No Bravery - - James Blunt (Image Video and Lyrics)
And here is the other version...remember that war brings so much sadness, misery, and pain...with blood...too much blood...
Maria Joan Juarez Beam (Boheme)
James Blunt - No Bravery [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
James Blunt, singer-song writer, is mostly famous for his amazing song,Your'e Beautiful." Yet, what most people do not know, is that James Blunt, was a former Captain in the Royal Army of the United Kingdom. He was deployed to, the NATO waged, war in 1999, against the former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia.
This very powerful and moving song is dedicated to his fellow soldiers, whose bravery, was seen lost in their eyes, and filled with sadness, of what war does to the waged against countries, and the people of those countries. Of course, it is mainly dedicated to the people who suffered in this war.
I use the color red, once again, because blood is red, and too much blood, is shed during each and every war. Something we all need to keep aware of, always...
I will post two videos of this song from YouTube, one of which is the original version, and one that was created with powerful images...
I won't say enjoy, but I will say, open your eyes and your hearts to the victims of war...
Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Peace on Earth...
ICYMI: Whatever goes wrong, you can always blame a Russian!
OH, there are somethings that are no better than political satire. Used for so many years as a way to take the truth and turn it into, well...satire.
In laughter, because sometimes we just need to laugh at the insanity to keep sane...and in great love...I LOVE YOU RUSSIA...
By saying that does that make me a Russian troll...a Russian lover, a Russian agent, or in love with Putin, of which, I have literally been accused of, yes, believe it....???
I am just me,
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
CrossTalk Bullhorns: Syria attacked (Extended version)
I absolutely love this program, "CrossTalk Bullhorns." Peter Lavell is brilliant and the majority of his panel are brilliant as well. Highly educated, no bullshit, straight plain and complex truth...they do not mess around!!! Say and call it as it is...They are allllll over the Syria Strike by the United States, aided and embedded by Israel, by France, and by the UK.
Truly all of the war lying, taking extreme actions with staged attacks to justify these international violations, but what do those mean to the West any longer...absolutely nothing! If you believe the hideous and blatant lies that come out of the mouths of the media whether it be on television or the radio...I just have no words to say to you with the exception of only shaking my head and asking why!?
I am extreme for speaking and believing the facts and the truth...I think if you are buying all of the war bullshit for the last 100 years, and yes, I am talking about beginning with WWI...all built on fallacy, then you are just as big a part of the problem as the powers that are making this happen. Now, sit with that...
Thank the heavens for the intelligent voices, the brave voices, the voices that have no fear to say what is...I thank them so, so much...keep on talking...
May we one day have sanity of this planet...
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Heartbeat, a song for Syria
This is such a moving and soul touching song...A song sung by blind Syrian Children who have suffered so much at the hands of armed and paid rebels against the legitimate government of Syria...
Peace will prevail in Syria...for the children and for all Syrians to have their country back...
Peace to Syria,
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Maher Zain - Love Will Prevail | Official Music Video
Once again, another incredible song by Maher Zain. It is a very powerful song and a very powerful video. I too, amongst all of the mayhem, not only in Syria, but in far too many parts of the world I do believe that..."Love Will Prevail."
An NGO, non-governmental organization, named Human Appeal sponsors the song and I read about them on their home page. They are very active in Syria and in many crisis countries around the globe. Part of their mission statement is that they are not politically involved, by take the side of one or of another, only involved for the sake of humanity.
I will post a link that I found through my research regarding Eastern Ghouta and the same propaganda that was used about Aleppo. I post this link mainly because The NGO Human Appeal mentions the situation in Eastern Ghouta...
So with all this said, please do watch and listen to this powerful video...and remember that "Love Will Prevail," and that we all must be a part of love prevailing...
I dedicate this post to love and to it's prevalation...
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
International Journalist Tells The Truth About Syria
A fairly good interview with an International Journalist who has been on the ground in Syria...she states some very important issues surrounding the fallacies of what is accepted as gospel truth by Western Countries. She exposes many of these fallacies, the United States role, the reason why Russia has been involved in supporting Syria militarily and humanitarianly.
It is rather ironic that this interview occurred three short months ago, as US funding of terrorists groups was ending and that peace was looking like the new reality for Syria and it was and is...yet, three months later, a new "staged chemical" attack has occurred just when the peace process was at it's highest and greatest...the United States and it's Western Allies, including Israel, just will not give it up...and it is another great shame upon these countries. How much longer will the world tolerate this blatant insanity...?
