I have not kept my word...
And, as many of you know, this is very important to me...
I promised to finish the post about the Zapatistas and Subcomandante Marcos...
I promised "Tears of Gaza" that I would write a review, my sentiments about this most powerful film...
Yet, as you well know, I have not yet completed these things...
I am sorry with my full heart...
After seeing the film "Tears of Gaza," my heart has been torn apart...

I have been silenced...I have been devastated, and I have been fully humbled...
So at this moment, I ask your forgiveness for having been silent when I promised to speak...
I pray that you give me just a little more time...time to pull the voice and the pain out of my heart...
I ask you to give me the opportunity to be within my very heart and soul to comprehend this deep, deep sorrow contained...
I shall write again and I know that it will be soon...
I can feel the feelings, the words, the cuts, and the stabs beginning to unravel...
...Beginning to wish to speak out again and share with you about "Tears of Gaza" and to share with you about my beloved Zapatistas...
I thank you for always being faithful, patient, and understanding of whatever it is that presents itself within my life...
That prevents me from sharing my voice with all of you my beloved readers of BeamtheLightBetheChange...
It is always...temporary...
My voice shall ring out to all of you once again...
My love to all of you always and may we always spread, love, goodness, and precious kindness to each other...
Peace and love...Paz y amor, Maria
Maria Juarez Beam...
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