I had a bugger of a decision to make, of which picture to choose ,as the first, for I believe, it helps to capture the essence of what I will write. Although, this series is mainly about my healing journey, it also involves all of those dear to me. So, this picture that you see, is my youngest Alex with his papa, and I just happened to come upon a book with the words that you see, "A Time to Mend." I believe it is quite befitting to the series, for all of us are still mending.
So, after I made the huge decision to fight and to live, I needed somewhere to go. Now, it was my time to need full-time care and love. Yet, although I had someone hired, that person quickly needed to be fired! Now, "what am I to do?" was the question and the decision that I was left with. During one of my many hospital visits, at this time, a friend of mine (I mention him in one of my earlier writings) came to see me. He was devastated and heartbroken, so to me he said, "Maria, you are coming with me and I will take care of all that you need."
So off to Bakersfield, California I went to get my self, my body, and my spirit back to a place, that for me, would be somewhat recognizable. Thankfully, he was trained in deep tissue massage therapy. Everyday he worked on this tired and aching body so that it could get up...to walk, and eventually, to sing and to dance, once again. He cooked, he cleaned, and even fed, and bathed me, for that is how much care I had needed.
As each passing day went by, I began to feel uplifted, but not quite enough to fly. Yet, I did begin to walk again and thankfully, a little Catholic Church was within walking distance; it became my first destination. :)

The part of Bakersfield that I lived in was at the very southern end, and to tell you the truth, to my most liking, this part of town seemed to never, not be Mexico. It was as if I were living in a somewhat rural campo (countryside) where nearly everyone spoke Spanish and Mexican cowboys all dressed up in their fancy garb would trot down the sleepy streets and bring them alive!
Also, in the very early days of California, Spanish, Mexican, and United Statesian history, many emigrants settled from Portugal and Italy. So the cross that you see was made by hand, by an early settler, and with the most tender love and care, and I am guessing Portuguese. Oh, what a treasure I had found. My eyes, I had to rub, and my head to shake, for I wasn't quite sure at first what I had found, yet I certainly knew that it was a crucifix of Jesus Christo. I took it to my friend who knows quite a bit about artifacts and he said in astonishment, "Maria, how in the world did you find such a jewel!?" And, what a jewel it was, and still is, to me today.

I desire with all of my heart, to thank each of you that visit me at Beam the Light Be the Change. Not only do I share my very personal stories, but I also share with you my feeling and sentiments regarding life, the state of the world, and oh, so much more. I truly appreciate all of your finding your way to me and reading what this little Maria has to say. I send to all of you, all of my love straight from my heart! I believe that someway, somehow, and somewhere, that, we are, all of us upon,...A HEALING JOURNEY... Bon Voyage...:)
Musical Selection: Il Divo: "Somewhere"
http://youtu.be/i2mkmy3i2X4 Please enjoy, it is simply beautiful...PAZ y AMOR, Maria...
Part 3 will be coming soon...
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