Clinton Colluded With Russia To Smear Trump During Election
She is so full of shit...and all of the Russia hype she began and just cannot let it go...She needs to put herself on an island and leave the world alone!!!
Russia Hysteria Now Attacks BLM & DAPL Activists
Unreal!!!! Russia hysteria in Black Lives Matter and DAPL...REALLY!!!WHAT THE FUCK!!!
Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
I dedicate this beautiful song to my beautiful man..."I Just Called to Say I Love You..." All will be fine my love while I am away...our love is strong and will only be stronger because of the distance we will share while I am away...te amor por simpre amor mio....
Bombshell: 2016 Stolen- But NOT By Russia!
WOW, now that is BRIGHT RED HILLARY!!! Always having to bring more attention to yourself...narcissist.
This is a fantastic interview! Investigative journalist, Greg Palast, just released a movie, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Case of The Stolen Election." Truly, does anyone care about our rigged elections anymore...? It doesn't seem like it to me. Well, ONLY IF RUSSIA DID IT...which of course, they did not!!! Hillary Clinton is a complete embarrassment to "Democracy." She embodies the complete opposite. Well, "agent orange", aka, Donald Trump, it is blatantly obvious, as it is, with the entire Republican Party.
It was the Republican Party and ultimately, a corrupt Supreme Court that put George W. Bush into the Oval Office, not the people, as it should have been. But, then again, polls were being rigged, people not being allowed to vote, (blacks and latinos) and ballots were being literally stolen in Florida...remember, the state that the brother of GW was governor...please!!!
The ONLY party that cared, was the Green Party, and Green Presidential candidate, Jill Stein...cared!
Well, I do hope you watch this and I do hope you care, and the next time you hear about another country having rigged elections...think THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Shemar Moore And Stephen Compare Abs
Shemar...not only is the man fine, he is honest, and damn funny...this is a great bit with the also, honest and damn funny Stephen Colbert...
Robert's Sister: Epilepsy Awareness Month: CTE and Epilepsy – Maki...
Robert's Sister: Epilepsy Awareness Month: CTE and Epilepsy – Maki...: The connection between blows to the head (even those not resulting in a concussion) and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is clear tha...
Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You | ماهر زين - عليك صلى الله (Official Vid...
Asalaam alykom to all in this wonderful world in need of peace...
Amistad - Official® Trailer [HD]
The amazing man that you see in the picture is Cinque, a man captured from Sierra Leon, Africa, put onto a Portuguese slave ship, and then transferred to the "La Amistad," which means, friendship...quite ironic, for it is the exact opposite of that which this ship was doing, bringing slaves to the Americas. Cinque is explaining to those who are trying to help him and the others who were aboard "La Amistad," about his life...
This is a true story. It is a powerful story. And, it does not matter is you are African American, Mexican American, White American, European, South American, Australian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, or African, Asian, racist, or not a racist, ALL MUST WATCH THIS FILM...THIS IS THE OPINION AND TRUTH FROM MY HEART.
Watch it and I hope that it makes you cry, I hope that it breaks your heart...I hope that it rips open your soul...
Why are we today, still locked in, white and black!!!??? You tell me, you watch this film, and YOU tell me...
Band Of Brothers - Little Dutch kid gets chocolate
This is the sweetest scene in the entire Band of Brothers series. Private, David Webster, who is also, one of the most tender soldiers, of the BOB, in Holland, after liberating Eindhoven, encounters a family in their air raid shelter, and he gives this young, sweet boy his first taste of chocolate, a big Hershey Bar...precious...
Albert Blithe Tribute [Band of Brothers]
Albert Blithe, Private First Class, 101st Airborne, Easy Company. To me, he was one of the most tender of all the soldiers of Easy Company. This video show a brief glimpse of this tender soldier who was shot in the neck by a German sniper in France.
Albert was terrified of fighting. I think war simply broke his heart. The one man that he did kill...oh, I cried and he did as well...after the battle was over he went to see the man he shot. He was a beautiful man and he had the flower of edelweiss, which grows above the tree line of the Alps. It is the mark of a true soldier for in order to obtain this flower, one must climb the Alps first. Albert tenderly looks at he man...this soldier had an edelweiss flower on his uniform and sweet Albert gently took the flower and tucked it into his uniform to mark that the both were true soldiers...
PBS Vladimir Putin Interview Part 1 2 Full Documentary 2015
In my eyes, President Vladimir Putin, is a brilliant statesman full of dignity.
Once again, Obama shames himself in front of the United Nations and blatantly lies, nothing that is uncommon for him.