As always, in peace, love, and harmony,
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
'US exacerbates humanitarian disaster in Syria' - Putin
The following quotes from the below entitled article from RT news source are from not of the Video above...I wanted to add many excerpts from this very important article, for this is a grave situation that the United States and it's allies are creating and that have been creating in Syria, for their own imperialistic and greedy purposes...all based on lies...lies...and more lies...
Caught in a lie, US & allies bomb Syria the night before international inspectors arrive...
Title of latest article on RT regarding the UU and it's allies bombing Syria...
Here are some excepts from the article which is not yet available on you tube...
..."For the past week, we were told that the US had ‘evidence’ and the UK had ‘evidence’ that Syria had used chemicals. The ‘evidence’ largely relied on video clips and photos shared on social media, provided by the Western-funded White Helmets (that “rescuer” group that somehow only operates in Al-Qaeda and co-terrorist occupied areas and participates in torture and executions), as well as by Yaser al-Doumani, a man whose allegiance to Jaysh al-Islam is clear from his own Facebook posts, for example of former Jaysh al-Islam leader, Zahran Alloush..."
..."General Mattis tried to dance around the legality, stating, “the president has the authority under Article II of the Constitution to use military force overseas to defend important United States national interests.”
But he is wrong, this does not permit the US to illegally bomb a sovereign nation, and he knows it. So does Russia. In a statement on April 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the attacks as illegal, noting:
“Without the sanction of the Security Council of the United Nations, in violation of the UN Charter, norms and principles of international law, an act of aggression against a sovereign state that is at the forefront of the fight against terrorism has been committed...”
..."Bombings based on Al-Qaeda and Jaysh al-Islam Claims
The entire pretext of the US and allies’ illegal bombings of Syria is immoral and flawed. There is no evidence to the claims that Syria used chemicals in Douma. Numerous analysts have pointed out the obvious: that Syria would not benefit from having used chemical weapons. But America, Israel and allies would benefit from staged attacks..."
..."Israel and America benefit from the attacks... and are guilty of chemical weapons use
While the world’s eyes have been glazed over by chemical weapons script-reading journalists of corporate media, little notice is given to the ongoing Israeli slaughter and maiming of Palestinian unarmed demonstrators, targeted assassinations that last re-began with the March 30 murders of at least 17 unarmed Palestinians protesting in Gaza’s eastern regions. Israel’s murder of these unarmed youths, women and men got only mild tut-tuts from the UN, and was relegated to “clashes” by slavish corporate media. Israel is literally getting away with murder, as eyes are turned elsewhere.
According to Secretary Mattis, the US-led illegal attack on Syria “demonstrates international resolve to prevent chemical weapons from being used on anyone under any circumstances in contravention of international law....”
..."The irony? Both America and its close ally Israel have used chemical weapons on civilians. The US has attacked civilians in Vietnam and Iraq, to name but two countries, with chemical weapons..."
..."In 2009, I was living in Gaza and documenting Israel’s war crimes when Israel bombed civilians all over Gaza with white phosphorous. These were civilians with nowhere to run or hide, including civilians who had fled their homes and taken shelter in a UN-recognized school. I myself documented numerous instances of Israel’s use of white phosphorous.
If this doesn’t outrage American citizens, the billions of US taxpayers’ dollars sent to Israel and spent on the bombing of sovereign nations — and not on America’s impoverished, nor on affordable health care — should outrage..."
Here is the link so if you wish to read the entire article you can:
I am personally outraged, not only as a United States Citizen, but also, being a world citizen. I just wrote in my blogpost, "
US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for ...Which was an article from RT news source...the words that followed were my own...
..."If you recall this happened soon after Trump was elected to office, a staged "chemical" attack allegedly carried out by Al Bashar Assad and the Syrian Army...and, wow, now that there are actually peace talks going on by those who have help fight for Syria and the United States refuses to say..."alright we finally give in for our failure to overthrow Al Bashar Assad even using massive amounts of money and paid terrorists with the sole intention of this overthrow and the destabilization, or continued destabilization of the Middle East in order to have compete control of the region..."
