'US exacerbates humanitarian disaster in Syria' - Putin

The following quotes from the below entitled article from RT news source are from not of the Video above...I wanted to add many excerpts from this very important article, for this is a grave situation that the United States and it's allies are creating and that have been creating in Syria, for their own imperialistic and greedy purposes...all based on lies...lies...and more lies...

Caught in a lie, US & allies bomb Syria the night before international inspectors arrive...

Title of latest article on RT regarding the UU and it's allies bombing Syria...

Here are some excepts from the article which is not yet available on you tube...

..."For the past week, we were told that the US had ‘evidence’ and the UK had ‘evidence’ that Syria had used chemicals. The ‘evidence’ largely relied on video clips and photos shared on social media, provided by the Western-funded White Helmets (that “rescuer” group that somehow only operates in Al-Qaeda and co-terrorist occupied areas and participates in torture and executions), as well as by Yaser al-Doumani, a man whose allegiance to Jaysh al-Islam is clear from his own Facebook posts, for example of former Jaysh al-Islam leader, Zahran Alloush..."

..."General Mattis tried to dance around the legality, stating“the president has the authority under Article II of the Constitution to use military force overseas to defend important United States national interests.”
But he is wrong, this does not permit the US to illegally bomb a sovereign nation, and he knows it. So does Russia. In a statement on April 14, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the attacks as illegal, noting:
“Without the sanction of the Security Council of the United Nations, in violation of the UN Charter, norms and principles of international law, an act of aggression against a sovereign state that is at the forefront of the fight against terrorism has been committed...”

..."Bombings based on Al-Qaeda and Jaysh al-Islam Claims

The entire pretext of the US and allies’ illegal bombings of Syria is immoral and flawed. There is no evidence to the claims that Syria used chemicals in Douma. Numerous analysts have pointed out the obvious: that Syria would not benefit from having used chemical weapons. But America, Israel and allies would benefit from staged attacks..."

..."Israel and America benefit from the attacks... and are guilty of chemical weapons use

While the world’s eyes have been glazed over by chemical weapons script-reading journalists of corporate media, little notice is given to the ongoing Israeli slaughter and maiming of Palestinian unarmed demonstrators, targeted assassinations that last re-began with the March 30 murders of at least 17 unarmed Palestinians protesting in Gaza’s eastern regions. Israel’s murder of these unarmed youths, women and men got only mild tut-tuts from the UN, and was relegated to “clashes” by slavish corporate media. Israel is literally getting away with murder, as eyes are turned elsewhere.
According to Secretary Mattis, the US-led illegal attack on Syria “demonstrates international resolve to prevent chemical weapons from being used on anyone under any circumstances in contravention of international law....”

..."The irony? Both America and its close ally Israel have used chemical weapons on civilians. The US has attacked civilians in Vietnam and Iraq, to name but two countries, with chemical weapons..."

..."In 2009, I was living in Gaza and documenting Israel’s war crimes when Israel bombed civilians all over Gaza with white phosphorous. These were civilians with nowhere to run or hide, including civilians who had fled their homes and taken shelter in a UN-recognized school. I myself documented numerous instances of Israel’s use of white phosphorous.
If this doesn’t outrage American citizens, the billions of US taxpayers’ dollars sent to Israel and spent on the bombing of sovereign nations — and not on America’s impoverished, nor on affordable health care — should outrage..."

Here is the link so if you wish to read the entire article you can:

I am personally outraged, not only as a United States Citizen, but also, being a world citizen. I just wrote in my blogpost, "

US training Syria militants for false flag chemical attack as basis for ...Which was an article from RT news source...the words that followed were my own...

..."If you recall this happened soon after Trump was elected to office, a staged "chemical" attack allegedly carried out by Al Bashar Assad and the Syrian Army...and, wow, now that there are actually peace talks going on by those who have help fight for Syria and the United States refuses to say..."alright we finally give in for our failure to overthrow Al Bashar Assad even using massive amounts of money and paid terrorists with the sole intention of this overthrow and the destabilization, or continued destabilization of the Middle East in order to have compete control of the region..."

..."It far time that the US, the Western world and the people believing such fallacies to seriously take a good look at what other countries are doing to make the world a safer and peaceful place...can we not stop our madness and begin to use our sense of consciousness and what is truly right and just..."

Falsely staged attacks are just mind blowing to me...just because the US and it's puppets are not getting what they want through force...so let's make up another staged chemical attack to outrage the Western World so that we can justify a swift reaction to the staged attack with the Western world and it's people who are blind...to say yes...do it...do it...

..."It is a pattern that is so transparent that it is so shameful that it is still being accepted as truth..."

..."May there finally by sanity...and it will not come through the United States, but by other countries of this world who have sense and who use diplomacy rather than hideous braun..." 

In green, writings from Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme) of Beamthelightbethechange.blogspot.com from a previous post of April 08, 2018.

Well, it is now a reality that the United States and it's allies did not use, nor, take part in the diplomacy that had been going on in Syria...they used the braun!

Thank goodness, that much of the world is showing outrage at these Syrian strikes all based on a US and it's allies staged chemical attack. As, I have stated before do not the people of the United States see this pattern, not just in Syria, but the invasions of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the "New Cold War," and all of the hideous propaganda that goes along with this "New Cold War," even the Vietnam War, was all based on false information and on a falsely staged attack, "The Gulf Attack on Tonkin." The United States and it's crony allies are the guilty parties, the hypocritical parties, the true war criminals, and the cause of so much needless and endless suffering around the globe...

And, one day soon...the United States and these allies will have to pay a heavy price for their sins...it is the law of Karma...

Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam

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