The American Indian...Just a few Sentiments for Now...

I have so many feelings and sentiments running through my veins right now that I feel the need to express a few.

It has been a difficult day of news of the world and writing helps me to allow deep feelings express and transform. I am following up on my pictorial of last night, "Welcome to the Rez," although this is no near the piece I would ultimately care to create. I simply need to express some thoughts and feelings within my heart.

First of all, what a powerful image of this beautiful American Indian, and to me, this represents the enormity of strength, power, and gentleness of our Native Peoples. These are faces and qualities that many do not witness, for we have hidden the American Indian from our daily existence and our conscience.

To think that only within over 500 years, these magnificent people, and their way of living as one with our mother earth...we have basically...destroyed. Although, thankfully, the American Indian is strong and does not give up. Many continue to live the traditional ways, fight for their rights to keep the remaining land that they have, although, it is mainly reservation land, and fight to keep greed from continuing to take what is upon their lands.

In my personal opinion, every single person that lives here in the United States, ought to bow their heads in sorrow and gratitude to Our Native Peoples, for all that they once had, and once knew, was sacrificed to the alter of the fruition of this country.

I could go on more, but for tonight I shall stop. I have much historical information and personal information I want to share, but for tonight, I wanted to at least share my own personal feelings. One more thing I do wish to share is this, I remember when I was attending University as a history major, many of my professors ensured when talking of the history of the United States and the American Indian, that we do not "romanticize" the people and their culture. I personally, was in shock over this and I made myself quite clear about this statement. not romanticize a people who lived in harmony with our earth, who lived in peace and and respect for all of life? (oh of course, we all know what we were taught in history...right?) blood thirsty and full of vengeance the American Indian was to the pioneers and settlers, to the budding United States, how much they loved to war with each many simply breaks my heart.

Of North American Indian, I have Choctaw running within my blood. I am proud, and I am well aware of the history, the true history of my peoples. It is written upon the very core of my heart, as well as the great wisdom and love.

My great love & blessings to all. Please remember to love all, especially those who are persecuted due to the color of their skin or because they are indigenous...I feel this crazy modern world can learn much from those who remain close to the earth and to their indigenous roots.

Paz y amor to all, Maria

Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)

Musical Selection: Andrew Vasquez "Memory of Mother Earth"

Please Enjoy...Please love...

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