US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for ...

Yes, I realize that so many in the West find that RT is a "Russian Propaganda," so called state controlled news agency...well, it is not and thank goodness for that, for what you get in any of the junk of the West are full of blatant lies that the majority of the US public and the Western world believe, even if they call themselves with that out of the way...

Russia has had this intelligence well before this "staged chemical attack occurred in Douma, Syria." 
"Moscow had warned that unconfirmed reports of atrocities and false-flag chemical incidents were likely to appear at a time when militant factions are losing ground in Syria. The latest report came as the Syrian Army pushed to liberate the remaining militant-occupied settlements in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, with the city of Douma being the last such city in the area."

It comes as Jaysh al-Islam militants holding the city of Douma reportedly held talks with government forces and agreed to leave the enclave. Damascus said on March 31 that nearly all militant-held settlements in Ghouta were liberated, and a major Syrian highway had been cleared after a seven-year militant blockade.
In February 2018, Syrian troops began the operation to retake the area that has been under militant control since 2012, and Russia brokered the creation of humanitarian corridors to allow locals to escape the siege. A total of 153,240 people have left the area through humanitarian corridors since the start of the operation, according to the Russian Defense Ministry’s Center for Syrian Reconciliation."
It comes as Jaysh al-Islam militants holding the city of Douma reportedly held talks with government forces and agreed to leave the enclave. Damascus said on March 31 that nearly all militant-held settlements in Ghouta were liberated, and a major Syrian highway had been cleared after a seven-year militant blockade"
If you recall this happened soon after Trump was elected to office, a staged "chemical" attack allegedly carried out by Al Bashar Assad and the Syrian Army...and, wow, now that there are actually peace talks going on by those who have help fight for Syria and the United States refuses to say..."alright we finally give in for our failure to overthrow Al Bashar Assad even using massive amounts of money and paid terrorists with the sole intention of this overthrow and the destabilization, or continued destabilization of the Middle East in order to have compete control of the region...

And the hideousness of the remarks by the hypocritical president, the Nicky woman of the United Nations, and of course, most commentaries of the hideous Western media...seriously, if one does not see the consistency of this pattern of "strike, for such an outrageous act against humanity," then, you are only a part of the huge problem and certainly not a part of the awakened. 

It far time that the US, the Western world and the people believing such fallacies to seriously take a good look at what other countries are doing to make the world a safer and peaceful place...can we not stop our madness and begin to use our sense of consciousness and what is truly right and just...

Falsely staged attacks are just mind blowing to me...just because the US and it's puppets are not getting what they want through let's make up another staged chemical attack to outrage the Western World so that we can justify a swift reaction to the staged attack with the Western world and it's people who are say it...

It is a pattern that is so transparent that it is so shameful that it is still being accepted as truth...

May there finally by sanity...and it will not come through the United States, but by other countries of this world who have sense and who use diplomacy rather than hideous braun...

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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