Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2U / Nada Se Compara A Ti (Spanish Su...
My love where have you gone...please come back to my arms. Te extraño como tú no sabes. ):
Bloomberg’s Red-Baiting Of Bernie Validated By Bernie
Just lost allllll, and any respect, I had for Senator Bernie Sanders, after watching this one! He makes himself sound just like all the other childish candidates in regard to Russia.
He could have, posed himself as a REAL statesman, and he could have made, a dignified statement regarding Russian President, Vladimir Putin. Yet, he puts himself on the same plane as the "all I see is Commie RED," Democrats.
Oh my, oh my, oh I have said before, I don't see much hope, at all, for the Democrats, and they keep proving it, more and more, as each day goes by.
May there be hope somewhere in the US 2020 Presidential Elections,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
ICYMI | Polly Boiko | No Apples for Villains!
I just happened to stumble onto this ICYMI, Polly Boiko´s latest video on, none other, than the ICYMI funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government!!!
She is brilliant. I personally do not have an iPhone, but yes, I do have a does that make me a good guy, bad girl!? I´ll have to look into that one. ;)
Just wanted to publish this for fun. Enjoy!
In great peace and love as always,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Geeeezzzz, I have a long name!!!
Roger Waters - "Time" - Live in Mexico City, Oct. 2016
Leave it to Roger Waters to put on a free concert in México City...good for him!
Roger is an amazing individual who cares, truly cares, for the all of world.
In great peace and love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
CrossTalk Bullhorns: Russiagate 3.0
WARNING...WARNING...WARNING...: According to You Tube and Wikipedia, RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government!
Alright everyone, I have given you their alert, which of course, is so ridiculously, ridiculous, to state so in the first place. The US lives in a bloody sandbox where Russia is always the bully!!!
Anyhow, thought I would post the RT post of Cross Talk Bullhorns: Russiagate 3.0. I have stated this before, it is so hideous, that the Democrats are pulling, this same rabbit out of the hat, and now are using it against Bernie Sanders!!! So, now you really know, that the Dems are going to ensure that Bernie, will NOT win the Democratic Presidential Nomination for 2020...pretty darn clear.
What I don't understand, why did Bernie Sanders place his bid for President, under the Democratic banner, in the first place!? They utterly destroyed him in 2016 and deliberately, so why did the man choose this party again!?
He really, could have been a serious third party candidate, and had the opportunity, to seize, and to alter, the hideous state of the so-called "two-party system in the US." He had the opportunity to run as an Independent, and literally change, the political climate, and system in the United States. He is going to pay, another high price, for remaining under the Democratic Party.
It is so utterly, out of this world madness, that the Russiagate thing, is once again being reprocessed in its new version of 3.0, taking it to even higher levels of stupidity and absurdity. All the speakers in the program agree.
Honestly, I still just shake my head in incredulous disbelief, that this is happening, and even worse, that the people of the United States of the Democratic Party, actually, believe that all of this is true!!! No, matter how many investigations prove otherwise, the Democrats will always hold onto this childish fallacy. They must be SO very proud of themselves.
Peace and good luck to all of the world, because from my angle it is looking like a D. Trump victory for 2020!!! Good job USA!!! The world is truly looking forward to this...I think not!!!
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
ICYMI | Rite On! | State of the Union, union in a state
Oh, bloody hell!!! The US is realllllly in trouble. It is more of a wreck, than I realized. Having been, out of the country, for much of the Trump Administration, I just haven't paid much attention to what is going on inside the country itself. What is happening around the globe, due to the Trump Administration´s actions, this I have been paying attention to.
After recently speaking, with a dear friend from the states, she informed, of what a mess the country is. Crime is on the rise, homelessness is out of control. There are tent villages popping up all around the San Francisco Bay Area, and homelessness is growing in San Francisco itself. Now, this I have witnessed personally, when I was in California in December of 2017.
