And I truly emit...
I love being LATINA...
Oh, please beg my pardon...
I love all people of the world's garden...
Yet, there is something very special to me...
About being a Latina you see...
I have the great fortune of being...
A mix of several things...
Nearly one-half Bohemian...
A bit of Native American...

I seem to have been born with a Latin heart...
Nearly every ounce of my being emits this part...
Oh, the smells, the sounds, the love...
The air, the people, the music all as if doves...

Dancing, singing, laughter, and joy...
Of all these qualities, a Latina does employ...
There is also the deep, deep passion...
That to many, may seem old-fashioned...
Yet, I love it! I love it ALL...
I can take my head outside and stand tall...
For passion and love are gifts for us...
In this I ask you to trust...
Yes, we feel deep love, deep sorrow, deep pain...
But...this is life, that is explain...
Love who you are whether Latina or something else...
We are all one and from the same source...
Be Proud! Stand Tall! Wear yourself well...
Hold steady and always stand your course...
I love being LATINA...
And, I simply wanted to share...
this deep part of me that I always seem to bare...!
Be well, be loved, and just know that somewhere, somehow, Maria is holding you deep in her heart. So if you ever feel alone, please know that you are not, for you are inside, and of me, are a part.
Musical Selection: Mana "Eres Mi Religion"
Una última canción que quiero compartir con todos ustedes...Maná mi grupo favorito que nunca. Creo que ellos representan en su música todo lo que yo creo en mi corazón. Me encanta esta canción y cómo usaron la portada del álbum de Mana "Revolution de Amor," y sus creencias incorporaron en este video...Espero que escuchar, amor y disfrutar... y saben que realmente amor es batalla... amar plenamente el corazón de este mundo y alma a la batalla por lo que es justo y bueno. Vivir de la luz y de amor, esperanza y bondad... mjb
Maria Juarez Beam...Paz y amor a todos...:)
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