Open your eyes to Vladimir Putin and you will open your mind and your heart...
US Backed Syrian Rebels Using Chemical Weapons Confirms State Dept.
Remember Syria everyone...? Oh, only when a goddamn idiot decides to bomb Syria based upon pure bullshit lies. If anyone still believes that democratically elected, Al-Bashar Assad, whether left or right, used chemical weapons upon his own people...WAKE THE FUCK UP! It was the fucking United States. Yes, obviously, this pisses me off!!!
I returned to California for a short visit and the next day that I arrived I was part of a rally organized by protesting this bombing all the while the fucking media was elated!!!
Jimmy explains excellently the situation surrounding this bombing, United States involvement, not only in Syria, but in all of the Middle Eastern Countries, and in Africa that we cannot fucking leave alone. I am too bloody tired and angry to continue on with this subject so Jimmy Dore, you are on...
Remember The Titans [Official Trailer]
One of my most favorite movies of all time...
It is inspirational, funny, true, and serious...
And, it is something we are still dealing with today...RACISM
Let us hope that this WILL change and soon...
Congressional Hearing: Immigrant Farm Workers pt.5 (FULL Hearing with Co...
Appreciate what is upon your table and be aware of those who put this food upon your table. DO NOT EVER TAKE YOUR FOOD OR THE WORKERS FOR GRANTED...BE GRATEFUL...
Colbert stays in character at congressional hearing
Stephen Colbert, whom I love, gets funny and real about immigrant farm labor. He mocks how most people of the United States feel about immigrants and about doing farm labor is brilliant. Although, most of congress are left dumbfounded! How unlikely of them...
This issue is real and so very import. Stephen brings out the issue in a manner that speaks loudly. It is the very same issue we are facing today...not enough immigrants to work in the fields that put food upon our tables daily and the US citizens who refuse to do this work...
Mana - No Te Rindas.
Yes, I am truly in love with LOVE...
How could anyone not be...?
This is my favorite group of all time...Mána, from Guadalajara, México...
I learned much Spanish from listening and translating their music... :)
I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do...
Se llama, "No te Rindas Amor..."
It's name is "No te Rindas Mi Amor..."
Which means..."Don't Give Up My Love..."
All my love,
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme) Hidalgo
Drumline (Official Trailer)
Alright all...time for a little distraction...good distraction...and we could all use that...
So here is the trailer of a movie I reallllly love..."Drumline," it is awesome!
I just purchased it on Amazon Prime Video...I need some d-i-s-t-r-a-c-t-i-o-n tooodaaay... :)
And remember, "WE CAN ALL FLY..."
Peace out and love to all...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You Official Video
"I've got my mind set on you..."
You know who you are my love...
Monty Python - Trivializing the war / Courtmartial
OH, my goodness, the Brits are at it again! :)
This is too bleedin' BRILLIANT, that I HAD to share...
ENJOY... :)
Monty Python RAF Banter
Now, for the flip side of war and how to make fun of war and who best to do so, but the Brits, and the ever so crazy Monte Python!
We always need to have humor in our matter the circumstance...
If you don't know much about British humor you may not quite get this sketch...but, I can promise you it is hilarious...
Brit humor make take a bit to get accustom to...but if you do so it shall be well worth your while...I promise!
The "banter," by the RAF, Royal Air Force, is bleedin' brilliant, as the Brits would say... :)
The British have more varying accents, then any country that I know of, at least...
Thirty Seconds To Mars - This Is War
This is a very powerful video...I cry, for this is the day that I dream of this is the day that I fight for...
The day when ALL war ends...
All tanks, all guns, all flame throwers, all tomahawk helicopters, all drones, all jet fighters, all battle ships will cease to be made and will be remade into instruments of...peace...
Would not this be the most spectacular day we could have...?
This video is very is a song of peace and it is a song to end all and forever through the eyes of a...soldier.
Let There Be Peace On Earth (lyrics)
This is one of my favorite songs...I used to sing this in church choirs and as a young girl in church, Catholic churches, I only share this because I love my faith so me it is so beautiful. The services here in Mexico make me fall in love with my Catholicism more and more. Some of the services are absolutely breath taking and I am filled with a river of tears for the shear beauty and mystery.
The church is full of ritual, mystery, candles, stained glass, incense of ancient scent, beautiful statues of saints, and of Jesus, and of me breathtaking.
I rarely talk of my religion, but for some reason I felt compelled to share. Thank you for allowing me.
With all my love...Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Vets In Puerto Rico Reveal Trump's Lies: Supplies NOT Getting To People ...
