The Magic of Trees and Babbling Brooks...
For me, is so intimately, majestic, and magical, for my being...
It is such a graceful, and blissful, place to be, when you are with the trees, and a babbling brook...
Whether it be day, or night, the unbelievable delight, that I receive is treasured within me...
It has been raining, a gentle rain, everyday...the kind of rain, that is so gentle, and that, is ever so sweet...
For me, being with the trees, and a babbling brook, at night, is the most special, and healing time for me...
Somehow, the evening light, the shadows and the smell of the trees, become ever so mysterious, the mystery of the soul and the heartbeat of life...
And the sound of the water, gently passing over the pebble stones, of the babbling music of the earth, and, of the heavens, as well, as the mystery of night singing it's song...
The feeling of tender magical faeries dancing through the soft light of the darkness...
I find myself, in a Cathedral, one not out of stone, by the hands of humans, a Cathedral of what is the trueness of a of the greatest of majesty and galore...
In its this presence, everything is soft, and everything is sacred...
The memory and the wisdom of the trees...
and, the remembrance, of change, that exists in life, of the sweetly flowing babbling brook...
A special, and a very personal gift, is given to me...
When I am with "The magic of Trees and Babbling Brooks...
Always yours in truth, love and in nature,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: Enya, "The Memory of Trees"

A state of disillusionment and sadness. You see through everything and have no illusions about what is true. So many negative things have happened that it becomes difficult to stay positive about what once gave you hope and joy. Sometimes you might think there's hope, but then more negative things happen in the aspect you are jaded in, and you become more jaded. This can be felt in many different aspects: Love, friendship, politics, trust, music, objects, etc.
Actions, people, places and things can all leave you jaded
I am usually, a contemporary Spanish music lover, and, a soul, and R&B music lover...but, I have branched out, back to 90's alternative, and early 2000 music. I love the song, "Jaded, by Aerosmith, and so I decided to listen, and watch the video on you tube.
I never really, could understand the meaning, of jaded, and I never even knew of the word, until an ex-boyfriend, said, that it is hard for him to love, for he is "jaded."
After listening to the song, I decided to look up it's meaning, after seeing the video. I came upon, the aforementioned definition, by Urban Dictionary, and ah ha...the light bulb came on...I never realized that I had become jaded.
I won't go into all of the details that have led me to a life of being jaded, but as the meaning states..."So many negative things have happened that it becomes difficult to stay positive about what once gave you hope and joy. Sometimes you might think there's hope, but then more negative things happen in the aspect you are jaded in, and you become more jaded. This can be felt in many different aspects: Love, friendship, politics, trust, music, objects, etc."
I have always thought myself, as a positive person. Yet, over the course, of 20+ years, without knowing, I had become, jaded about life (love, friendship, trust, loss, the state and the pain of the world, just to name a few) in general...too much had happened, that was so painful, that the joy, and the positivity, that I once felt,...were fading away.
The day before I listened, to the song, "Jaded," and looked for the definition, I had gone for a walk, to one of the most healing places for me, here in Norway...woods and sea...
I go here as often as I can, when I am blessed to be in Norway,...I sit in a special place, to soak this beauty, into my heart and into my soul.
That day, had brought me to tears, and realizing, how much sadness there was inside of much much despair...

Do we ever have this opportunity to be in pure silence?...would we notice, even if we were, in silence. That day, I did. And do you know, silence speaks, the loudest, and the wisest words, than any other thing in this world.
Before the silence, the trees were talking to me gently, with there leaves, with their, luxurious smell, and the grandeur of their beauty...and, this, is what....brought me to the tears,
When the silence, and the stillness of the trees came, the tears, became tears of healing, tears that needed to be released, from my jaded heart, and from my breaking soul...
The shear miracle of nature, and the pure silence, had awaked me, and is now, putting me, onto a journey of deep healing...
The light that had darkened,
...began to shine once again within me
The little girl inside of me...began smiling once again...
The jadedness was fading away...
I write this, to share with all of you, my experience, with the hope...that if may have become jaded...and, had or, have not realized, that you too...will listen to the silence...and heal...
