ICYMI | Rite On! | State of the Union, union in a state

Oh, bloody hell!!! The US is realllllly in trouble. It is more of a wreck, than I realized. Having been, out of the country, for much of the Trump Administration, I just haven't paid much attention to what is going on inside the country itself. What is happening around the globe, due to the Trump Administration´s actions, this I have been paying attention to.

After recently speaking, with a dear friend from the states, she informed, of what a mess the country is. Crime is on the rise, homelessness is out of control. There are tent villages popping up all around the San Francisco Bay Area, and homelessness is growing in San Francisco itself. Now, this I have witnessed personally, when I was in California in December of 2017.

So, pretty much all of what Trump is saying, is well, bullshit! And, the whole Venezuela bit, introducing this false president of Venezuela!!! I mean, honestly, seriously, for heavens sake!!! That is just down right madness! Thus far, President Nicolas Maduro is still in office in his country of Venezuela. Basically, the US, has really, jacked up trying to overthrow President Maduro...

But hey, just like the host stated in the video, at least this is something, that both, the Democrats and Republicans can come together on...trying to take over the control of another nation...oh my goodness. What a sorry State of the Union, and yes, the state of the union is in a very sorry state.

There is NO hope with either party...so what does that spell for, not only the United States, but the rest of the world...doesn´t look to good from my aspect. 

And, a third party candidate, a fourth party candidate, fifth, oh hell, do you think that most people of the United States are even aware that there actually are other party candidates!? Let alone let one be a contender!

No folks, just not looking so good, up North in the good ole US of A. I wish I could say differently, but no. And, most nearly, pretty much, the entire world knows this as well.

Well, must dash. Sorry, to be so cryptic and dismal about the State of the Union, but my mission is to, "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing else, but the truth, so help me God."

In great peace and love, 

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Oh, a  footnote, just to remind you what is stated by You Tube regarding this video, "ICYMI is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government. 

P.S. I am still shaking my head over this statement!!! 

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