As a human being... As a human existence...
To conceive the possibility of peace...
As being a part of our daily permanence...
Day after day goes by...
There would be no news of war...
Of massacres...
Of the hastening of the withdraw of our troops...
Of our soldiers return to home...
Who are forever transformed...
No news of the current uprising...
Or of those killed for this day's rebelling...
Can you close your eyes...

Feel it...
Envelope this concept...
Peace no longer a concept or as a vision...
It is now our REALITY...
I am sending once again my words of peace, love, and of hope for a new day, and for a new dawn for all of us...especially our children.
Fill your days with as much love as you possibly can for it IS truly true, that "ONLY LOVE CAN CONQUER HATE"... Thank you, for those words our departed brother in body, yet not in spirit, Marvin Gaye...En Paz y amor, Maria
Musical Selection: Bob Marley "One Love" Love...Enjoy!
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