Ave Maria - Luciano Pavarotti
My hope is that this most amazingly, haunting, and beautiful song of Ave María, performed by Luciano Pavarotti, brings you to your knees and to lovely, lovely tears...
I dedicate this song, to my lovely and beautiful mother, María Guadalupe Veronica Juarez de Beam...Te quiero mi querida mama...mucho y como te extraño...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Our Lady Of Fatima Movie
I am sharing, with all of you, my most wonderful readers, here at, beamthelightbethechange, not for religious sake, but for the sake of the beauty of humanity. Yes, there is much suffering occurring, in this, often mad, filled earth. But, there is also...much beauty, so much beauty, and this, we must always, remember.
This beautifully made film is about the true story of Our Lady of Fatima that occurred in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Fátima
The story of three blessed, and innocent children, and the, Blessed Ever Virgen, appearing before them. This is a story, about faith, during much doubt...it is a story about pure innocence and about pure love. It is a story of hope, when it seems that all hope is lost...
Many of the predictions of Our Lady of Fatima have come to pass upon us already, and more are to come. You can believe or not believe, you can be Catholic, or not, you can be whatever and whoever you wish to be...yet, goodness, is at the heart of it all, of everything in this life.
During this New Year of 2018 to come, it is a time to reflect upon our personal and our collective past...a time to look upon what has been good, and what has not...a time to change and a time to begin anew. It is a time to renew the beauty that lies within all of us...each and everyone of us...
For, it is only, this BEAUTY, which is truly, LOVE, that will finally allow this world to change...to BEAM it's light and to BECOME it's change...not just for one, but for all...FOR ALL...
I send all of my blessing and love to all this coming New Year of 2018 and let us begin with hope, peace, and love, and the GREATEST of these, being love...Corinthians 13:7
I leave you with these, ever blessed words of Corinthians 13, a passage that has been engravened, and blazed upon my heart , and upon my soul, but have not read in so many years...we can all read these world changing words and carry them with us into this New Year...to bring about the LOVE that we all so desperately need, whether we know it or not know...may these words shower upon as the heavenly rain above...
Always with great love, Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
1. If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or classing cymbal.
2. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
3If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.c
4* Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated,d5it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,e6it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.7It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.f
8* Love never fails. If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing; if tongues, they will cease; if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing.9For we know partially and we prophesy partially,10but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.11When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I put aside childish things.12At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face. At present I know partially; then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.g13* So faith, hope, love remain, these three;h but the greatest of these is love.
"Joyeux Noel" (2005) WW I Christmas Eve Truce
BEAUTIFUL...Brings me to tears...I hope this touches your heart and brings it closer to help end ALL war...no more war in 2018...
Happy Christmas to all of our service men and woman...our airmen...to all troops of all countries...and to my beautiful sons who are serving...
Blessings and peace upon the whole, entire world...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
The Christmas Truce
WOW!!! This is powerful...both side singing "Silent Night", German and English...because truly deep down inside we are all...the same...
Peace to all this Christmas Night...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Queen - Thank God It's Christmas
I HAD NO IDEA...that Queen had a Christmas song...how wonderful. I just love their music so very much...and yes, "Thank God it's Christmas."
Peace, love, and blessings...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
John Lennon - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
I think this is one of my most favorite Christmas songs, apart from, "Oh Holy Night."
And, wouldn't it just be LOVELY, if we could say..."Wars are Over..."
Merry Christmas...PEACE AND LOVE...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Boys Town Official Trailer #1 - Mickey Rooney Movie (1938) HD
One of the best Christmas movies EVER made...and it is a true story...and Boys Town still exists today...all thanks to a man with the grandest of hearts, Father Flanagan. The human touch that we need at this Christmas time...
Merry Christmas all...
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all People...
Love, Maria Juarez Beam
A Charlie Brown Christmas Trailer
And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours...with love, Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Hopefully, this snippet of a holiday favorite, will put a smile on your face...
SSundee advices: Grow your instagram account fast and earn selling ...
SSundee advices: Grow your instagram account fast and earn selling ...: There are many ways to use Instagram for your business. However, when getting started your main goal should be to increase your audience. ...