..."It far time that the US, the Western world and the people believing such fallacies to seriously take a good look at what other countries are doing to make the world a safer and peaceful place...can we not stop our madness and begin to use our sense of consciousness and what is truly right and just..."
Falsely staged attacks are just mind blowing to me...just because the US and it's puppets are not getting what they want through let's make up another staged chemical attack to outrage the Western World so that we can justify a swift reaction to the staged attack with the Western world and it's people who are say it...
..."It is a pattern that is so transparent that it is so shameful that it is still being accepted as truth..."
..."May there finally by sanity...and it will not come through the United States, but by other countries of this world who have sense and who use diplomacy rather than hideous braun..."
..."It is a pattern that is so transparent that it is so shameful that it is still being accepted as truth..."
..."May there finally by sanity...and it will not come through the United States, but by other countries of this world who have sense and who use diplomacy rather than hideous braun..."
In green, writings from Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme) of from a previous post of April 08, 2018.
Well, it is now a reality that the United States and it's allies did not use, nor, take part in the diplomacy that had been going on in Syria...they used the braun!
Thank goodness, that much of the world is showing outrage at these Syrian strikes all based on a US and it's allies staged chemical attack. As, I have stated before do not the people of the United States see this pattern, not just in Syria, but the invasions of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the "New Cold War," and all of the hideous propaganda that goes along with this "New Cold War," even the Vietnam War, was all based on false information and on a falsely staged attack, "The Gulf Attack on Tonkin." The United States and it's crony allies are the guilty parties, the hypocritical parties, the true war criminals, and the cause of so much needless and endless suffering around the globe...
And, one day soon...the United States and these allies will have to pay a heavy price for their is the law of Karma...
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam
My heart is crying too much...and if your heart does not cry after listening to this song...the I don't know what will...until my tears will end for a time being...I will be with you again...
Too many Palestinians are dying today, too many Palestinians are crying, and since the Nakba, (catastrophe) in 1948, which was the invasion of Palestine by Zionists and Great Britain, to create, an illegal state, Israel.
I cannot stand by and allow this to happen...the killing, the crying, and all the dying. So I write...I share songs, I share my innermost feelings...
Stolen land...and land still being many killed since 1948, too many being killed today.
Please, please, tell me what you would do if your family was killed, your home stolen, your country stolen, bombs dropping overhead, blasting all it away? Please, tell me, what you would do if huge walls were surrounded all around you? What would you do if soldiers killed your loved ones everyday or imprisoned everyday, age does not matter? What would you do if you had to live in refugee camps? What would you do, if you were forced to flee your homeland, never being able to return??? Tell me, tell me, what would you do...???
With great love to Palestine,
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza Palestine) - Michael Heart - OFFICIA...
You will be asked before being able watch this video and song..."this this contains graphic content, do you wish to proceed to watch..." Not, the exact words...but close enough.
Well, I have watched and it is not so graphic...and even if it were shall we turn away from what is happening...shall we only look at things that do not show blood, that do not show destruction, that do not show the dead...the horrible atrocities that occur daily...
Or, shall we only watch videos of things we think are funny, or of animals doing silly or loving things...yes, they have their place, but if you only want to see this...than your eyes and your heart are not fully open...and the blind shall never see what truly is...
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Sami Yusuf Palestine Forever Palestine
What a beautiful and haunting song...I decided to type this post in red, (usually when I post for Palestine I use all colors of their flag; red, green, black, and white) not only because it one of the colors of the Palestinian flag,
Just since 2008 to 2014 there have been three "Operations," waged against the Gaza Strip, "Operation Cast Led, Operation Pillar of Defense, originally named, "Operation Pillar of Cloud", to "Operation Protective Edge."
Yet, since 1948, Palestine has been suffering by the hands of Zionist Israel, it all began in this year, 1948, The Nakba, which means catastrophe. This link, by wikipedia, gives the entire list of "operations," by Israel against Palestine, I was completely in shock when I read this list.
I only post this link since I used some information for this writing. And to make you aware of the history of the attacks against Palestine. There is too much information that I call, fully inaccurate.
I shall only list a few...the fact that the term the IDF is used, which means, the Israeli Defense Force. Many, most Palestinians, Palestinian supporters and activist call this entity, the IOF, meaning the Israeli Offensive Force, for their acts are on the offensive and not the defensive. Also, with the listed "operations against Palestine, are the perceived reasons, the true facts are not there.
