A Broken Leg...A Broken World...It is Time for Healing

I have a broken leg...

It shall heal & it shall mend...

Of this, I have not doubt...

I broke my leg setting out to help heal a broken world...

Yet, for the time being...

I need to heal me, once again...

We must admit and truly face the reality...

No, matter how positive we long to be...


And, we need to fix it...

Too many people are hurting & are suffering...

Too many people are hungering...

Too many people are war-torn...

Too many of our innocent children are dying...

Are these things that we in the West care to face...?

I feel that we must...

I feel that our demands upon this world have gone on far too long...

We want to have our conveniences...

We want to have all at our beckon call...

Yet, our world and many peoples pay a very high price for our daily living...

It is time to take a really good look at ourselves in the mirror...

And, instead of more in taking, we need to be in more of giving...

I was completely taken off guard tonight by a trailer of the film "Tears of Gaza." This is what prompted me to write these simple words. In my heart, they are words they we truly must heed. Always be thankful for what you have for there are many of our world who are living in conditions horrific. I shall continue to write my poetry, but I have also realized that it is time for me to shift some of my writing into what I originally intended, using my knowledge & research to show us here in the United States what many peoples and countries go through on a daily basis.

I do not desire to be on a "soap box," yet, I have a voice and I have been gifted with my intelligence to educate through my words. Perhaps, this broken leg of mine has brought about this shift or has brought me back to my original purpose in starting "BeamtheLightBetheChange." This is what I truly intend to beam light and with any hope, bring change to a world that is in great need of fixing and of love...

"I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world."
Muhammad Ali
"No man should think himself a zero, and think he can do nothing about the state of the world."
-- Bernard Baruch
I believe that we are at the point now, in the United States, where a movement is beginning to emerge. I think that the calamity, the quagmire of the Iraq war, the outsourcing of jobs, the drop-out of young people from the education system, the monstrous growth of the prison-industrial complex, the planetary emergency, which we are engulfed at the present moment, is demanding that instead of just complaining about these things, instead of just protesting about these things, we begin to look for, and hope for, another way of living. And I think that-- that's where the movement-- I-- I see a movement beginning to emerge, 'cause I see hope beginning to trump despair.
Grace Lee Boggs
Quotes courtesy of betterworld.net
Musical Selection:
U2: "Peace of Earth"
Tomorrow I will begin my new series with a pictorial...May we all enjoy Peace on Earth...
With great love & peace, paz y amor, Maria
Maria Juarez Beam

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.