Queen - Live at LIVE AID 1985/07/13 [Best Version]
I have really been feeling very nostalgic being back in the Bay...my home grounds. So many memories, of so many loved ones, passed and gone or have moved on to new and higher levels in their lives, such as my beautiful sons.
Queen was a very big part of my high school years and afterward...so not only family memories, but also the wonderful memories of my amazing friends from school, elementary and high school...just cannot help feeling that great energy. So, I share with you some of my loves of music and memories with all of you my phenomenal readers...I thank you with heart and soul...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Queen - These Are The Days Of Our Lives Legendado
An ending song, the last song, that Freddie Mercury performed before his death...Queen, These are the Days of Our Lives...
What an amazing song...an amazing man...an amazing gift of music that he and Queen gave to the world...
The Freddie Mercury Story - Who Wants To Live Forever (HQ)
I just began watching this. I found it quite randomly, as I do with the majority of the videos I post. I search for a particular song, for a particular piece, that I have written, for this blog...and then I amazingly stumble upon a plethora of songs, videos, movies, and documentaries, just as this documentary, "The Freddie Mercury Story, Who Wants to Live Forever...," and I am utterly blown away...
So, tonight, I felt compelled to share this with all of you, my fantastic readers, before I even watch the entire documentary, for I know it will be amazing, after, just seeing, the first 5 minutes. I hope you agree...I hope you watch...I hope this moves you...I hope this helps you see, just how precious, life...truly is...
Peace, love, and joy to all of you my lovely and wondrous readers of beamthelightbethechange.blogspot.com. YOU NEVER CEASE TO AMASE ME...and for this, I am truly, truly, grateful...
Love always,
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
<3 <3 <3
Monty Python - Repressed Citizen
THIS IS THE BEST!!! I LOVE IT...LOVE IT...L-O-V-E...IT :) :) :) L-U-V...IT ;)
CrossTalk: Ending Syria’s proxy war
This is an excellent watch and a very important watch...So many GREAT points are brought to the surface, especially, in regard to the role of the United States, in ending this war. The United States HAD NO PART in helping to end this horrific war...it DID, however, BEGIN IT!
I could say more, but I will let the experts speak...PEACE TO SYRIA...
RASPUTIN - Vladimir Putin - Love The Way You Move (Funk Overload) @slocband
YES, to me, Vladimir Putin is one bad...ya know...ya know...oh, baby, ya know...:)
John F. Kennedy- The Greatest speech ever
One of the greatest men to have ever walked this earth, was murdered in front of the eyes of the entire world, on November 22nd, 1963. All of time stopped at this moment and the entire course of human history, up until this horrendous moment, changed forever...
This is John Fitzgerald's most well know speech...
May God bless this world and bring it back to the mentality of community, rather than individual, selflessness, rather than selfishness, and peace, rather than war...all of these wrongs JFK fought against, and of of these rights..., he fought for.
May you be in Peace President Kennedy. May you, and may this world, be in peace forever...
I'm Like A Bird - Nelly Furtado
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Santana - Maria Maria ft. The Product G&B
Just keepin' that SEXY meter on high...higher...to the highest...and beyond...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Brooks & Dunn - My Maria
Because there are days when, us Marias, need a man on a steed...singin' to our hearts...to set us FREEEE....
Van Morrison- Brown Eyed Girl Lyrics
There is just something SPECIAL about us..."BROWN EYED GIRL..." :)
Veterans For Peace mark Remembrance Sunday 2016
This is an incredibly powerful act of proudness and courage, by those who fought and by those who are honoring those who fought and gave their lives to war in the hopes of only having peace...
THE BAND OF RUSSIANS (Marlon Webb Tribute)
Today is November 11th...Armistice Day, which is now called, in the United States, Veteran's Day. It is a day to honor the ending of World War I and a day to end all war, and to honor all veterans of all the world...we must remember this, all veterans of all the world...
May we have lasting peace and end all war...bless all the world and bless all of our honorable Veterans. I salute you with love, sadness, and joy...
