My Tribute to the Man I Lost...

Brian Ross Bradley...

This is the man I loss...

I lost him to death...

He was my husband, my confidant..

He was my best friend...

It has been just over eight years now that he has been gone...

Yet, now it seems a lifetime...

He was 43 when he left this earth...

And, after all this time, I still miss him deeply...

Especially now, with both the boys grown and on their own...

My Brian is not here to share the gifts of seeing what amazing boys we have...

He is not here...

One may think that after all this time I would be able to be over him...

I can tell you this, it is not that easy...

He is still a very big part of me, my life...

I miss him with every ounce of my being...

Brian was a very good man...

He worked so very hard...

He loved his family well...

He was a great father & a wonderful husband...

Was life perfect, of course not, but we made it the best life possible...

In his younger years, Brian nearly became a professional football player...

He blew out his knees & that finished that potential career...

I think he was never able to get over that fact...

When we met, he worked for the Salvation Army...

He was always at the scenes of disasters helping out...

He also ensured, that people in need. where taken care of...

I loved this so much about him...

When we had the restaurants, he was amazing...

He was fabulous with the customers...

He made it as a family with our employees & customers...

He was very well loved...

He had a great smile & he was always jovial...

He had the silliest sense of humor...

He was an amazing father...

How he loved the boys so...

Yes, Brian Ross Bradley...

Was a very good man...

I am so sad within the depths of my heart that he is no longer here...

He touched the lives of many for the betterment...

Yes, I miss him so...

Yet, sadly, it was his time to go...

He was the man, by my side, that I shall never forget...

I thank all of you greatly for allowing me to share the sentiments of my husband passed. Love the one you are with greatly and remember to show them as much love as you possibly can each and every moment, for life is so precious...

Be well all. I send all of my love to each and everyone of you directly from my heart, Maria
Maria Juarez Beam

“I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” 

“Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back.”  ― Mitch Albom, For One More Day
Quotes courtesy of

Musical Selection: Il Divo "The Man You Love"


P.S. I had written a poem several months ago on my blog, "True Love Always Forgives." It is about the loss of Brian...

Musical Selection: Mana: "Vuela Libra Paloma"

You are now set free my love...

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