Alright...after watching this...I am simply dumbfounded and yes, I will be using very foul language...
I mean, what the fuck!!! Twelve veterans are working to get supplies to families in the mountains of western Puerto Rico!!! Twelve!!! Where is the military in all of this...and why not MORE VETS...well, they are probably trying to get health care at a vet hospital and not getting what they need.
So are we a fucked up country or is it just me...!? Well, Donald Trump is and that is for certain!!! I am sure that many good people are doing what they can for Puerto Rico and to me it does not matter if they are a part of the US are not, THEY NEED HELP. The federal government is NOT doing what they need to do...bottom line.
I hope you watch for I am just to tired and to disgusted to say more...the video will explain it so much better...peace and love to Puerto Rico and all who are doing what they can to help...
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
HIGNFY - The Show Breaks Down Trump's Presidential Victory
The Brits are bleedin' BRILLIANT...Brit comedy is just about the best world wide...north side...south side...east side...west side...WORLD WIDE... ;)
Man turns into scotsman
Now to end the night with something so utterly silly...and silliness we all need...goodnight and ENJOY the so ever silly antics of "Monte Python and the Flying Circus..." :)
Kenny Chesney - She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
OH, yes, if you drive a tractor it is soooo SEXY...
And Kennnyyy, oh he is so SSSEEEXXXYYY!!! ;)
Queen , Elton John and Axl Rose - "Bohemian Rhapsody" live in Freddie ...
Another WOW!!! Two more great artists performing one of the greatest songs ever made in tribute to another fantastic and well missed artist, Freddie Mercury, of Queen...enjoy...
Luciano Pavarotti & James Brown - It's a man's world ᴴᴰ
Wow!!! Who would ever imagine these two great artists performing together...? AMAZING...
Michael Jackson - "We Are The World" live at World Music Awards 2006 - HD
Michael Jackson was the most brilliant artists of all time...he was well loved...he made us dance...he made us cry...he gave joy just of watch him dance like NO other...
What a tender heart he had for the world...riches were not his reason for living...his richness for the world is what made him alive...
Evanescence - My Immortal
MY dearest Brian, my husband, whom I love so have been gone for so long now...I can no longer count the years...
I still shed my tears...for you...for I miss you, I miss all we shared...all we dared...all the dreams that we lived out together with our beautiful sons...
You watch us all from heaven above...protecting us...guiding the boys...still whispering to them, how to be fine young men...
I love you my Brian have been gone for so long now, that I can no longer count the years...
You are happy for me, for I continue to live out my dreams, I am loved deeply, and this you want for me, as I would want for you...
You are so proud of the beautiful boys that we raised together until your death...then it was I, I, who needed to prepare them for this, madness of a world, that we live in now...
Watch over us Brian Ross...for you are immortal within our hearts...always...
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Band Of Brothers - Doc Roe - Bring Me To Life
Watch this please, and tell me...tell me please...could you ever send our boys, our woman to war, ever again...?
Could you say yes,...bomb away!?
Could you look into the eyes of these young men dying, yet hoping to be brought back to life...and say, "I support our troops?" For the only way to support, them is to, never send them to war ever again...
Look into your conscious, and see what death, brings war...and ask yourself shall we bring them back to life or shall we continue to send them to their death...
Band of Brothers - The Boys Are Back in Town
YES, I do LOVE the "Band of Brothers." Perhaps, because of my sons, perhaps because of their bravery, their commeradity, perhaps because they deserve to be honored. I truly love them being put to this great song, "The Boys are Back in Town," and let's bring all of our "boys," back to town...
Band of Brothers - Fix You
One more for Doc Roe...for the Band of Brothers, for our Military men and women...for PEACE...
Eugene Roe | Bastogne | I got soul but I'm not a soldier
Eugene "Doc" Roe...I love all of the Band of Brothers, but there is something so very extraordinary and gentle about Doc Roe that I find so very endearing and he is so close to my heart...
Republicans Think Trump Is Unstable, Trump Attacks Press Freedom: A Clos...
WOW!!! White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is...shocking!!! I thought the super bright pink outfit was shocking but as soon as words came out of her mouth...WTF!!!???
And, by the way, the US is not the highest taxed country in the world, we rank 36th, pretty pathetic. Denmark is the highest taxed country in the world, and it is beautiful, the are the happiest people in the world, the healthiest, well, with free heath care for all...
They have great beer and great beaches...what more could the highest taxed nation in the world ask for...???
Seth Gives His Fans Eminem's Trump Ultimatum
Seth is the man!!! You go dawg...busta a Trump!!!