With all my love to all,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Musical Selection: "Jaded," by Areosmith
James Blunt - No Bravery [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
This is a song, that I have posted as well, before. I am reposting this song for I feel it fits the theme of what I am feeling right now...about my sons, the military, the flag, and of war...and the searching of their souls...
I am in Norway right now, and there is so much beauty and so much tranquility, that well, it allows my soul to breath, my mind to cleanse, and my heart to heal...
There will be more writing ahead, I am certain, as I sit in the stillness and the silence...that we all so desperately need...I know that I certainly do...
With great love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Rise Against - Hero Of War
I have posted this song before, when I wrote, "When a Soldier Cries." And, with the last writing I just posted...I find it appropriate, one again, for this side of the flag...
Living on Two Sides of the Flag...
If I, were ever to fly, a flag, of the United States of America, I would fly it, upside down...
If, it were my children, to fly the flag, it would be upright, as most people, think that it should...
For me, in this flag, my soul, has never been found...
For my children, they are hoping, that it will,...will be helping them, to find their souls...
If it is, or if it has, no one, not even themselves, would know...yet, I know...
I am their mother, who stands, on the other side of the flag...
The flag that I want to burn and shoot...
Everyday, they salute...
This flag...
I could go on, and on, to explain, my many reasons, why I feel the way I do, about what this flag, is suppose to represent...
Yet, it has failed, it continues to fail what, we have come to believe, what it means...
And, many lives, were paid, for the fruition of this flag,...many lives, have paid the price for this flag of red, white, and blue...and many more continue to do...
Many of you know, how I feel, about the country of the Red, White, and the Blue...and many of you, may not understand why I do...
Some of you will become to understand why I do...
I have this big hole within my heart, and a hole, that never ends, with pain...for this flag you see, I know, not only affects, the entire world, it also affects me...and it affects me deeply...
For me, in the depths of my soul, this flag has taken away, all, that I have lived for, sons...
Not many know, of the deep pain, of what the mother's, of military children live with every moment of their lives...
Not knowing where they are...not being able to hear their voices over the phone...
Mother's who cry in silence...who cry inside, for this flag, and for all, of what it it stands, for it...has robbed, it has robbed, what was, and still is, and will always be, so precious to us...
I feel, as if I have failed them...that I did not give, them the tools, to choose another path in life...
They made their choices, and they live with their choices everyday, and I do as well...
I am proud of my sons, and I love them, more... than they will ever know...
I have two sons...and we live on two sides of the flag...
If, it were my children, to fly the flag, it would be upright, as most people, think that it should...
For me, in this flag, my soul, has never been found...
For my children, they are hoping, that it will,...will be helping them, to find their souls...
If it is, or if it has, no one, not even themselves, would know...yet, I know...
I am their mother, who stands, on the other side of the flag...
The flag that I want to burn and shoot...
Everyday, they salute...
This flag...
I could go on, and on, to explain, my many reasons, why I feel the way I do, about what this flag, is suppose to represent...
Yet, it has failed, it continues to fail what, we have come to believe, what it means...
And, many lives, were paid, for the fruition of this flag,...many lives, have paid the price for this flag of red, white, and blue...and many more continue to do...
Many of you know, how I feel, about the country of the Red, White, and the Blue...and many of you, may not understand why I do...
Some of you will become to understand why I do...
I have this big hole within my heart, and a hole, that never ends, with pain...for this flag you see, I know, not only affects, the entire world, it also affects me...and it affects me deeply...
For me, in the depths of my soul, this flag has taken away, all, that I have lived for, sons...
Not many know, of the deep pain, of what the mother's, of military children live with every moment of their lives...
Not knowing where they are...not being able to hear their voices over the phone...
Mother's who cry in silence...who cry inside, for this flag, and for all, of what it it stands, for it...has robbed, it has robbed, what was, and still is, and will always be, so precious to us...
I feel, as if I have failed them...that I did not give, them the tools, to choose another path in life...
