Please Know Who I Am

 I am writing you a letter. I want you to know who I am.

I am a mother.

I was a wife and a daughter; and I am a sister.

 Now my identity is stripped to solely my soul.

That part of me whom I have always been.

That part of myself I have sometimes had to hide.

That part of me that many people are drawn to and many shun that part of me away.

My father's ancestors were Mennonites in Pennsylvania.
 Peacemakers and peace lovers.

My mother's ancestors...
were rebels, were leaders.

My ancestor is the Father of Mexican Independence, Don Miguel Hidalgo. He was a priest, a man of honor, a hero in Mexico. He fought for the rights of the indigenous; he called out so famously "it is time for us to free ourselves from Spain's tyranny."  For this, he was assassinated, but he lives forever in the hearts of the Mexican people and of Latin America.

My father and grandfather were Union Labor Leaders...had a great impact upon me. My mother's parents took in immigrants and helped make their lives could I not be who I am today...? My mother, well, she was simply a beautiful soul who taught me so much. I really miss her touch.
I come from a long line of war veterans, from the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, The War of the Independence from Spain, The Mexican Revolution, The Great War, World War II, and my father, The Korean War.  Yet, with all of this history, yes, my family is a great believer in peace.
 As a mother, matter my son's futures, I am always here for them no matter where I shall be. In my heart they are forever my sons and I forever their mother.

I cannot change, or alter the being that I am, for that is who God meant me to be.

I will always carry the torch for peace, love, and harmony.
I had to write you this letter for I want you to know...this is Maria, the Maria I have always been, and the Maria I will
always be. Can you accept me being me?

With all my love, Maria 

Music suggestion: "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing"

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