When You Know It Is Time to Say, Goodbye My Love...

You love someone so much, yet, also, that love is hurting you so much...

You do not want it to end, for it feels, as if it has just begun...

Yet, somewhere, inside, no matter how much it hurts, you know..."it is time to say "goodbye my love."

He, is the other half, of my heart, and a deep part, of my soul...

But, it has all gone amiss and I suffer in silence...

I have waited for him, for as long as, I can remember, even when I did not know who he was, nor his name...

When I found him, when we found each other, we knew, we just knew, that I was waiting for him and he was waiting for me...

I have read, that what many call, your "soul mate," or your "forever person", is not always forever, in a lifetime, when you have finally re-met and rejoined your hearts...

There are reasons beyond your control, and that you cannot comprehend, that compels you, to say goodbye...

When this day does arrive, it is so terribly painful, and you wish, it never would have come...but it has, and you know, that you must, honor yourself regardless...

For one to be able to find their other half in any lifetime is a great blessing...

You just know it in your heart, you just know it...there is no logic to it, it just is...

Others, may not understand, what you share with this person, only you two alone, know what you have...

It is a love so powerful and so intense, that it is meant to be, kept sacred, amongst the two and those two only...for others cannot comprehend...

So, I have been blessed, to have shared, a part of my life, with the other half of my heart...

And it is going to be so painful without him any longer...

Tears will flow...

The ache, the longing will remain...

Yet, it is time to say "goodbye to my love,"

And, hopefully, if I return to this earth once again, it will finally be our time, to be one heart for the remainder of time...

With all my love to you my love and to all who have found their other half and have had to say, goodbye,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Christina Perri, "A Thousand Years"

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