They made their choices, and they live with their choices everyday, and I do as well...
I am proud of my sons, and I love them, more... than they will ever know...
I have two sons...and we live on two sides of the flag...
In peace and love to my sons, to all veterans, and to all who feel the effects, of the Flag of the United States of America
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I have two musical selections for this writing:
"He is Still a Little Boy," by Mary Rochester
"My Son," by Jan Howard
I do not own the rights to the songs or the pictures posted...they are the rights of those who wrote these songs and who took these pictures
All writing is written by Maria Joan Beam
Thank you
Band of Brothers-You Found Me-The Fray
Soldiers, good men, who thought they were fighting, for a good cause...fighting the "enemy," only to discover the HELL of WAR, and what, was it all for?
A few good moments they shared together...yet forever changed, by the deaths, by the blood, by the horrors of war.
Realizing, towards the end, that our so-called "enemies," soldiers, are no different from ourselves...
May wars end...and peace begin
Remember the soldiers, who fight the battles, that we think, are for a good cause...yet, in our souls we know that they are not...
Always in peace, love, and truth,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Ho Chi Minh's Connection to the African-American Struggle
A good friend of mine posted this on FB and I thought I would share this on beamthelightbethechange...I have always admired Ho Chi Minh and I never knew of this history before. I admire him now, more than ever.
As always, in search of the truth, in the giving of love, and the bringing the peace...
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
I know, that I have been writing, about very important, vital, and political situations going on, in this world right now,...but there are also, many other important social issues that we forget, with the exception of those, who are a part of the world, and are missing and forgotten.
I don't know, if around the world, this was a part of our daily lives, oh, back in the 70's-80's, 90's, but, it certainly was in the United States; missing children.
Every carton of milk that was sold, had a picture of a missing baby, child, or teenager. I don't see that any longer. Along, with the picture, was a description of this precious, missing person, and what date they were last seen. I find it so very tragic.
Although, there are still so many, that disappear yearly, we no longer see these missing and forgotten faces, by their families, I am certain, never forgotten.
This song, "Runaway Train," by Soul Asylum, is about missing children and runaways whom never return,... on this..."Runaway Train." May we remember, and never forget those, lost, and missing.
Always your in great love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
I dedicate this post to all those who are missing world round.
Redacted Tonight: ‘The Truth About RT America’
Alright, I really could not resist posting, yet another, RT AMERICA, Redacted Tonight hosted by Lee Camp. Yes, this was broadcasted on November 20th, 2017, but, not so much has changed, about the thinking, of most citizens, of The United States of America, or perhaps even, much of the "Western World...about RT.
So, with all of that said, I am off to the wait...I am at the, wait...I just received my orders, from the Kremlin, to post this, on my most, very important, world wide known
I off in my head...??? I happen to really like RT News btw...:)
Always yours, in TRUTH, PEACE, AND LOVE...
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
P.S. Just some random information to put out there...I have noticed, checking my stats, of where my views come from...what parts of the world...and in the past two weeks I have noticed something new...I receive views from an "Unknown Region." Hmmm, I wonder what this is all about...what region does blogspot/google not want me to know, that this region, is viewing my blog?...Rather interesting.
P.S. Just some random information to put out there...I have noticed, checking my stats, of where my views come from...what parts of the world...and in the past two weeks I have noticed something new...I receive views from an "Unknown Region." Hmmm, I wonder what this is all about...what region does blogspot/google not want me to know, that this region, is viewing my blog?...Rather interesting.
Maná - Latinoamérica (Lyric Video)
Nicaragua, How To Create a US Back Government Coup, ft Lee Camp Redacted...
Before I write a brief writing to go along with this video by Lee Camp of Redacted Tonight...a show that is by that, "Kremlin propaganda" RT. This is a video that is a show on RT...just to warn you. So, that being said, then I am a Russian agent...Putin lover, anti-American, let's see what else could I be...?
Anyhow, also, if any of you have ever watched Lee Camp, he does get quite vulgar while he telling you about some very serious issues...I hope you can handle that...if not...well...just letting you know.
