A Hawk Flies Free...

Look at the glorious colors of this beautiful Red Tailed Hawk...

Stunning, amazing, glorious...

I have grown up most of my life living near these lovely creatures of freedom...

Yet, today, I glimpsed the colors that you see in this photo...

I was in complete awe...

I must have taken in the beauty for a while...

What a splendid and phenomonal gift this was for me...

To see the colors these hawks reflect from the sun...

To have seen them so close up...

To have be able to gaze upon them...

To have them be reminders of FREEDOM...

As I shared in my last post...

I have not been feeling so free...

Being a slave to this broken leg...

Yet, my physical therapist felt it was time to take me outside...

I began walking with my crutches outside three days ago...

If I could only explain to you the feeling of gratitude...

The feeling of strength...

The feeling of freedom...

And then to witness the magnificent hawks and the beauty of the colors I had never witnessed before...

A celestial gift, this was, all for me...

Just last week I had been in the emergency room...

And today...I went for a walk around the block...

I talked with many delightful people...

I soaked in the fantabulous sunshine...

And, I realized, "oh my, Halloween is coming upon us," for many houses were decorated...

This invoked many a happy memories with my sons...

How every year we would home make our decorations for this season...

Oh, and the pumpkins...the pumpkin patches...what bliss!!! ;)

Fall is always an astonishing time of year...

Harvest...Falling colorful leaves...Halloween...Dia de Los Muertos...Day of the Dead...well, at least for the Latin community, and I am certain, in many other forms around the world...

Fall is a reminder of beautiful life...yet life...also fading...

A great time to reflect upon the "circle of life"...

So today, for me, was a day of beauty, of strength, of freedom, of warm memories of the heart, of letting go, of moving forward...

My heart, my leg, my soul, and my body are healing...

I thank you most gracious Red Tail Hawks for bestowing upon me you glory...your freedom...your feeling...

Your feeling of soaring...

My dearest beloved family of BeamtheLightBeamtheChange, I thank you all once again for allowing me to share with all of you, my life. I completely bare my being. I am eternally grateful for your reading, and with any glimmer of hope, I can offer some gifts upon all of you. Life is forever changing, and to be able to accept, and embrace the changes, and challenges, along with the gifts, is a very important part of our humanity.

Please remember, that after a storm, there always follows the light...

My love, my light, and my heart to all of you always, Maria

Maria Juarez Beam

Musical Selection: Felix Baumgartner "I Believe I Can Fly"


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