So, pretty much all of what Trump is saying, is well, bullshit! And, the whole Venezuela bit, introducing this false president of Venezuela!!! I mean, honestly, seriously, for heavens sake!!! That is just down right madness! Thus far, President Nicolas Maduro is still in office in his country of Venezuela. Basically, the US, has really, jacked up trying to overthrow President Maduro...
But hey, just like the host stated in the video, at least this is something, that both, the Democrats and Republicans can come together on...trying to take over the control of another nation...oh my goodness. What a sorry State of the Union, and yes, the state of the union is in a very sorry state.
There is NO hope with either what does that spell for, not only the United States, but the rest of the world...doesn´t look to good from my aspect.
And, a third party candidate, a fourth party candidate, fifth, oh hell, do you think that most people of the United States are even aware that there actually are other party candidates!? Let alone let one be a contender!
No folks, just not looking so good, up North in the good ole US of A. I wish I could say differently, but no. And, most nearly, pretty much, the entire world knows this as well.
Well, must dash. Sorry, to be so cryptic and dismal about the State of the Union, but my mission is to, "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing else, but the truth, so help me God."
In great peace and love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Oh, a footnote, just to remind you what is stated by You Tube regarding this video, "ICYMI is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government.
P.S. I am still shaking my head over this statement!!!
The Real Reasons Behind War With Iran
To remind you, as posted on You Tube, " RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government."
If you read my last post your will read my sentiments about this statement.
Anyhow, I have not posted a Lee Camp Show for a long while and I watched this one and felt it was a good one to share.
Thanks for being a part of beamthelightbethechange. In peace and love always,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
ICYMI | Polly Boiko | Disastrous Democrats!
I wasn't sure if I was going to publish this post, because, I, seriously am, NOT, into US bullshit politics. So sorry about using a curse word, but there is no other word to use to describe US politics.
What was the clincher, for me, to publish this, on my blog, was the notation made at the bottom of this video on You Tube, "ICYMI is funded in whole or part by the Russian Government." Yes, seriously, it does say just this. My head is still shaking in great, hilarious disbelief, that this really needed to be stated!!!
I mean, honestly people, what the bloody hell!? "Oh dear, we must make, the people aware, that this video, could possibly be, clearly biased and pure Russian watcher and listener BEWARE!!! Oh my, my, my...
The whole Russia thing is so beyond idiotic. And, apparently, Russia is helping to fund Trump to win in 2020!!!??? REALLY...TRULY, I MEAN REALLY!? The United States and her people just cannot get over Russia. Geeezzzz! Please give it rest.
Well, got give them one thing at least, the Dems are good at recycling...the same bull.... over and over again. Perhaps, that will be in their favor. And, truly, anyhow, what has Trump done for Russia these past almost four why would they want this man to win.
I am sure they are hoping that, hoping that, there is hope for the US elections. That is asking for a lot, for, from my clearly, biased, pro Russian propagandic view, there is no hope.
Good luck USA...even if you didn't vote for Trump last election, you still are helping him to possibly gain, another victory in 2020. Yes, sorry to say, but you are...just look at the party you may be a part of, and just how ridiculous, they really are. Speaking as a former, and a very staunch, Democrat, I can say this.
Well, that is it for the moment. I´d better get myself back to my Moscow headquarters before they begin to miss me... ;)
In great peace and love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Al Green - Love is a Beautiful Thing (1993) HD
Al Green at his best!!! Love his dancing and his singing about LOVE...his forte.
Just found this song, after watching ¨Two Weeks Notice", it is a new Al Green for me and I LOVE Al Green´s music. I always have, how did this one escape me? And, it goes perfectly with my last writing, ¨When You Are Unable to Say Goodbye to the One You Love," for "Love is a Beautiful Thing."
My love to you all,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
When You Are Unable to Say Goodbye to Your Love
I thought I could...say goodbye to you...
My heart, my love...
Yet, I find, that I cannot...
You see, when that the other half of your heart, is not with you, you are still one...still together...