Honestly, I do not know all of the true facts, but I do know many. The main fact is, that in 1948, a large group of fanatics, named "Zionists," which began in Europe during the 1800's. Great Britain, who, had become after WWI "The Protectorate of Palestine..." (after the so-called fall of the Ottoman Empire which was actually a decision made by the"Allies of WWI before the war had even began, to overthrow the Ottoman Empire and, they were already dividing the lands ruled by the Ottoman Empire, even before the war had been waged by the "Allies)... helped the Zionist lead the Nakba, the Catastrophe of 1948.
I shall list several links here to give you a greater understanding of Zionisim, the Nakba, of the deviance by the Illegal State of Israel and the support it receives, mainly by the United States, by using "terrorist" groups, as their main reasons for "defense," terrorists groups created, maintained, and funded by Mossad, Israel, and the United States Government, to the current "operation," that Israeli Offensive Forces are waging against innocent protestors of the Gaza Strip 2018, and, of some miscellaneous, and very important links of the truth and the horror. Here are the links:
I, personally, highly recommend that, not only Palestinian supporters, but those who do not understand how grave have been the so-called "operations," for Palestine, and especially, for those who believe what the fallacy of the "mainstream," tells you about how Israel is such a victim of the acts of Palestine! It is exactly the opposite of the truth, it is manipulated and invented lies of the agenda of the Zionists of the Illegal State of Israel, the United States, and many Western Nations, to demonize, to have not one Palestinian left, in what are already unlivable conditions, and to completely take over, of what is left of Palestinian Territory, which is under apartheid and illegal occupation.
I realize I, that I have said, and have shared much information, in mainly of my perspective, which, I know to be the truth, and in writing in a more historical fashion, rather than the more poetic form that I generally do.
I am not only saddened and shocked over what has and is happening to Palestinians, but I am angered, so VERY angered. My heart and my soul sheds more tears and more blood as I hear of more deaths, more bombings of hospitals or electrical plants, of homes, of drones spraying horrific toxic gases upon the people, of IOF soldiers beating, shooting, and imprisoning children...CHILDREN!!!
There are times when I share the hope for Palestine, there are times when I am very poetic with my hope and my sadness for Palestine, and there are times, as right now, that I share the facts that I know, and articles that I find through my investigations...and my great rage...
I dedicate this post to the blessed children who have died since 1948-to the present day...may there be no more death of these innocents...
I also dedicate this to the families of the precious innocents, to all who are suffering by the hands of this horrific genocide and occupation, and especially for:
Always, in the name of peace, love, and freedom...Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Dare To Believe (Voice-Only) - Zain Bhikha ft. Taariq Uwais Malinga, Aal...
"Dare to believe..."
Dare to believe that love does set us and the world free... be a better human being so that all share in a world ever so beautiful... smile...dare to make a change...dare..."Dare to believe..."
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam
Saving Lives Since 1984 | Islamic Relief UK
I watched this and tears flowed...there is far tooo much devastation and can anyone turn away from what is happening in the world today. We all must make a change...when I say we must all...I mainly mean, those who are not living through any situation that is even remotely close to the suffering you see in this video. To those who live quite comfortably. I know there are so many good people in this world and that there are many selfish people is this world. I feel that if you are one who is living a comfortable life if you are already doing some good to make the world better, I feel there is even a bit more that can be done, and if you are not, then I highly suggest that you begin...for you see, much of your comfort is the outcome of many peoples suffering...
May we all grow our hearts and souls bigger...
Love you all...especially the suffering.
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Islamic Relief Songs for Hope, Slide Show Featuring Maher Zain, Omar Re...
Asylum Alykum everyone...peace to you all. I pray and hope that you are well on this day or night wherever you may be right now in the beautiful world...
Today, I would like to share with all of you, at least two songs and one video. They will all be songs sponsored by Islamic Relief and I would like to also share a video about Islamic Relief.
I learned about Islamic Relief when I was attending University in Stockton, California, USA. It began with an amazing dinner of Afghani food which I had never had before...all made from members of Islamic Relief. The meeting hall of the University was filled with such a diverse group of people, men and woman. It was incredible. After we had our meal, a woman from the United States gave a presentation about he conditions of Palestine. She had travelled to Palestine many times and wanted to share her experiences and the sufferings of the Palestinian people.
