The Assange Story. WikiLeaks founder’s journey from whistleblowing hero ...

Just a reminder, You Tube states, RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government.

Absurd, yes, to even state this.

Anyhow, just watched the documentary. It is powerful, it is profound, and it is sad. 

I feel it is powerful, for showing the courage that Julian Assange, has displayed through out his life. You learn, that at a young age, he becomes a hacker and a part of a hacker community in Melbourne, Australia. He hacked into NASA and become shocked at what he had discovered and from other sites he had hacked. 

He did not just want to be a hacker, no, once he learned horrible secrets and cover ups, he knew what he must do, expose them to the world. His conscious would not allow him to do otherwise. 

It is profound, because you truly realize the depth that Julian Assange has, he is a man of deep and great character. He has many around him while creating Wikileaks and running Wikileaks, who truly are committed and who truly care about Julian. He is profound and those who have worked for him, with him, his friends, his supporters, are of people of deep sentiments and passion. 

It is sad, well, for starters, the secrets and cover ups that he leaked. This truly shows us, what horror, and lack of compassion, that exists in this world. The complete disregard for human life. 

It is sad because you see what Julian has gone through for exposing to the world, these horrors. The lengths that governments will go to to ensure his punishment simply for exposing the truth. 

It is sad because, this world, has truly turned, into a world, of complete madness. 

This is what I have to say about this documentary/film by RT. I am sitting here writing, and still in deep contemplation about what I just watched and heard. It has affected me deeply. It has touched a part of me, that is truly, becoming incredibly, more and more disappointed, with our world of today. 

I may not be shedding tears on the outside, but I am certainly shedding them from within.

With all of the love from my heart to all of you my readers,

Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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