...

The sun was so strong upon my head and I had forgotten my hat...

I realized that in the last several years, that the sun has become so intense...

The concrete and the asphalt were raising heat from feet up through my entire body, and up to my brain...WOW!!!

I was being baptized by FIRE!!!...

(How anyone cannot face the fact that our climate is truly changing...well, needs a serious baptisim by very intense fire...)

Cars drive by so fast, everyone seems to be in their own world...their own self...

I wondered do they think of what is happening on this planet...would they care if they did???

I could see so much self-absorption...

I don't want this to be my world...never have...

My eyes and my thoughts absorbed everything...

My water bottle became my salvation for I used most of the water to cool me baptism by fire and water, water and fire..

Yet, somehow, today I became truly transformed and truly free...

The fire burned within me and without...

New passion was born...nothing holding back of who I am, and what I believe is right to stand for, and to fight for...

Heat is an element that transforms, that molds, that makes anew out of what was old...

So watch out world...I have had my fire by baptism and there is no stopping me, in heart, and in my passion, for what I know is right...

I am a woman reborn...I am Pele, the beautiful Hawaiian Goddess of Fire and Transformation...

I thank you all for all mean so very much to me.
I am going to write as much as I can before Friday, August 28th, 2015. For I will be healing for a while. You will all be with me. I send so much love to all.

Paz y amor, Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection is: R. Kelly "I believe I can Fly"


Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy

A Frozen Burrito on My Head...

Yes, yes, I actually have a frozen burrito on my head right now...

I would have taken a self-portrait of this strange occurrence...but honestly, I look far too silly...

Why you may ask, "why a burrito and frozen upon her head???"

Well, number one, my head hurts...literally hurts...cannot find an ice pack at the moment...thus, the frozen burrito on my head...

Why my head hurts...well there a various reason, for all, I shall not explain. And, by the way it is rather difficult to type with a frozen burrito upon one's head...

I have to add humor into my life and infuse it into my heart or by gum boots...I would succumb to so many pains, not only my own, but as many of you know who have read my writings...for the world...this suffering and sad world...

So tonight, I simply needed to share with all of you, silliness and hopefully, some laughter...

Truly, I would love to share a picture of just how goofy I look right now, but I am far too self-conscious to do so...

So may we laugh...even though there is pain...

May we smile...even though we may be to exhausted to do so...

May we have love enough to share laughter and smiles even though we may be full of tears inside...

I send to all of you beyond... love, laughter, joy, and humor...

Be loved...

And if your head ever hurts, remember, you can always put a frozen burrito upon your head...(: 

P.S. I have mine tided with a thin baby blanket to keep from falling and guess what, my head already feels better!!!

My love to all of you each and everyday...
Paz y amor...
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

A good laugh heals a lot of hurts. — Madeleine L’Engle

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh. — Friedrich Nietzsche

If Laughter cannot solve your problems, it will definitely DISSOLVE your problems; so that you can think clearly what to do about them – Dr. Madan Kataria

Musical Selection: Bobby McFerrin-"Don''t Worry Be Happy"

Prince Royce - Stand By Me (Music Video)

One Thousand...

If only I had one thousand hearts beating within my chest...I wouldn't feel the pain of the whole world in my one lowly heart...

If I only had one thousand hands...I could touch so many in need so they wouldn't fall apart...

If only I had one thousand loaves of bread...I could feed so many who hunger daily...

If only I had one thousand houses... I could shelter those without any...

If only I had one thousand bricks... I could help rebuild Gaza and Syria...

If only I had one thousand trillions and trillions of dollars...I could build factories that produced love and goodness rather than bombs and weapons that cause destruction and hysteria...

If only I had one thousand mouths...I could ring out the truth from every majestic mountain top so that all would hear...

If only I had one thousand and more prayers of hope, love, and that all shall live in a beautiful world...

If only I had one thousand eyes to caste upon all the beauty of this world and in the eyes of the innocents...

If only...will you also wish for one thousand...?

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. ~Mother Teresa

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. ~William James

Let us together with ONE THOUSAND PLUS hands and hearts make the world full of love rather than pain..

Paz y amor to everyone...always!

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Prince Royce, "Stand By Me"

Television in our Face!

I simply need to speak my 

mind. I just came from a 

doctor's appointment. Of 

course, as nearly in every 

doctor's office, there are 

big flat screen 


with either CNN or Fox 


This offends me greatly. 

I stopped watching television years ago and I avoid 

mainstream media like the plague. Yet, nearly every place 

one goes, there is a bloody (British equivalent of #@$#) 

HUGE screen blaring out their version of "news." And, even 

if the volume is down there is ALWAYS the news feed 

streaming along the bottom of the screen. 

Last week at a 

nice hotel I was staying at, the same thing. Yet, the 

difference from just seeing a bit of the news feed...last week 

after the shooting of 4 Marines near a recruitment station in 

Tennessee, ISIS was calling for rogue attacks on U.S. 

soil...this week it's now al-Qaeda! Of course violence 

anywhere is tragic, yet mainstream media continues to 

pump fear and twisted news casting into the minds of all 

people in the United States.

Whether we want to face it or 

not, the truth is out there. It's up to us to seek it and 

believe. There are fully documented documents and 

photographs, and thank the heavens, brave investigative 

journalists, and whistle-blowers, who bring to us...truth, not 

conspiracy theories.

We began wars based on pure lies. 

Although many of us here in the U.S. protested, the rest of 

the country bought the lies and propaganda...war was 

waged. We have destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, 

Yemen and Palestine. We recruited Osama bin Laden, 

funded the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and now ISIS...ISIL for our 

selfish and horrific agenda....control of all the oil rich regions 

and those in which pipelines go through. When they no 

longer want to play our game...they are they enemy. 

We use 

them for conquer and divide. We use them to instill 

fear....and if they become out of control then it's time to 

bomb and send in the troops....more lives lost...

"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

I send my love to you all of my readers and I thank all of you, my precious readers. I thank you for your reading and for your patience with me when I am unable to write.

May life become war free and rather than war zones...
 May we have LOVE ZONES everywhere...

My peace and love to you all
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.