A Letter of Love to my Sons...

My dear, sweet sons of my heart...

Tonight I write to you a letter of such deep love...so deep that no meter could ever measure its depth...

Could ever measure its purity...

Could ever measure its power...its strength...

There are no words nor deeds that could ever break the immensity of love I have for you both...

My boys...my sons...my beautiful, beautiful boys...

I remember so well the days I last laid my eyes upon each one of you...

These are memories that are well kept within my heart full of so much love...

Many years have passed since I last saw your precious faces...

Many years have passed since I was able to take these arms of love and wrap them around you both...

Many years have passed since we last said face to face "I love you mom"..."I love you my son..."

I see you both so well, as if you never left to say goodbye...

And now I must say goodbye all over again...

For you are now both are going to be so far away...

So everyday you will receive into your hearts a package...a package with love beyond the stars...you will receive a huge hug, your will get a kiss on your cheek...and best of all...the words I LOVE YOU WILL POP RIGHT OUT...and I will throw a smile in there too!!!

And, if you ever need more than the package...find a tree...
For there you will find upon this tree that every leaf is in the shape of a heart...a heart, for you both, any time you need to take one from the most special tree of my love for you...

Yes, you two know your mother so very well and you know that I cry when I am missing you so...

It is only human you see...

I am not perfect...but my love is...

My love that is always there for you...

My most beautiful, beautiful sons...I love you...

I miss you...

I pray for you every night...

And, when you do finally come home...remember I am here with wide open arms...

And in the window there will always be a light...

Waiting for you both...

I love you my most beautiful sons...take very good care, and remember I always believe in you...

Love, your mama

The most amazing love anybody can get in this world, is love coming from her sons...


"Weep said Athos, weep, heart full of love, youth, and life! Alas, would I could weep like you"
--Alexander Dumas

Musical Selection: Il Divo & Celine Dion, "I believe in You"

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