Alright, I do believe that I have posted about the very things that he is speaking about...Venezuela, Nicaragua, the US preoccupation of bringing down Latin American Socialists Governments, the School of the Americas, etc, and some of the ways that they do this...
So, now I will let Lee do the rest of the talking in his very own special style...
I do hope that these issues will matter to you and that you will get...I mean really get it...what the United States Government is doing to tear Latin America it has been doing since the Andrew Jackson Presidency...all that said...
With great peace, love, and truth
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam
Rise Against Voice of Dissent (+lyrics)
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme(
US Sanctions Shut Down The Empire Files with Abby Martin
And, this what happens to programs, such as, "The Empire Files, by Abbey Martin...those who speak the searching for the truth...shut down! Shut down by the crippling sanctions by the United States against Venezuela, which is, the true financial crisis in Venezuela, and not the socialist government.
Facebook is also following this example by shutting down the voices of truth!
What You’re Not Being Told About Venezuela Crisis. w/Abby Martin
Abbey Martin, once again, speaking truthfully, and clearly, about what is truly going on in Venezuela. Watching people, like Abbey Martin, speak about what is the truth behind Venezuela, brings me to tears...for socialism, and strong leaders, such as Hugo Chavez, who have uplifted the invisible, and the poor, are demonized. Their countries are economically attacked, and violently attacked, for going against capitalism; a system of greed, with the only goal, of acquiring wealth, and more wealth, for the already, most wealthy. A system, that is called "freedom!?"
I proudly, call myself, a "green socialist," and I hope, that one day, socialism replaces capitalism, and, will bring it to it's literally, bloody hands, and knees. And with it, the lies, the propagation of these lies, and the fact, that most of the world, especially, those of the United States, eats and swallows these lies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
I find it quite curious, that the base of these, "so-called saviors", of the "poor and desperate," people, from the "Venezuelaen Regime," are based in Miami...the same base of those who "fled" Cuba and absolutely despise the Cuban Government. Why, for these are the families, whose lands were divided amongst all. And, also, were the families, of the most wealthy of Cubans, who supported, the real "dictator," Flugencio Bautista, a murderous and horrendous man, that the United States supported, and financed.
And, as reported for many years, "poor and desperate", Cubans flee Cuba to Miami in boats", and now what is being reported, "poor and desperate," Venezuelians, fleeing to Colombia, a dictatorship country, that, of course, the United States supports and finances. How coincidental, how convenient, how many times repeated over and over again by the United States and their partners in crime, the oligarchs of the "dictatorship," countries.
Begin to destroy the economy, begin the lies, begin the downfall of the leaders of the champions of the only bring the real desperation of the people who will be in need...
I just implore all of you who believe in the continues and perpetual lies, and the demonization, of countries such as Venezuela, to just stop...just stop buying the lies, and come to your senses, and begin to be, a true champion of the poor, and those in need, and of the leaders who uplift and better their lives.
I hope that one day, I will no longer need to write this over and over again, believe in the truth and no longer in the lies...
Yours in peace, truth in love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
ICYMI: Trump Anxiety Disorder vs Trump Derangement Syndrome - what’s the...
I just love how sarcastically, blunt, Polly is...
I wonder when you will she will talk about those that are suffering from, "Oh, how we miss the Barack Obama Presidency Syndrome, or, "The I am so oblivious to the war-hawk, most deportive of immigrants Barack Obama Derangement Syndrome...?
The Black Eyed Peas - RING THE ALARM pt.1, pt.2, pt.3
Warning does contain the truth and what you may think, as "foul" language
The Black Eyed Peas - RING THE ALARM pt.1, pt.2, pt.3
Revolution is coming...revolution is occurring...fighting and overcoming the power that it think's it be...
Countries coming together to work with each other...and not bomb one another...
Revolution is coming...revolution is happening...
Leaders, other's attempting to stop...other's coming in to ensure they don't drop...keepin' nations those who think they got the power can no longer do the reapin...'
Counties dropin' the dollar...and the US want ta holar...they can no longer hold on to the power...still only want to devour...
