Trio talks: Russia, Turkey & Iran agree to join efforts in rebuilding Syria

I am absolutely appalled, but certainly not surprised, that due to the efforts to rebuild a Syria that has been on the brink of disaster after more than 7 years of foreign invasion, under the guise of "terrorists," all led by the United States and it's puppet allies, have yet, staged another "chemical gas attack," and of course, are blaming it on Russian intervention and Bashar Assad. This is going to give another, "humanitarian" reason for the United States to intervene...have you seen the hideous tweets by Donald Trump. 

Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price...
What kind of humanitarian is this man...he and his predecessor were and are intent on destroying and taking over Syria to install a puppet US dictator. DOES ANYONE NOT SEE THE SAME PATTERN OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER....!!!???

The United States efforts to over throw President Al Bashar Assad have failed on all their efforts and throw how many "terrorists," on the CIA payroll!!!??? 

Why is the United States not throwing fits and screaming humanitarian abuses at the illegal State of Israel...have there not been true and actually footage and true reports of chemical drones being used on the people of Gaza during these past several weeks...!!!???  Yes, this is happening and it is real...what the United States States does about these outrageous attacks against the peoples of Gaza, is foot the bill for the chemical attacks and the drones...along with all the other weaponry used to eliminate all of Gaza and the West bravo for us!? NO, NO, NO....

Bravo to Al Bashar Assad, Vladimir Putin and to

Hassan Rouhani for working out a peace process and committing to rebuild Syria...and for not carrying out acts of International violation....their crimes are supporting a sovereign nation and also, protecting the interests of their own nations so that they never become puppets of the United States...oh, how diplomatic is the United States...not at all...let's do all of our so called humanitarian acts through paid extreme terrorisim and through cowardly acts of set up events to justify more criminal international law violations all in the interests of lies and long will most people of the Western world continue to believe and accept this hideousness...? 

All one needs to do is to use their own brain, their own heart, and their own consciousness to know that the United States refuses to use diplomacy and use force under all circumstances...especially circumstances that are created by the United States government and any and all corporate interests that will gain by force rather than sensible diplomacy.....something the United States knows nothing about. 

We only know how to continue to be the fools of the planet and the ones who are continuously destroying the lives of so many and without any care or desire to care...

I do hope that the Western World will FINALLY WAKE UP to end all of this endless war and endless lies...for greed, profit, and no sense of reality...

The West is losing it's grip on power in the world as well as it's sanity to be sane...diplomacy by other nations will be taking over...and the United States refuses to be a part of diplomacy and to be held accountable to International is time to become a part of the real world US of A

Maria Juarez Hidalgo Beam...

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