A Frozen Burrito on My Head...

Yes, yes, I actually have a frozen burrito on my head right now...

I would have taken a self-portrait of this strange occurrence...but honestly, I look far too silly...

Why you may ask, "why a burrito and frozen upon her head???"

Well, number one, my head hurts...literally hurts...cannot find an ice pack at the moment...thus, the frozen burrito on my head...

Why my head hurts...well there a various reason, for all, I shall not explain. And, by the way it is rather difficult to type with a frozen burrito upon one's head...

I have to add humor into my life and infuse it into my heart or by gum boots...I would succumb to so many pains, not only my own, but as many of you know who have read my writings...for the world...this suffering and sad world...

So tonight, I simply needed to share with all of you, silliness and hopefully, some laughter...

Truly, I would love to share a picture of just how goofy I look right now, but I am far too self-conscious to do so...

So may we laugh...even though there is pain...

May we smile...even though we may be to exhausted to do so...

May we have love enough to share laughter and smiles even though we may be full of tears inside...

I send to all of you tonight...today...tomorrow...and beyond... love, laughter, joy, and humor...

Be well...be safe...be loved...

And if your head ever hurts, remember, you can always put a frozen burrito upon your head...(: 

P.S. I have mine tided with a thin baby blanket to keep from falling and guess what, my head already feels better!!!

My love to all of you each and everyday...
Paz y amor...
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

A good laugh heals a lot of hurts. — Madeleine L’Engle

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh. — Friedrich Nietzsche

If Laughter cannot solve your problems, it will definitely DISSOLVE your problems; so that you can think clearly what to do about them – Dr. Madan Kataria

Musical Selection: Bobby McFerrin-"Don''t Worry Be Happy"

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