And thank you for supporting Eminem...
Snoop Dogg Reacts To Eminem's Cypher About Trump At BET Hip Hop Awards
You go Eminem for speaking the TRUTH about the fool in the White House...Donald....Trump!!!
I truly cannot believe, so many reactions, by so called celebrities and news casters...saying he just wants to make money off of Trump!? REALLY!!! He didn't make a record...this was a rap competition on BET...which means, by the way, Black Entertainment Channel.
Everyone, is making fun of this so-called president...the court jester, for that is what he is. He is an embarrassment to the United States. You do not think the whole world is not laughing at us and is not saying, "what the hell is wrong with the people of the United States!?" They already knew that we are ignorant than most of the world, but electing Trump just validated this even more.
Hell, even his cabinet is embarrassed, the Republican Party is embarrassed, he insults world leaders on Twitter! What kind of nonsense is this!!!???
Any newscaster or entertainer that thinks that Eminem's rapping was deplorable...well, I say take a look in the mirror you fools...and yes, I am going to say it...FUCK DONALD TRUMP...
Love is More Than Words...Love is More than Love
Love cries...
Yet, love so deep never dies...
It is love as this, that lasts, until the end of time...
It is is what keeps the world from falling apart...
Love so that makes you that stings the the love that makes you stronger each day...
Nothing is perfect, yet love so that gives joy...that gives you that stings...that this is perfection...
Metal is forged in fire, to form a magical the same goes for is forged in fire, fire that burns, that flows from the soul to the pain in the form a magical gift...
Love until it hurts, until it bleeds...until the immense and intense creation of love makes you whole...
Yet, love so deep never dies...
It is love as this, that lasts, until the end of time...
It is is what keeps the world from falling apart...
Love so that makes you that stings the the love that makes you stronger each day...
Nothing is perfect, yet love so that gives joy...that gives you that stings...that this is perfection...
Metal is forged in fire, to form a magical the same goes for is forged in fire, fire that burns, that flows from the soul to the pain in the form a magical gift...
Love until it hurts, until it bleeds...until the immense and intense creation of love makes you whole...
With all of my love to all...
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: More Than Words by Extreme
Love until it until it more than words can describe...SIMPLY LOVE...
Eminem Rips Donald Trump In BET Hip Hop Awards Freestyle Cypher
WoW!!! Eminem gets really real about this is bloody brilliant and powerful as well. Bravo and my hat off to you Eminem...
Snoop Dogg Breaks Down Starts Crying After Trump Mistakes NFL Knee For P...
Snoop Dogg get REAL about Trump! Yaw, go dawg...
And, by the way, has an NFL team given Colin a job yet...!?
Stephen Goes One-On-One With 'President Jump Shot'
As I have said so many time before, Stephen Colbert is brilliant...unlike, the at the moment, President of the United States...
Rex Tillerson Called Trump a Moron: A Closer Look
Wait now, has, in any point in time, in United States history, has a president ever been called a moron...? OOOpppps, I mean a
Band Of Brothers - This Is War
What more can I share about these powerful videos...I hope that they touch you as they touch me. I hope that you can witness, in effect, the horror of war. The effects upon those who fight...upon civilians...upon the families of soldiers whom do not see their sons for years upon years.
I hope you realize that there is NEVER A RESAON FOR SENSELESS WAR. I believe that these videos, of these heroes show, you deep with your hearts and within your souls, to never support war ever again...
Peace and love to all...Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Band of Brothers - So Far Away - HD Music Video - Staind
"Band of Brothers," United States Army 101st Airborne Division...Easy Company during the WWII...
I cry every time I watch one of these videos put to songs. I share them with you for I feel it is so incredibly important to watch. It is painful, yet, what is war, but pain. Their commodity is incredible, what incredible men who faced death, horror, and the greatest of autorcities...let us watch and hope we never again need watch or witness the terror of war...Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme)
Band Of Brothers: Joseph Liebgott - Get Home | Oblivion | Pray
You cheer for war...while these men fight...
Only thinking of the day when they can return home...
And...many do realize their dreams...
So compassionate...
Why send them to senseless war...
I say end all war and now...and never to have another ever again...
Cheer for war never again...
Weep with these men...weep for their pain...weep for their dreams...
Michael Jackson - In the Closet (Official Video)
Passion and love between one man and one woman is a beautiful and wondrous thing...
Band of Brothers || Soldier On
Please, I do not wish to hear you say or write..."United We Stand."
Write, "United They Stand," these soldiers who fight FOR YOU...
