Islamic Relief Songs for Hope, Slide Show Featuring Maher Zain, Omar Re...

Asylum Alykum everyone...peace to you all. I pray and hope that you are well on this day or night wherever you may be right now in the beautiful world...

Today, I would like to share with all of you, at least two songs and one video. They will all be songs sponsored by Islamic Relief and I would like to also share a video about Islamic Relief. 

I learned about Islamic Relief when I was attending University in Stockton, California, USA. It began with an amazing dinner of Afghani food which I had never had before...all made from members of Islamic Relief. The meeting hall of the University was filled with such a diverse group of people, men and woman. It was incredible. After we had our meal, a woman from the United States gave a presentation about he conditions of Palestine. She had travelled to Palestine many times and wanted to share her experiences and the sufferings of the Palestinian people.

This is how I learned of this amazing organization that was founded in 1984 in the United Kingdom and now serves over 40 countries. From war torn countries, to countries suffering great poverty and hunger, to countries who have suffered a natural disaster....and of course, for so many other causes and although it is an Islamic based organization based on the giving principals of the faith, all peoples of no matter what faith or no faith, are served. I find this to one of the most incredible giving organizations in the world. There is even a "MLK (Martin Luther King) Day of Service."

I share with you about Islamic Relief not to appeal for donations, of course, if you learn more about Islamic Relief and are moved to give, that would be your choice. I only am sharing with you for I believe that so many around the globe are unaware of the fantastic and forever giving group. I was so incredibly inspired when I first learned about them and remain to be so. I want people to know that a group that serves so many, and for so many reasons, and that is so, so very humble that we can all learn from the gift of their undying service to humanity...

Peace and love to all...and may we all grow bigger and greater hearts for the world.

Maria Juarez Joan Hidalgo Beam (Boheme)

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Be not afraid I go before you always lyrics.