Television in our Face!

I simply need to speak my 

mind. I just came from a 

doctor's appointment. Of 

course, as nearly in every 

doctor's office, there are 

big flat screen 


with either CNN or Fox 


This offends me greatly. 

I stopped watching television years ago and I avoid 

mainstream media like the plague. Yet, nearly every place 

one goes, there is a bloody (British equivalent of #@$#) 

HUGE screen blaring out their version of "news." And, even 

if the volume is down there is ALWAYS the news feed 

streaming along the bottom of the screen. 

Last week at a 

nice hotel I was staying at, the same thing. Yet, the 

difference from just seeing a bit of the news feed...last week 

after the shooting of 4 Marines near a recruitment station in 

Tennessee, ISIS was calling for rogue attacks on U.S. 

soil...this week it's now al-Qaeda! Of course violence 

anywhere is tragic, yet mainstream media continues to 

pump fear and twisted news casting into the minds of all 

people in the United States.

Whether we want to face it or 

not, the truth is out there. It's up to us to seek it and 

believe. There are fully documented documents and 

photographs, and thank the heavens, brave investigative 

journalists, and whistle-blowers, who bring to us...truth, not 

conspiracy theories.

We began wars based on pure lies. 

Although many of us here in the U.S. protested, the rest of 

the country bought the lies and propaganda...war was 

waged. We have destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, 

Yemen and Palestine. We recruited Osama bin Laden, 

funded the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and now ISIS...ISIL for our 

selfish and horrific agenda....control of all the oil rich regions 

and those in which pipelines go through. When they no 

longer want to play our game...they are they enemy. 

We use 

them for conquer and divide. We use them to instill 

fear....and if they become out of control then it's time to 

bomb and send in the troops....more lives lost...

"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."

I send my love to you all of my readers and I thank all of you, my precious readers. I thank you for your reading and for your patience with me when I am unable to write.

May life become war free and rather than war zones...
 May we have LOVE ZONES everywhere...

My peace and love to you all
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

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