Ponderings of Love...and Many Things...

Tonight as I get myself ready for bed...
Let me tell ya, much is going through my head...
I have been working on my Memorial Day Piece...

And, truly, have every intention of having it finished to say the least...
Yet, as I have been writing each line I stop to ponder...
I have so much to say, and so much to share, that I wonder...
Will I truly give our men and women the tribute they deserve...

With my plain, simple, yet straight from the heart words...
Oh, I shall write it indeed, I just need more time you see...
To truly pull out what is deep inside of me...
I have so much love and honor for our War Veterans passed...

I have so much love for my loved ones who are now away...
Though we always want them with us, always to stay...
I have so much love for the world, for all of the good...
And so much saddness for all who are dying and suffering in someway...

Sometimes my heart needs some time to be with itself...
So at a later time I don't have to keep all of my feelings up upon a shelf...
I am so filled with love, for goodness, for beauty...
And I want this for all of humanity...

I also, would like some for myself, for you see it seems so long now...
That, well, that I've had some love, just for me...
Please, I am not asking any to feel sorry...
I just wanted to share that mostly at night...
Is the time when I feel most lonely...

I thank all of my friends and strangers that I connect with...
On Facebook, email, twitter (Yes, me on twitter...:))
All help me to not just wither...
Love is so vital in so many ways...
Vital to human compassion, human evolution...
I think it is time for a LOVE REVOLUTION... :)

So there you go, I have once again bared my soul...
I just need some time tonight...
to love myself unconditionally...

Thank you everyone for reading and taking the time. I never know what I will put out to all each and every night. May everyone feel LOVE tonight, whether from the person you lie next to, from a child, from a mother who is older now and needs your love too. A dog or a kitty, oh there are so many companions; it could even be the silence or the chirping of the crickets and  the beautiful amoma of fresh farm air. Or may it be simply love to yourself for that is such an important gift. Sweet dreams to all and to all a sweet good night...Paz y amor, Maria Juarez Beam

Song Selection: Louis Armstrong-"What a Wonderful World" 



Barry Bonds, Baseball, & My Fish Story...

...Whether one agrees or not, Super Baseball Star...

Barry Bonds has MADE HISTORY...

I have personally, had the great honor, and privilage...

To see many a hommmme run sail...
 Near our beloved Bay Bridge...

What great static...
What a great charge...

To have been a San Francisco Giant's fanatic...
During the career of Barry...

Call me naive, but I love Barry Bonds...
And what he gave to baseball...

I feel what was done to him was a tale of fairy...
I made a great connection yesterday when I went out to fish...
This connection I connected, for you to understand is my wish...
The most important aspect of  the slamming of a baseball...

Or the casting of a rod...
Is the brain to hands connection...

From this, one cannot detrod...
As I stood upon the bank of that pond...

Remembering how to cast...
All my mind could think of  was  Mr. Barry Bonds...

After my dear friend re-teaching me...
It took great effort on my part you see...
To get that pole over my head...
To get that line into the water...

To know just the right time to press upon the lever...
For my brain, it was quite the endeavor...

Trauma to the brain can sometimes make...
The most simple of tasks...

 One truly ache...
Such brain power to go down to the fingertips...

To accomplish a simple thing or something grand...
Let me share with you...it takes the launching of ships!

There I stood with my pole unwilling to give up...
I WILL learn to cast again...

Barry Bonds in my mind...
Seeing him at the plate...
Closing my eyes I came to a place I could find...
The pole is the bat...

The cast is the swing...
Let me tell ya...

That brain power is everything...
It took many trys, many attempts...

Yet, my drive and Barry...
Would not allow me to put up a fence...

A fence to give up...
A fence to block me...

A fence to frustrate me...
But, a vision to inspire me...

I came up to the plate...
I made the swing...

I hit the ball...
Caught my fish...

All made me SING!!!

Barry Bonds connecting with that ball...
Was always a beautiful sight...
And it does take more brains than braun...
To win your game...

To win your struggle...
To win your fight...

I am not even going to mention that word...
That so many used...

That so many heard...
I understand ya Mr. Bonds...

And my heartfelt thanks...
And my hat's off to ya...

For teaching me a valuable lesson...
That we all could learn from...

GO GIANT'S!!!...GO FISHIN'!!!...

I can only hope that this story inspires not only, a struggle with learning how to cast again, but also inspires the world round to NEVER GIVE UP on your fights, your struggles. Keep fighting for freedom, for the government that best fits your people. Keep up the fight against injustice and oppressions for these are not acceptable to humanity. I send out all of my peace, light, and love to all of you and always remember to KEEP UP THE FIGHT for one day we shall all prevail...justice, freedom, dignity, and love. :)
I dedicate this simple poem to the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OF BAHRAIN! Especially to the amazing athletes who were unable to attend the London Olympics due to political reasons. I honor them...