Stevie Wonder Carpool Karaoke
WOW...this one made me laugh so hard and cry like a baby...this one, I leave with you, as I am heading for sleep, after a very long day, and stay at the hospital in Sac, CA, USA...
Stevie is...he is...well, he IS STEVIE WONDER and he IS WONDERFUL...
Fall asleep with a big smile in your heart...love on your face...and dancin' in your sleep...
Peace and love all...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Tune in tomorrow for the next karaoke carpool with James Corden of the Late Late Show... :)
Rod Stewart - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? (Official Video)
OOOOOHHHHH....AAAHHHHOOOO...YES, I THINK YOU SEXY..........................
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Rod Stewart & A$AP Rocky Carpool Karaoke
If you are feelin' blue...I promise a you...
After rockin' with Rod and James...A$AP Rocky...
You will remember, us old timers, and smile...smile...smile...
If you are a youngster...gooooo for it, and listen, enjoy, and broaden your musical horizons...;)
"If you think I'm sexy come on' baby let ma know...
Whaoooooooo <3
Usher Carpool Karaoke
I think by my posts tonight that it is quite apparent that I suffered, and that I am still, suffering from extreme heartbreak, that I never anticipated happening...especially being in the hospital...yet, I am...and thus, I must mourn, bleed from my heart, cry until it hurts, and then laugh until...I cry...so, that, I too, shall heal from this heartbreak in life...
I found this amazing video from the Late Late Show with James Corden, who is brilliant. This entire video is brilliant with Usher Carpool Karaoke...watch, laugh, cry until it hurts, and may you begin healing as well...
My pure peace and love are upon you...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Top 10 Songs That Will Make You Cry
Jimmy Fallon & Jack Black Recreate "More Than Words" Music Video
Alright, I ALREADY LOVED THIS SONG, by Extreme, More Than Words, but now, I LOVE IT EVEN MORE...THIS IS AWESOME!!!
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
The Putin Interviews | Vladimir Putin vs. Oliver Stone | SHOWTIME Docume...
I HIGHLY recommend watching this series. I just am about to finish watching episode 1. I am able to watch this via Amazon.com and by subscribing to showtime through Amazon. I just also saw, that you are able to watch the series, via youtube. Go to youtube.com and type in The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone and you will be given the option to watch by paying $1.99 per episode...a bargain!!!
I think you will be enlightened, not only about President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, but also about Russia today, Russia as the Soviet Union, The U.S.S.R., and Russian history. You will learn so much and you will be the better for it...
I also, recommend watching the video, Back in the U.S.S.R by the Beatles, which I will be posting...
Watch and learn...everyday we have something new to learn. WE must open our eyes and our hearts...
Peace and love...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Beam)
Oliver Stone "JFK Assassination was an Inside Job!"
I am posting videos, and I will be posting articles as well, about the assignation of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, for it is just as important today, if not more important. On November 22nd, 1963, President Kennedy was shot and killed at 12.30 pm while on a visit to Dallas, Texas. I believe the this was one of the most traumatic events in United States History.
On this day of November, 22nd 1963, I was a young girl, of two years old, just about to turn three years old in a short few weeks. I was sitting on my mother's lap in our favorite cozy chair. We were watching the president in Texas on television. My mother adored President Kennedy and thus, I did as well. I ran to my room for only a few short minutes when I heard my mother scream out and crying, "the president has just been shot!" I remember this so vividly even though I was so young. When I ran to my mother ever so quickly, she was soaked in tears, and sobbing uncontrollably. This moment will never leave my memory.
I am, to this day, struck with immense sadness, when I think of this moment in time. A moment when time stood still around the world, for a very long time. An event that changed the course of history...for the worse.
I shall write more within the up coming weeks to the anniversary date of the murder and shooting...at this time I can only write in bits, for the trauma of the incredibly sad day sits deeply within my heart...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
R. Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly
I know I can fly and I shall fly high...rise above and and beyond than ever before...and so you shall as well...SOAR AND NEVER GIVE UP...
