CrossTalk Bullhorns: Russiagate 3.0

WARNING...WARNING...WARNING...: According to You Tube and Wikipedia, RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government!

Alright everyone,  I have given you their alert, which of course, is so ridiculously, ridiculous, to state so in the first place. The US lives in a bloody sandbox where Russia is always the bully!!!

Anyhow, thought I would post the RT post of Cross Talk Bullhorns: Russiagate 3.0. I have stated this before, it is so hideous, that the Democrats are pulling, this same rabbit out of the hat, and now are using it against Bernie Sanders!!! So, now you really know, that the Dems are going to ensure that Bernie, will NOT win the Democratic Presidential Nomination for 2020...pretty darn clear.

What I don't understand, why did Bernie Sanders place his bid for President, under the Democratic banner, in the first place!? They utterly destroyed him in 2016 and deliberately, so why did the man choose this party again!?

He really, could have been a serious third party candidate, and had the opportunity, to seize, and to alter, the hideous state of the so-called "two-party system in the US." He had the opportunity to run as an Independent, and literally change, the political climate, and system in the United States. He is going to pay, another high price, for remaining under the Democratic Party.

It is so utterly, out of this world madness, that the Russiagate thing, is once again being reprocessed in its new version of 3.0, taking it to even higher levels of stupidity and absurdity. All the speakers in the program agree. 

Honestly, I still just shake my head in incredulous disbelief, that this is happening, and even worse, that the people of the United States of the Democratic Party, actually, believe that all of this is true!!! No, matter how many investigations prove otherwise, the Democrats will always hold onto this childish fallacy. They must be SO very proud of themselves.

Peace and good luck to all of the world, because from my angle it is looking like a D. Trump victory for 2020!!! Good job USA!!! The world is truly looking forward to this...I think not!!!

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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