This is how I learned of this amazing organization that was founded in 1984 in the United Kingdom and now serves over 40 countries. From war torn countries, to countries suffering great poverty and hunger, to countries who have suffered a natural disaster....and of course, for so many other causes and although it is an Islamic based organization based on the giving principals of the faith, all peoples of no matter what faith or no faith, are served. I find this to one of the most incredible giving organizations in the world. There is even a "MLK (Martin Luther King) Day of Service."
I share with you about Islamic Relief not to appeal for donations, of course, if you learn more about Islamic Relief and are moved to give, that would be your choice. I only am sharing with you for I believe that so many around the globe are unaware of the fantastic and forever giving group. I was so incredibly inspired when I first learned about them and remain to be so. I want people to know that a group that serves so many, and for so many reasons, and that is so, so very humble that we can all learn from the gift of their undying service to humanity...
Peace and love to all...and may we all grow bigger and greater hearts for the world.
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Sami Yusuf - Forgotten Promises
From my humble soul to your soul...I find this song so ever incredibly beautiful...may you as well...
Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Marvin Gaye.."What's Going On"...Motown 25..1983
Hello again all...I have so much, obviously, that I have been wanting to share, to say, to get out to the world the message of love and the message to end end greed and end grief and end end the needless suffering and the oblivioty of it all by far too many...I shall save most of my words for now and post songs of peace, of love, of hope, of protest, of songs the we used to sing to say..."What's Going On,?
So I will let the music do the singing and talking for now, but be certain that I will also be doing my writing, but for will be through song...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Labi Siffre-Something Inside So Strong.(1987) Original Video.
A powerful song that I just found during a search for a song of hope...a song of hope for those who have overcome gran adversity, a song of hope for those who are fighting for their freedom, a song of hope for those who are crying for justice...a song of hope for those who are hungering....a song of hope for those suffering from the grave atrocities of war...a song of hope for all sleeping on the streets...a song of hope for those wandering as refugees...a song of hope for a different humanity...for a world to wake up to the wrong and the hate... to the lies that prevail...a song of hope to you my beloved you you you you you under persecution in Myanmar, the Bahrain...a song of hope for those who feel invisible or forgotten...a song of strength and hope for all who are oppressed in suffering to stay strong...and to remember that love and justice shall prevail...
With all of my heart, peace, and love...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for ...
Yes, I realize that so many in the West find that RT is a "Russian Propaganda," so called state controlled news agency...well, it is not and thank goodness for that, for what you get in any of the junk of the West are full of blatant lies that the majority of the US public and the Western world believe, even if they call themselves with that out of the way...
Russia has had this intelligence well before this "staged chemical attack occurred in Douma, Syria."
"Moscow had warned that unconfirmed reports of atrocities and false-flag chemical incidents were likely to appear at a time when militant factions are losing ground in Syria. The latest report came as the Syrian Army pushed to liberate the remaining militant-occupied settlements in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, with the city of Douma being the last such city in the area."
It comes as Jaysh al-Islam militants holding the city of Douma reportedly held talks with government forces and agreed to leave the enclave. Damascus said on March 31 that nearly all militant-held settlements in Ghouta were liberated, and a major Syrian highway had been cleared after a seven-year militant blockade.
In February 2018, Syrian troops began the operation to retake the area that has been under militant control since 2012, and Russia brokered the creation of humanitarian corridors to allow locals to escape the siege. A total of 153,240 people have left the area through humanitarian corridors since the start of the operation, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Center for Syrian Reconciliation."
It comes as Jaysh al-Islam militants holding the city of Douma reportedly held talks with government forces and agreed to leave the enclave. Damascus said on March 31 that nearly all militant-held settlements in Ghouta were liberated, and a major Syrian highway had been cleared after a seven-year militant blockade"
If you recall this happened soon after Trump was elected to office, a staged "chemical" attack allegedly carried out by Al Bashar Assad and the Syrian Army...and, wow, now that there are actually peace talks going on by those who have help fight for Syria and the United States refuses to say..."alright we finally give in for our failure to overthrow Al Bashar Assad even using massive amounts of money and paid terrorists with the sole intention of this overthrow and the destabilization, or continued destabilization of the Middle East in order to have compete control of the region...