Stephen Explains Socialism To Donald Jr. With Halloween Candy
Stephen Colbert does it once again...this is absolutely brilliant and hilarious...thanks Stephen :)
Bombshell: Labor Unions Forming Third Political Party!
AWESOME!!! Way to go AFL-CIO and other labor movements have FINALLY realized that the Democratic Party no longer serves the interests of the workers of this country...YEAH!!!
Clinton Colluded With Russia To Smear Trump During Election
She is so full of shit...and all of the Russia hype she began and just cannot let it go...She needs to put herself on an island and leave the world alone!!!
Russia Hysteria Now Attacks BLM & DAPL Activists
Unreal!!!! Russia hysteria in Black Lives Matter and DAPL...REALLY!!!WHAT THE FUCK!!!
Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
I dedicate this beautiful song to my beautiful man..."I Just Called to Say I Love You..." All will be fine my love while I am away...our love is strong and will only be stronger because of the distance we will share while I am away...te amor por simpre amor mio....
Bombshell: 2016 Stolen- But NOT By Russia!
WOW, now that is BRIGHT RED HILLARY!!! Always having to bring more attention to yourself...narcissist.
This is a fantastic interview! Investigative journalist, Greg Palast, just released a movie, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Case of The Stolen Election." Truly, does anyone care about our rigged elections anymore...? It doesn't seem like it to me. Well, ONLY IF RUSSIA DID IT...which of course, they did not!!! Hillary Clinton is a complete embarrassment to "Democracy." She embodies the complete opposite. Well, "agent orange", aka, Donald Trump, it is blatantly obvious, as it is, with the entire Republican Party.
It was the Republican Party and ultimately, a corrupt Supreme Court that put George W. Bush into the Oval Office, not the people, as it should have been. But, then again, polls were being rigged, people not being allowed to vote, (blacks and latinos) and ballots were being literally stolen in Florida...remember, the state that the brother of GW was governor...please!!!
The ONLY party that cared, was the Green Party, and Green Presidential candidate, Jill Stein...cared!
Well, I do hope you watch this and I do hope you care, and the next time you hear about another country having rigged elections...think THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Shemar Moore And Stephen Compare Abs
Shemar...not only is the man fine, he is honest, and damn funny...this is a great bit with the also, honest and damn funny Stephen Colbert...
Robert's Sister: Epilepsy Awareness Month: CTE and Epilepsy – Maki...
Robert's Sister: Epilepsy Awareness Month: CTE and Epilepsy – Maki...: The connection between blows to the head (even those not resulting in a concussion) and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is clear tha...
Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You | ماهر زين - عليك صلى الله (Official Vid...
Asalaam alykom to all in this wonderful world in need of peace...
Amistad - Official® Trailer [HD]
The amazing man that you see in the picture is Cinque, a man captured from Sierra Leon, Africa, put onto a Portuguese slave ship, and then transferred to the "La Amistad," which means, friendship...quite ironic, for it is the exact opposite of that which this ship was doing, bringing slaves to the Americas. Cinque is explaining to those who are trying to help him and the others who were aboard "La Amistad," about his life...
This is a true story. It is a powerful story. And, it does not matter is you are African American, Mexican American, White American, European, South American, Australian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, or African, Asian, racist, or not a racist, ALL MUST WATCH THIS FILM...THIS IS THE OPINION AND TRUTH FROM MY HEART.
Watch it and I hope that it makes you cry, I hope that it breaks your heart...I hope that it rips open your soul...
Why are we today, still locked in, white and black!!!??? You tell me, you watch this film, and YOU tell me...
Band Of Brothers - Little Dutch kid gets chocolate
This is the sweetest scene in the entire Band of Brothers series. Private, David Webster, who is also, one of the most tender soldiers, of the BOB, in Holland, after liberating Eindhoven, encounters a family in their air raid shelter, and he gives this young, sweet boy his first taste of chocolate, a big Hershey Bar...precious...
Albert Blithe Tribute [Band of Brothers]
Albert Blithe, Private First Class, 101st Airborne, Easy Company. To me, he was one of the most tender of all the soldiers of Easy Company. This video show a brief glimpse of this tender soldier who was shot in the neck by a German sniper in France.