PEACE & LOVE TO ALL...Maria Juarez Beam
Paz and all my love, Maria
Music Suggestion: Bernie Williams http://youtu.be/xxqo3EmR4Sg Enjoy...:)

A Little Time...A Little Forgivness, Revised?

I would like to ask all of my friends at Beam the Light Be the Change to please grant me "a little time and a little forgiveness," with my posts.

Pic relation (SEE LEFT) (Oh, no pun intended, but hey, why not...!?)...I am truly exposing myself here...but just the other end, my brain end. Got to admit it is quite the attention grabber...;)

As I shared in my last post regarding my epilepsy, which was very bold and brave of me, I sometimes get a bit goofy...
My brain gets tired and after recovering from a seizure, I sometimes will make many a mistake. Oh, most certainly spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and since I have been adding song suggestions to go along with my poems, writings, and pictorials...well, I've noticed the not intended song for particular posts...so I am under construction. That is, my blog, as well, as my brain...;)
I must keep it all real for that is what part of my intention is on this blogsite; to know we are human, we make mistakes, we have our flaws, and we have many things to work out physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. So just to let ya know Maria is keepin' it real...please just give me some patience and time, along with a little forgiveness and we will all make it through. :) Yes, I know there is spell check, editing and the such, and trust me, I do do my best. But believe it or not, after a seizure and some recovery time, my brain gets on such creative fire that I type out on the fly, publish, and post...and then...later, realize..."ayyyyyy, Maria...did you check this out before you hit publish?" Yes, truly, I do, but as I have, and am sharing with everyone, my brain is healing, and I will get better at all of this, I promise. I thank all of you with my heart and my soul for your enduring patience...with all my love, en paz, Maria...:)

P.S. I think I may use this title above for a future poem...I'm feelin' some inspiration...hey, does that rhymn with gyration...;) FUTURE POST TO COME...:)

P.S.S I also noticed...that I didn't quite finish some posts...such as NATO...it was meant to be more, buttttt, there was sooooo much going on that weekend in Chicago with the NATO summit...I just lost my head! As I said, ...under construction...thanks again!
Musical Selection: Jeffrey Osbourn: "Only Human"


Silent Disability...Trapped Inside of Me...

The torment I feel trapped...
Inside of me...
Trapped inside this body...
Of epilepsy...
No one can see...
No one can feel...
What it's doin' to meeeee...
I curl over my head...
I lie down in bed...
Shakin' all over...
Inside and out...
Cannot say word...
Yet I want to shout...
Shout out to you...
Can you please come and help...
I feel so alone...
I feel so scared...
I feel as if my whole self is bared
Yet, it is what...what I endure...

Silent disability...
This epilepsy...
What it does to me...
No one truly can see...

Yet, I keep up my fight...
I don't ever quit...
I must never give up...
though I tell ya it's tough...
To let people know...
what I don't want to show...

This silent disability...
This epilepsy...

'Thou in order to heal...
I must let you in...
To know what I feel...

This silent disability...
This epilepsy...

I must let you know...What it does...what it does...
In-si-de of me...

These words I dedicate to all sufferers of silent and invisible disabilities
There are so many more than solely epilepsy
I also dedicate this to all who suffer from PTSD due to various traumas.
Especially, our soldiers and our veterans
Thank you for reading
Thank you for trying to understand
Thank you for being a part of Beam the Light Be the Change...
En Paz y Amor...
In Peace and Love...
Maria Juarez Beam
Maria Juarez Boheme
I am re-posting this poem and dedicating this tonight to Gaza.
I wanted such much to be an activist today, but I need to step back and take care of me. For this is what having epilepsy means for me. I need to take really good care of myself and be very aware of my condition or I set myself back and I always wish to move forward for moving forward allows me to do the great work of my heart.
I also dedicate this to my beautiful Allison who called me this morning to loving and gently remind me of this...for oft times I disregard this fact, that I have epilepsy, and I must balance my life. I can live it, I just need to take great care. Before she called I was ready to jump on a plane to Egypt and join the activist who are crossing into Gaza...I want to be a help, not a hindrance. So one day when I am much, much better, and I WILL BE...I WILL BE THERE...Thank you all with my heart and soul for reading and allowing me to express...All my love, Maria
I still need to learn to accept me for me and remember that we can all SHINE...even with this silent disability...
Musical Selection: Earth, Wind, & Fire: Shining Star

What a Beautiful Sight...