They rest of the world only wants the peace...for peace is the answer...peace is the transition...peace is the glory for all...
Revolution is coming...Revolution is occurring...Revolution is happening right now...can you see it? Will you join it? Will you continue to resist it? Will the hatin' still go on within your heart? Or will it be replaced with love as it's parts...?
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Song: Black Eyed Peas..."RING THE ALARM pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3.
Warning does contain the truth and what you may think, as "foul" language
Six Arrested After Assassination Attempt on President Maduro
I wonder, how many people, are paying attention, to the fact, that an assassination attempt, was made upon, the democratically elected leader, President Nicolas Maduro, of Venezuela, on August, 4th, 2018?
Perhaps on the "so-called," "mainstream media" it has been news. I would not know for I do not watch a second of this "so-called, "news." I even looked for articles on the alternative sites, that I read...very little is mentioned. I am truly, shocked and surprised, of, the very little coverage, on such a major world event.
Perhaps, because so many, are, focusing on Trump and Russia right now, a deterrent for all of the covert operations that are being conducted by the CIA in Latin America...? Trust me, Russia may be in the forefront, but, this does not mean, that Latin America, has not been put on the "back-burner." In fact, Latin America, is the most focused, major part, of the agenda of the CIA, and the United States Government.
The main targets right now, are the attempt at tumbling the current Sandinista Government in Nicaragua, the insurance of the support of the ultra right wing government in Colombia, who was recently, the first Latin American country, to become a member of NATO, and the toppling of the Venezuelan Government.
A "peace process," is currently being conducted by the government of Colombia and of FARC, Fuerzas Amadas Revolucionares de Colombia, (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) The process has been happening, over at least, the past year, I was to be a witness of the peace process last summer, but was unable to go due to health conditions. I was to be an observer in support of FARC.
The CIA, and the United States Government, not only, began the "drug war," in Colombia, they are insuring that it will continue, even while FARC, has been laying down, it's only protection, their armaments. Of course, the United States supports and backs, the ultra right wing of the current Colombian Government.
What does Colombia have to do with this assassination attempt, you may ask? It is being stated, that six Colombians, have been arrested in the assassination attempt of Nicolas Maduro. In April of 2017, Maduro made a very strong statement towards the Government of Colombia, "Colombia is a failed state, and is planning a FARC massacre."
As I stated above, the US, and the CIA, began the horrific "drug war," in Colombia, and funds, and arms it to this day. Do they want peace with FARC, not at all!?
Does the United States Government support the current government, and the past government, under Hugo Chavez, of Venezuela? It most empathically, did not, and does not. Assassination attempts, and, coup attempts, were made against the former, and late President, Hugo Chavez...and, another, now, against the current, and two time, democratically elected president, Nicolas Maduro. It does not take too much intelligence, to figure out, who is truly behind this failed assignation attempt upon Nicolas Maduro, on April 4th, 2018. "DRONES," alone, is enough to know, who is truly responsible.
Oh, there is so much more, that I could write upon this subject. Also, on the reasons, why the United States, so hostilely, defiles, and demonizes the Chavista Government of Venezuela. Of the CIA'S full on, covert, and non-covert operations to overthrow this government, and many other, socially democratic governments in Latin America, only install, true dictators and puppets for the US.
There is also, the School of Americas, which is now renamed, The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, that is located on the Army Base of Fort Benning, in Georgia, United States. Their purpose, to recruit and train Latin American terrorists, to be soldiers, of covert operations, by the CIA to topple Latin American Governments, who do not support United States agenda. Basically, a killing agency.
Venezuela, is a fiercely outspoken country against the United States, and wishes to remain a sovereign nation, and NEVER to be a United States puppet. This alone, make the country an "enemy," of the United States. And, never mind that fact, that Venezuela sits upon the world's largest oil supply. Hmmm, could that be a small part, of this hatred, and demonization of Venezuela...?
Just some food for thought, for all of those who believe, all of the bullshit, put out by the media, that completely supports the agenda of the CIA, and the US government.
