ICYMI | Polly Boiko | Disastrous Democrats!

I wasn't sure if I was going to publish this post, because, I, seriously am, NOT, into US bullshit politics. So sorry about using a curse word, but there is no other word to use to describe US politics. 

What was the clincher, for me, to publish this, on my blog, was the notation made at the bottom of this video on You Tube, "ICYMI is funded in whole or part by the Russian Government." Yes, seriously, it does say just this. My head is still shaking in great, hilarious disbelief, that this really needed to be stated!!!

I mean, honestly people, what the bloody hell!? "Oh dear, we must make, the people aware, that this video, could possibly be, clearly biased and pure Russian propaganda...so watcher and listener BEWARE!!! Oh my, my, my...

The whole Russia thing is so beyond idiotic. And, apparently, Russia is helping to fund Trump to win in 2020!!!??? REALLY...TRULY, I MEAN REALLY!? The United States and her people just cannot get over Russia. Geeezzzz! Please give it rest. 

Well, got give them one thing at least, the Dems are good at recycling...the same bull.... over and over again. Perhaps, that will be in their favor. And, truly, anyhow, what has Trump done for Russia these past almost four years...NOTHING...so why would they want this man to win. 

I am sure they are hoping that, hoping that, there is hope for the US elections. That is asking for a lot, for, from my clearly, biased, pro Russian propagandic view, there is no hope. 

Good luck USA...even if you didn't vote for Trump last election, you still are helping him to possibly gain, another victory in 2020. Yes, sorry to say, but you are...just look at the party you may be a part of, and just how ridiculous, they really are. Speaking as a former, and a very staunch, Democrat, I can say this.

Well, that is it for the moment. I´d better get myself back to my Moscow headquarters before they begin to miss me... ;)

In great peace and love, 

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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