Who lose their lives...who sacrifice, as well as their families, for we sacrifice too, we cry, we suffer, our hearts break daily...
I cry, I suffer, my heart breaks daily, I cry in...silence.
Please do not support war any longer..."shout from the highest mountain more war," "for somewhere, a soldier is crying...."
In great peace and remembrance,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
(Band of Brothers) Silhouettes
So powerful...
I hope you can understand why I fight for peace...
This is WAR! It is ugly and it is painful...look at these brave men...
Medic Eugene Roe Prayer of St Francis Band of Brothers Bastogne
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord make me an instrument of thy peace
Where there is hatred...let me sow love
Where there is injury pardon...
Where there is
Where there is despair...hope
Where there is darkness...light
Where there is
Oh Divine Master...
Grant that I may not so much seek...
As to be to console...
To be to be loved...
To to be understood...
For it is in giving that we receive...
It is in pardoning...that we are pardoned...
And it is in dying...that we are born to eternal life...
Reasons "The Star Spangled Banner" shouldn't be honoured by black people!
Amazing history of the "Harlam Hell Fighters." History one will NEVER find in the history books...
Tn. Titans PROVE Colin Kaepernick Is Being Blackballed
When is the NFL going to get the balls...the cajones to let Colin play...!?
Puerto Rico Deals With Another Storm: A Presidential Twitter Tantrum
And, the Mayor of Puerto Rico has every right to be ANGRY...
Obama Accepts Courage Award With Straight Face
I am tired, sick and tired...tired of hearing Barack Obama's bull shit, Trump's bullshit, and finding out about what happened in Las Vegas. I am very tired...
And this man won a "Nobel Peace Prize...bullshit! All fuckin' bullshit...peace out all of my wonderful readers.
Obama Fails Again With Out-Of-Touch Speech That Proves How Bad He Is
I just read a comment in response to this pathetic speech... "O bomb ya..." SPOT ON!!!
Barack Obama...I am sorry, former Mr. President, but I cannot stomach you as well, as Donald Trump. Your waging war in SEVEN countries, your daily Drone Strike list, your immigration policy, yes the Dream Act, is great, but your miserable record of deportations! Your "Obama Care," which is really, "Mitt Romney" Care, well, it does help many, but falls quite very short of what health care ought be in the United States, big bank bail outs whilst homeowners WERE KICKED OUT OF THERE HOMES THAT SIT ON FERTILE FARM LAND!!! THESE HOUSES ARE STILL SITTING EMPTY!!!...I could go on, but your speech explains it all...
I just learned something from this video by Jimmy Dore, whom I love, his show is amazing. We actually ran out of bombs in Syria...WE RAN OUT OF BOMBS IN SYRIA!!! Just sit with that for a moment...we ran out of fuckin' bombs in Syria because we bombed them so much!!!
I just learned something from this video by Jimmy Dore, whom I love, his show is amazing. We actually ran out of bombs in Syria...WE RAN OUT OF BOMBS IN SYRIA!!! Just sit with that for a moment...we ran out of fuckin' bombs in Syria because we bombed them so much!!!
Las Vegas Attack...A False Flag!!!
Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said authorities believe it was a “lone wolf” attack.
Of course, and please don't tell me this is not a FALSE FLAG, I can tell you that it is...a fuckin' "mini" 911! Trump needs his war drums a beating and what other way than a massive horrific act! Bastard!!! ISIS claims responsibility...please! The FBI is already saying NO, IT IS NOT A CONNECTION TO ISIS! But, it is too late, the DAMAGE is done...because far too many believe it already! Rather than thinking this through...time for reaction, which means more soldiers to Iraq and to Syria, and because RUSSIA is kicking our ASS IN SYRIA!!! DAMN, I AM ANGRY, that many more innocents will be killed...isn't 50 enough Trump!!!???

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.

One of the most powerful and haunting songs I have ever heard about Palestine. Djamy Ross, sings with such conviction and intensity, that on...
I recently discovered something about me... I am not quite not ready to let love in again... This is a healthy thing indeed... As many of yo...
WE ALL NEED HEALING I decided, that since, I am writing about war and my personal experience right now, that I would add this healing music...
Thank you Tupac Shakur for your music and your words during your short time on this planet... Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
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I just have to share this video with all of you, my most beloved readers...I have been pretty sad all day and I ran across this video of ...
There was a time when this wondrous human being walked this earth. He was a great inspiration for so many. He still remains an inspiration. ...
For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
First, to note, I have been writing a series about war, but I am going to steer away temporarily. I find it necessary for my soul to do so ...