I could be out, having a really great time, in one of the most festive cities, that I know of, in the world, Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, but I, instead chose, to write about a major world event.
As always, in great peace and love...
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Shine the light on truth, peace, and love...always...
** New Hit Song For Workers' Rights **
Worker's of the world...all unite...and we, the consumers, we too, need to unite, and to fight, for the hard working worker's of the world...a world of privilege for us, and a world of misery, for the worker's of the world...Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Amazon Workers on Strike Attacked by National Police
Well, I am ashamed, that I have ordered so much from Amazon...especially, for knowing about their worker's rights abuses, and the hard conditions that they work under. Low pay, long hours, little to no benefits, having to depend on governmental programs to put food on the table, and not having the right to organize, to defend basic worker's rights, are just a few of some of the abuses by Amazon toward's their workers.
It was just so easy for me to click, "buy"...especially due to my epilepsy when I could not get out, and finding products that I could not find else where. They have become the electronic equivalent of War-Mart...a company I have boycotted for years. Both Amazon, and Wal-Mart, have their hands all over the world.
My upbringing, due to my father's work as a Union Leader, taught me to defend worker's rights, and to never support any company that undermines worker's rights and dignity. And, especially to never cross a picket-line. This conditions are not only happening in Spain, but in the United States as well. I am certainly globally.
So, it is time to put those beliefs back into motion with Amazon. I will now boycott Amazon, and just do with out, with what I think I need.
So much of our consumerism, harms many worker's world wide, and companies, such as Amazon, put many small businesses out of the business world. It is time for all of us to stop and think, before we buy, and who is REALLY, paying the price for what we think we need.
And, truly, why does one company, and the head and founder of that company, need so much money...why...when so many go without...?
With solidarity with Spain and for all worker's right's around the globe...
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Song: New Song for Worker's Rights by Eileen Torres
The Gandhi Rap - be the change u want to see
Peace and harmony is what we need no matter who begins it...if it be Donald Trump, if he is allowed to, despite of all of his many flaws, then let it be...the hand of peace around the world is what we need...Ghandi...a great inspiration.
"Be the Change You Want to Be..." Mahatma Ghandi
"Beam the Light be the Change..." Maria Juarez Beam
CrossTalk: Apocalyptic Reaction
I have not been keeping up with the "news" lately, for several personal reasons, that I have been taking care of...I happened to see a video posted on Facebook about this summit, between President Vladimir Putin, of the Russian Federation, and President Donald Trump, of the United States of America. I think this is a very good thing that this has occurred.
Relations between Russia, and the United States, need to become united. It is not "treason," to begin diplomatic talks...this is the right thing to do. Barack Obama and his war mongering team, began this entire fiasco, along with all of the Russia Phobia, and the allegations of Russia interfering with the 2016 elections!!! Seriously, when is the United States, going to get over it's hypocritical hypocrisy!? And, the media is all over it!!!
"TREASON...ANTI-PATRIOTIC...IMPEACHMENT, RUSSIA IS THE ENEMY!!! I mean honestly, it is so unreal. And, both sides of the coin, are sending these messages, all over the "mainstream," media...Republicans and Democrats alike...and the people of the United States.
I find it all appalling. Why is there even discussion about the so-called, "Russian," did not happen, once again, I repeat, IT DID NOT HAPPEN. This is not my opinion, there is evidence, from the FBI, that this did not happen. Time to move on everyone...
Treason, for being diplomatic!? Wow, it is diplomacy, that calls for mutual understanding, and for peace. So, now diplomatic relations, are treasonous?...unbelievable. Can't make money off of peace...
ANTI-PATRIOTIC, I won't even waste my time on that one. IMPEACHMENT...not going there as well. "RUSSIA IS THE ENEMY," I will go is Russia our enemy, when President Putin, has always referred to the as United States, "our friends?"
Russia, has not made one single aggressive act, towards the United States, and, they would have the right to do so, if they ever did. It is quite the opposite for the USA. We are the aggressors. The entire country of Russia, on land, sea, and air, is surrounded, by all branches, of the United States Military. And, there have been many attempts, by the US Military, to instigate acts of war toward Russia. How does Russia respond? With their military ships, and planes, making no aggressive act, they maneuver the aggressors away from Russian zones.
