Let me tell ya, much is going through my head...
I have been working on my Memorial Day Piece...
And, truly, have every intention of having it finished to say the least...
Yet, as I have been writing each line I stop to ponder...
I have so much to say, and so much to share, that I wonder...
Will I truly give our men and women the tribute they deserve...
With my plain, simple, yet straight from the heart words...
Oh, I shall write it indeed, I just need more time you see...
To truly pull out what is deep inside of me...
I have so much love and honor for our War Veterans passed...
I have so much love for my loved ones who are now away...
Though we always want them with us, always to stay...
I have so much love for the world, for all of the good...
And so much saddness for all who are dying and suffering in someway...
Sometimes my heart needs some time to be with itself...
So at a later time I don't have to keep all of my feelings up upon a shelf...
I am so filled with love, for goodness, for beauty...
And I want this for all of humanity...
I also, would like some for myself, for you see it seems so long now...
That, well, that I've had some love, just for me...
Please, I am not asking any to feel sorry...
I just wanted to share that mostly at night...
Is the time when I feel most lonely...
I thank all of my friends and strangers that I connect with...
On Facebook, email, twitter (Yes, me on twitter...:))
All help me to not just wither...
Love is so vital in so many ways...
Vital to human compassion, human evolution...
I think it is time for a LOVE REVOLUTION... :)

I just need some time tonight...
to love myself unconditionally...
Song Selection: Louis Armstrong-"What a Wonderful World"
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