Physical presence is completely are forever joined in one form or another...
My heart, my love...
Yet, I find, that I cannot...
You see, when that the other half of your heart, is not with you, you are still one...still together...
Physical presence is completely are forever joined in one form or another...
This is a Law of Love...
Two hearts as one...
I feel your pain and you feel mine...
I feel your joy and you feel mine...
I aways smell your scent and feel your touch...
I can hear the beating of your heart...
Whether you are at my side or not...
You are with me...forever connected...forever one
So as the words began...
Love is the absolute greatest power on this earth...
Always, always have faith in love, for love shall never fail and love shall never fade away...
I send all of my love to my love and all of my love to all of you. Remember its great and immense power,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: My Heart Won´t Say Goodbye, The Curve
Amarte Por mil años mas (LETRA) O̲̲̅̅f̲̲̅̅i̲̲̅̅c̲̲̅̅i̲̲̅̅a̲̲̅̅l̲̲̅̅'̲̲̅̅...
aaaUn regalo para mi amor...siempre te amaré...
Christina Perri - A Thousand Years [Official Music Video]
"I have waited for you for a thousand years and I will wait a thousand more..."
When You Know It Is Time to Say, Goodbye My Love...
You love someone so much, yet, also, that love is hurting you so much...
You do not want it to end, for it feels, as if it has just begun...
Yet, somewhere, inside, no matter how much it hurts, you know..."it is time to say "goodbye my love."
He, is the other half, of my heart, and a deep part, of my soul...
But, it has all gone amiss and I suffer in silence...
I have waited for him, for as long as, I can remember, even when I did not know who he was, nor his name...
When I found him, when we found each other, we knew, we just knew, that I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me...
I have read, that what many call, your "soul mate," or your "forever person", is not always forever, in a lifetime, when you have finally re-met and rejoined your hearts...
There are reasons beyond your control, and that you cannot comprehend, that compels you, to say goodbye...
When this day does arrive, it is so terribly painful, and you wish, it never would have come...but it has, and you know, that you must, honor yourself regardless...
For one to be able to find their other half in any lifetime is a great blessing...
You just know it in your heart, you just know it...there is no logic to it, it just is...
Others, may not understand, what you share with this person, only you two alone, know what you have...
It is a love so powerful and so intense, that it is meant to be, kept sacred, amongst the two and those two only...for others cannot comprehend...
So, I have been blessed, to have shared, a part of my life, with the other half of my heart...
You do not want it to end, for it feels, as if it has just begun...
Yet, somewhere, inside, no matter how much it hurts, you know..."it is time to say "goodbye my love."
He, is the other half, of my heart, and a deep part, of my soul...
But, it has all gone amiss and I suffer in silence...
I have waited for him, for as long as, I can remember, even when I did not know who he was, nor his name...
When I found him, when we found each other, we knew, we just knew, that I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me...
I have read, that what many call, your "soul mate," or your "forever person", is not always forever, in a lifetime, when you have finally re-met and rejoined your hearts...
There are reasons beyond your control, and that you cannot comprehend, that compels you, to say goodbye...
When this day does arrive, it is so terribly painful, and you wish, it never would have come...but it has, and you know, that you must, honor yourself regardless...
For one to be able to find their other half in any lifetime is a great blessing...
You just know it in your heart, you just know it...there is no logic to it, it just is...
Others, may not understand, what you share with this person, only you two alone, know what you have...
It is a love so powerful and so intense, that it is meant to be, kept sacred, amongst the two and those two only...for others cannot comprehend...
So, I have been blessed, to have shared, a part of my life, with the other half of my heart...
And it is going to be so painful without him any longer...
Tears will flow...
The ache, the longing will remain...
Yet, it is time to say "goodbye to my love,"
And, hopefully, if I return to this earth once again, it will finally be our time, to be one heart for the remainder of time...
With all my love to you my love and to all who have found their other half and have had to say, goodbye,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: Christina Perri, "A Thousand Years"
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