Albert was terrified of fighting. I think war simply broke his heart. The one man that he did kill...oh, I cried and he did as well...after the battle was over he went to see the man he shot. He was a beautiful man and he had the flower of edelweiss, which grows above the tree line of the Alps. It is the mark of a true soldier for in order to obtain this flower, one must climb the Alps first. Albert tenderly looks at he man...this soldier had an edelweiss flower on his uniform and sweet Albert gently took the flower and tucked it into his uniform to mark that the both were true soldiers...
PBS Vladimir Putin Interview Part 1 2 Full Documentary 2015
In my eyes, President Vladimir Putin, is a brilliant statesman full of dignity.
Once again, Obama shames himself in front of the United Nations and blatantly lies, nothing that is uncommon for him.
Open your eyes to Vladimir Putin and you will open your mind and your heart...
US Backed Syrian Rebels Using Chemical Weapons Confirms State Dept.
Remember Syria everyone...? Oh, only when a goddamn idiot decides to bomb Syria based upon pure bullshit lies. If anyone still believes that democratically elected, Al-Bashar Assad, whether left or right, used chemical weapons upon his own people...WAKE THE FUCK UP! It was the fucking United States. Yes, obviously, this pisses me off!!!
I returned to California for a short visit and the next day that I arrived I was part of a rally organized by answer.org protesting this bombing all the while the fucking media was elated!!!
Jimmy explains excellently the situation surrounding this bombing, United States involvement, not only in Syria, but in all of the Middle Eastern Countries, and in Africa that we cannot fucking leave alone. I am too bloody tired and angry to continue on with this subject so Jimmy Dore, you are on...
Remember The Titans [Official Trailer]
One of my most favorite movies of all time...
It is inspirational, funny, true, and serious...
And, it is something we are still dealing with today...RACISM
Let us hope that this WILL change and soon...
Congressional Hearing: Immigrant Farm Workers pt.5 (FULL Hearing with Co...
Appreciate what is upon your table and be aware of those who put this food upon your table. DO NOT EVER TAKE YOUR FOOD OR THE WORKERS FOR GRANTED...BE GRATEFUL...
Colbert stays in character at congressional hearing
Stephen Colbert, whom I love, gets funny and real about immigrant farm labor. He mocks how most people of the United States feel about immigrants and about doing farm labor themselves...it is brilliant. Although, most of congress are left dumbfounded! How unlikely of them...
This issue is real and so very import. Stephen brings out the issue in a manner that speaks loudly. It is the very same issue we are facing today...not enough immigrants to work in the fields that put food upon our tables daily and the US citizens who refuse to do this work...
Mana - No Te Rindas.
Yes, I am truly in love with LOVE...
How could anyone not be...?
This is my favorite group of all time...Mána, from Guadalajara, México...
I learned much Spanish from listening and translating their music... :)
I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do...
Se llama, "No te Rindas Amor..."
It's name is "No te Rindas Mi Amor..."
Which means..."Don't Give Up My Love..."
All my love,
Maria Juarez Beam (Boheme) Hidalgo
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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.

One of the most powerful and haunting songs I have ever heard about Palestine. Djamy Ross, sings with such conviction and intensity, that on...
I recently discovered something about me... I am not quite not ready to let love in again... This is a healthy thing indeed... As many of yo...
WE ALL NEED HEALING I decided, that since, I am writing about war and my personal experience right now, that I would add this healing music...
Thank you Tupac Shakur for your music and your words during your short time on this planet... Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
This has got to be one of the best songs, "Love Train" by the O´Jays, that came out, of the 70´s Disco Era, and there are sooooo m...
Frozen in Time It seems that all little boys... Play with their toy guns... Whether it is store bought... Or a stick, that for them, is jus...
I just have to share this video with all of you, my most beloved readers...I have been pretty sad all day and I ran across this video of ...
There was a time when this wondrous human being walked this earth. He was a great inspiration for so many. He still remains an inspiration. ...
For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
First, to note, I have been writing a series about war, but I am going to steer away temporarily. I find it necessary for my soul to do so ...