And the hideousness of the remarks by the hypocritical president, the Nicky woman of the United Nations, and of course, most commentaries of the hideous Western media...seriously, if one does not see the consistency of this pattern of "strike, for such an outrageous act against humanity," then, you are only a part of the huge problem and certainly not a part of the awakened.
It far time that the US, the Western world and the people believing such fallacies to seriously take a good look at what other countries are doing to make the world a safer and peaceful place...can we not stop our madness and begin to use our sense of consciousness and what is truly right and just...
Falsely staged attacks are just mind blowing to me...just because the US and it's puppets are not getting what they want through let's make up another staged chemical attack to outrage the Western World so that we can justify a swift reaction to the staged attack with the Western world and it's people who are say it...
It is a pattern that is so transparent that it is so shameful that it is still being accepted as truth...
May there finally by sanity...and it will not come through the United States, but by other countries of this world who have sense and who use diplomacy rather than hideous braun...
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
Trio talks: Russia, Turkey & Iran agree to join efforts in rebuilding Syria
I am absolutely appalled, but certainly not surprised, that due to the efforts to rebuild a Syria that has been on the brink of disaster after more than 7 years of foreign invasion, under the guise of "terrorists," all led by the United States and it's puppet allies, have yet, staged another "chemical gas attack," and of course, are blaming it on Russian intervention and Bashar Assad. This is going to give another, "humanitarian" reason for the United States to intervene...have you seen the hideous tweets by Donald Trump.
Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price... pay. Open area immediately for medical help and verification. Another humanitarian disaster for no reason whatsoever. SICK!
The United States efforts to over throw President Al Bashar Assad have failed on all their efforts and throw how many "terrorists," on the CIA payroll!!!???
Why is the United States not throwing fits and screaming humanitarian abuses at the illegal State of Israel...have there not been true and actually footage and true reports of chemical drones being used on the people of Gaza during these past several weeks...!!!??? Yes, this is happening and it is real...what the United States States does about these outrageous attacks against the peoples of Gaza, is foot the bill for the chemical attacks and the drones...along with all the other weaponry used to eliminate all of Gaza and the West bravo for us!? NO, NO, NO....
Bravo to Al Bashar Assad, Vladimir Putin and to
Hassan Rouhani for working out a peace process and committing to rebuild Syria...and for not carrying out acts of International violation....their crimes are supporting a sovereign nation and also, protecting the interests of their own nations so that they never become puppets of the United States...oh, how diplomatic is the United States...not at all...let's do all of our so called humanitarian acts through paid extreme terrorisim and through cowardly acts of set up events to justify more criminal international law violations all in the interests of lies and long will most people of the Western world continue to believe and accept this hideousness...?
All one needs to do is to use their own brain, their own heart, and their own consciousness to know that the United States refuses to use diplomacy and use force under all circumstances...especially circumstances that are created by the United States government and any and all corporate interests that will gain by force rather than sensible diplomacy.....something the United States knows nothing about.
We only know how to continue to be the fools of the planet and the ones who are continuously destroying the lives of so many and without any care or desire to care...
I do hope that the Western World will FINALLY WAKE UP to end all of this endless war and endless lies...for greed, profit, and no sense of reality...
The West is losing it's grip on power in the world as well as it's sanity to be sane...diplomacy by other nations will be taking over...and the United States refuses to be a part of diplomacy and to be held accountable to International is time to become a part of the real world US of A
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam...
Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror (Official Video)
This is where we all need to looking at the man...the woman in the mirror...this is the only way we will make change for the world, for the children, for all living beings, human, and all of this earth.
We do not have to be a Martin Luther King...we just have to be you and me...and together with the mindset of LOVE...THEN THE WORLD CAN BE A BETTER PLACE FOR EACH AND EVERYONE OF US ALL...FOR ALL LIFE, ROCKS, FORESTS, RIVERS, FLOWERS, BEES...FOR ALL...
Love to all,
Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.

One of the most powerful and haunting songs I have ever heard about Palestine. Djamy Ross, sings with such conviction and intensity, that on...
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Thank you Tupac Shakur for your music and your words during your short time on this planet... Maria Joan Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)
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For my Spanish speaking audience. Para mi audiencia de habla español. Muchas gracias... Con paz y amor, Maria
First, to note, I have been writing a series about war, but I am going to steer away temporarily. I find it necessary for my soul to do so ...