Baptism by Fire...

I feel as if that was my day today...

And perhaps many days leading up to this fire of baptism...

I am writing, and it is all coming, straight from my heart...

I had the words earlier all within my head as I was burning and being transformed...

Yet, now the words are all anew...

It all began earlier today, my Parish priest came to give me a blessing for my upcoming surgery and to give The Anointing of the Sick...

This is not a religious writing I assure you...

Yet, it all began with my time with Father Eddie...

He gave me some Holy Water in the palm of my hand and had me splash it upon myself to remind me of the day I was baptized as an infant...

It had a profound effect upon me...

And this effect carried me through my entire day...

It was hot today, which is unusual for the San Francisco Bay has been rather warm/hot...

Much walking, I needed to do, and as I was walking I thought of so many mind was bursting in pensivity...

My brain was hot, my body was hot...yet, walking I kept on...

The sun was so strong upon my head and I had forgotten my hat...

I realized that in the last several years, that the sun has become so intense...

The concrete and the asphalt were raising heat from feet up through my entire body, and up to my brain...WOW!!!

I was being baptized by FIRE!!!...

(How anyone cannot face the fact that our climate is truly changing...well, needs a serious baptisim by very intense fire...)

Cars drive by so fast, everyone seems to be in their own world...their own self...

I wondered do they think of what is happening on this planet...would they care if they did???

I could see so much self-absorption...

I don't want this to be my world...never have...

My eyes and my thoughts absorbed everything...

My water bottle became my salvation for I used most of the water to cool me baptism by fire and water, water and fire..

Yet, somehow, today I became truly transformed and truly free...

The fire burned within me and without...

New passion was born...nothing holding back of who I am, and what I believe is right to stand for, and to fight for...

Heat is an element that transforms, that molds, that makes anew out of what was old...

So watch out world...I have had my fire by baptism and there is no stopping me, in heart, and in my passion, for what I know is right...

I am a woman reborn...I am Pele, the beautiful Hawaiian Goddess of Fire and Transformation...

I thank you all for all mean so very much to me.
I am going to write as much as I can before Friday, August 28th, 2015. For I will be healing for a while. You will all be with me. I send so much love to all.

Paz y amor, Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection is: R. Kelly "I believe I can Fly"


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