My Big Black Hole...

...Feels so much larger than this one...

The entire center of my chest feels as if... 
It is the Black Hole in the Universe...

Some people, believe that, black holes are empty matter...

But my Black Hole, is full of matter...

Deep, very deep, and painful matter...

And, this matter burns, to the very core of my essence...

It is just there, burning, molting, and taking on a form of its own...

Many spiritual people believe, that each and every one of us, carry the universe inside of ourselves...for from the universe we came...

I believe this as well, and right now, my entire universe feels like the Black Hole...

For our chest is our center, it is from where, whom we are...

I am in pain, emotional pain, intense, real, and all encompassing...
So, what do I do with this black hole in my center...?

At this moment, I don't have that answer...

I sit with it...I cry because of the pain...I want answers to my questions...

I do not have those answers right now...
This is how I know, it is the Black Hole...

It is mystery, it is unknown, but it is there...

All I can do is await for the time...when this pain will pass...

And I will once again, feel bright and beautiful stars within my center once again...

Thank you for reading.

With great love always,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

I will be posting two videos with this post from You Tube

"We are the Universe and the Universe is in Us"

"My heart will go on" - Celine Dion (Letra Español/Inglés)

I dedicate the song, "My Heart Will Go On," to my two sons, to my love, and to all who feel as if their center is a black hole

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