The Art of Being...

Being simply being...

Being rather than doing...

Seems to be quite a difficult occurrence for many a human here in the United States...

We are a people of doing...doing...doing...

Always on the move and having something to do...

I know, I was there myself...

The list was endless...

And the energy sometimes high and sometimes low...

Yet, now, I am learning more the art of simply being...

I truly have little choice...

It was a lesson that I needed to learn even further...

Despite all the healing I have done...

With this broken leg there are times that I just simply must be content with being...

 This is a great art indeed...
And I am learning of its great import...
Eastern philosophy emphasizes greatly this art...
Yet, we in the west...
Well, sometimes we think we know what is best...
There are times that all we can do is simply surrender to the contentment of being a human being...
Without doing, without thinking, simply living...
I have discovered with this injury that this is a great lesson to learn...
Our existence here on this earth is not measured upon how much we do each and everyday...
It is measured in how content we can be within our own bodies as a living being...
A breathing soul, a beating heart...

I can send out love as I lie here in my healing state and send out love to all of the world...
And I have come to learn that that love will reach someone somewhere and somehow...

By simply being...
This is all we truly need to be...
Of course there is always the necessity of action, right action, right thought, & right benefit all of humanity...
Yet to learn to be contented with the art of being is truly a valuable gift...

I send all my love and light to all of you as I am being...:) Thank you so for reading my simple prose. Maria Juarez Beam
"Enlightenment is, in the end, nothing more than the natural state of being."
Courtesy of  Gaiam Life
Musical Selection: Kenny Loggins: "Will of the Wind"
Please Enjoy...:)

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