So, I ask you, who is the aggressor...and why is Russia, "our enemy.? If you bring up Crimea, or the Ukraine as an excuse, you completely have the facts wrong, about what actually, did happen. If you bring up the fact, that Putin, was in the KGB, this automatically makes him,"evil?" What about our horrific CIA!? Putin is an oppressor to this group of peoples or that group of peoples, and what about the United States!!!???
It truly, is time for the United States, to grow up, to accept responsibility, for it's international crimes, and, to become a diplomatic country, and to, put an end of being, the bullies, and the attitude, of being the righteous of the world.
The fact that Syria is being discussed, as well, is being stated as, another, treasonous act. And, the responsibility, that the United States, has, to help rebuild Syria. This is due to, the United States, not only instigating this war, but also creating and funding, the "terrorists" factions, fighting to overthrow, Syrian President Al-Bashar Assad, which, was what the United States wanted from the very beginning. It did not happen. Syria and her allies were victorious. Al-Bashar Assad is the legally elected leader of a sovereign nation. Wanting to be sovereign, means, to be an enemy of the United States.
So, this meeting in Helsinki, is an awesome act, and it is much needed. No matter, what I think, of Donald Trump, as our president, his reaching out his hand, in diplomacy, is very honorable. And, he is also, upholding a campaign promise. How many years has it been, since a president, of the United States, upheld a campaign promise?
Donald Trump cannot win for losing or losing for win...he is beholden, by both parties, when he bombs Syria for false allegations...he is demonized, by both parties, when he reaches for peace. Perhaps, Barack Obama held the torch, for peace, but I cannot recall, but he certainly made the calls for war and more killing.
Enough said, with the exception, stop being so ridiculous United States, the Government, the media, and the people...just stop.
With peace and love,
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
A few post scripts that I would like to add:
I did not vote for Donald Trump.
I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican.
I do not support most of Donald Trump's policies, especially on immigration.
I do support the fact that he does want diplomacy with countries that we need to repair relations.
I do not support that he is not doing this with all the countries that the United States call our "enemies."
I do not condone his outrageous behaviors present and in the past.
I do not support his hypocrisy and his ignorance.
I voted for Barack Obama for his first term.
I am ashamed, that I voted for him in the second term. I wanted to vote green, but my fear of Mitt Romney winning, swayed me into voting for Barack Obama. At this point, I was realizing just what kind of man, and President, he truly was...and what he did under his presidency, as far as foreign policy and immigration are shameful. And, another man of hypocrisy.
I am speaking positively of Donald Trump on this issue alone, and it one of great importance, and if he sidesteps backwards on this diplomatic act, as well as others, it will be due to all of the pressure put on him leaders of both parties, by the Pentagon, by the CIA, and all interested parties in endless war...for the bottom line, war makes money, war gives the perception of control and domination...war is sadly, now making us who we are.
Despite the fact that we have literally destroyed, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, along with brutally murdering their leader, Muammar al-Kadafi, and in the process of destroying Yemen, Somalia, and doing our best to do so in Pakistan.
And, despite the fact, that we are giving billions of tax-payer's money, to support Israel in it's destruction of Palestine. Despite the fact, that millions of refugees have been created, countless dead, soldiers killed, and soldiers returning home distraught, forever changed, and many suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. So many suffering families of the worn ruined countries and the families of United States Military personnel.
As well as, our continued aggression toward Russia, North Korea, China, Venezuela, Central America, wanting to instigate a war, with Iran, and overthrowing countless leaders of sovereign nations, who benefit their people, only to install, the real dictators, and the puppets of the United States. All of our aggression, is about greed, for resources, for control, for domination, and for power. It certainly, has nothing to do, with "protecting our freedom," nor with "spreading Democracy." All of these, which are fallacies, and all, only about destruction.
So there are my post scripts...
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For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
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