Until justice is served for all around this globe...
Let us hope that rebels of all ages will continue to wage...their voices...their desires for a better world...
This is a picture of "Mother Jones..."
As you can see from her picture...
She certainly was no youngster...:)
A Union Activist and Organizer...
A complete "rebel rouser"...
Way to Go Mother Jones...!
Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living! - Mother Jones
Another rebel, in my eyes, was another Mother...

Many may not view this woman magnificent as a rebel...
Yet yes, indeed she was...
She set out to take care of the lowliest of lows...
People suffering in the streets of Calcutta...
Whilst many had little care...
She insisted and persisted with Catholic Church officials until she finally received their blessings...
Her Missionaries of Charity are still going strong around the world today...
I knew of a nun, Sister Madeline Hanot, I met her in my early twenties...
She had a great impact upon me...
A REBEL...indeed...!
She was quite old when I met her and I believe she died in her nineties and she had still been going strong...
She began homes and camps for the developmentally disabled in the San Joaquin Valley of California...
When the Church told her no...she would say "oh, yes, I know, for it is God's will that this shall be done..." :)
What was most amazing about this woman...
Is that she always had faith and she never gave up...
When she was young during World War II...
She and other nuns in her Order would smuggle developmentally disabled people out from Germany to Belgium in the middle of the night...
All these woman risking their own lives...
What a great privilege it was to know this great woman...great REBEL...
"In forty-one years
in the diocese, Sister Madeleine helped start St. Bernard’s School in Tracy,
teaching music and directing the parish choir. She taught religion in Angels
Camp and at St. Linus; ministered to patients at San Joaquin General Hospital
and in the Adult Developmental Center; played the piano in convalescent homes;
visited inmates at the women’s jail; and was involved in the peace and justice
and ecumenical movements.
When she died in 1999, the message of
her life remained: the works of mercy." Diocese of Stockton
I am a rebel...as many of you may well know...
I began as a young girl...
And I shall continue to be until the day that I die...
What I have done and what I have accomplished I only share just a small amount...
When I do...it is only to offer inspiration or bring education...
Do I have more work to do...oh yes, most certainly...
Yet, of this from now on...
I must keep within my heart...
I am thankful to the three woman I shared with you...
Oh, and there are so many more...
So remember...if you please...
That a REBEL can be of any age...
And that it is the REBEL who brings change...
“Fearlessness in those without power is maddening to those who have it.”
― Tobias Wolff, This Boy's Life
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
Albert Camus Quotes
“Learning is always rebellion... Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before.”
Margaret Lee Runbeck Quotes
Musical Selection: RBD: Rebelde Live in Rio
I shall continue my series of oppressed peoples around the globe. I will finish up more on the American Indian and then I wish to do a piece about Subcomandante Marcos of the Zapatistas(EZLN) and how their movement began in 1994 with the commencement of NAFTA...and I shall continue on from there with others...I send my love to all. May light, love, & peace shine upon us all. En paz y amor, Maria
Maria Juarez Beam