...to see so many hands in hands...
Joined together in solidarity...
I knew in my heart this day would come...
I knew it would be in this lifetime...
Athough for some many it is difficult to fathom...
Yet, the time has arrived...this time of change...
This time of shiny days ahead...
This time of rearrange...
So many brave souls, young and old...
Black, brown, white...
It all the same, we share the same fight...
That fight for freedom for all in oppression...
That fight for all to be truly unchained...
That fight, for humanity, has now learned its lesson...

It is a beautiful sight all around the globe...
Brother and sisters standing and marching together...
All with their wonderful hands they hold...
For holding together will bring the change...
Bring the beauty...
Bring the RAIN...
The Rain of love...
The Rain of peace...
The Rain of abundance...
The Rain of the DOVES...

I thank all of you out their yesterday, today, tomorrow...
I thank all of you for the days ahead...
Together we shall usher in love...no longer the sorrow...
My peace and love to all my brother and sisters in humanity...
As I say again, such a beautiful sight...
To bring in the world we all need it-to-be...

In all my gratitude and peace.
With love,

Music Selection:The O'Jays-Love Train  ENJOY THE RIDE...! ;)


True Love Always Forgives

"El Verdadero Amor Perdona Siempre..."

Love is our most lovely gift...

Love heals, love transforms, love is our lift..

Love can spread as a wildfire...
Love can give all what they desire...
Love of a woman, man, child...
Love of all in our heart can be filed...

Sometimes, those we love can leave this earth...

Sometimes, it is their time to leave...
Sometimes, their love is all we have of our golden worth...
Sometimes, it is really hard to say goodbye...
Sometimes, all we can do...is cry...
Sometimes, we are very angry with the one who left us behind...
There always seems to be something that is found to remind...

Remind of the beautiful life shared...
Remind how much we cared...
Remind how much we sweat and toil...

Long after they are in the soil...
Yes, the beauty is, with time...
True love always forgives...
Allowing us permission to go ahead and LIVE...

El Verdadero Amor Perdona Siempre...Maria Juarez Beam


Music Video suggestion: Mana-"El Verdadero Amor Perdona"

And the Bachata version Ft. Prince Royce


Music Suggestion: Cat Stevens-Peace Train  http://youtu.be/WlHOV5DOI80


...A brand new friend shared
this lovely word with me today...

It is a gesture that I have know of for years...

And that I have used with others...

Sometimes while shedding tears...

It is so beautiful...

Such a lovely Universal gesture...

Sacred from the heart and love it will ensure...

I have asked lovely Sikh friends for the term...

To go along with the bringing of hands together as such...

Laughing, smiling, along with soft touch...

As my dear friends would help me along to pronounce the word...

NAMASTE...now I get it, now I can say it like the tweeting of a bird...

NAMASTE,  all thanks to my new found friend...

I do believe from above he was to me send...

Now, I can share with all, the beautiful word, meaning and gesture of NAMASTE...



Music suggestion:

Please Know Who I Am

 I am writing you a letter. I want you to know who I am.

I am a mother.

I was a wife and a daughter; and I am a sister.

 Now my identity is stripped to solely my soul.

That part of me whom I have always been.

That part of myself I have sometimes had to hide.

That part of me that many people are drawn to and many shun that part of me away.

My father's ancestors were Mennonites in Pennsylvania.
 Peacemakers and peace lovers.

My mother's ancestors...
were rebels, were leaders.

My ancestor is the Father of Mexican Independence, Don Miguel Hidalgo. He was a priest, a man of honor, a hero in Mexico. He fought for the rights of the indigenous; he called out so famously "it is time for us to free ourselves from Spain's tyranny."  For this, he was assassinated, but he lives forever in the hearts of the Mexican people and of Latin America.

My father and grandfather were Union Labor Leaders...had a great impact upon me. My mother's parents took in immigrants and helped make their lives better...how could I not be who I am today...? My mother, well, she was simply a beautiful soul who taught me so much. I really miss her touch.
I come from a long line of war veterans, from the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, The War of the Independence from Spain, The Mexican Revolution, The Great War, World War II, and my father, The Korean War.  Yet, with all of this history, yes, my family is a great believer in peace.
 As a mother, matter my son's futures, I am always here for them no matter where I shall be. In my heart they are forever my sons and I forever their mother.

I cannot change, or alter the being that I am, for that is who God meant me to be.

I will always carry the torch for peace, love, and harmony.
I had to write you this letter for I want you to know...this is Maria, the Maria I have always been, and the Maria I will
always be. Can you accept me being me?

With all my love, Maria 

Music suggestion: "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing"


NATO Destruction...

Just a small list of countries bombed: Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, China, Kosivo, Serbia, Pakistan, and...
Feel the sadness, feel the pain; men, women, children truly we are all the same. It is time to feel the shame...it is time for the CHANGE...EN PAZ, Maria...

Please feel free to let me know any countries that I need to add...

Music Video suggestion:

Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.